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Tips, tricks and advice for Falcon players.

Entries in this blog

Important Changes and New Features in BMS 4.36

From the BMS forums: Required fixes! Following the following the report of multiple issues: Loss of flight performance in MP with some loadouts Graphical bug on missile trail launch Please apply the following lines on your “falcon BMS user.cfg” (User/config folder): https://forum.falcon-bms.com/topic/22302/temporary-fixes-for-4-36-0 There is also a setting to enable a click sound for the afterburner detent:   A-G Radar Changes (-34) The ba


Jeffu in Jeffu's Blog

Falcon BMS Keybindings for New Players

I write this so we have something to point new people to. This will be a quick how-to regarding keybindings for players new to BMS and unsure of what controls need to be bound. Also explained will be a vital control mechanic in BMS known as the Pinky Shift button, and how this will help you when you don't have $500 to blow on a new stick. Anybody used to a universal "do this" buttons as found in any normal video game needs to know that every in-game control mimics a control in the real


Jeffu in Jeffu's Blog

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