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    Group Training - Falcon BMS
    Jun 30

    Group Training - Falcon BMS


    Most every Weekend, we will be meeting up for a mission or few at 11:00:00 ZULU on Sundays.  (Minimum requirements: if you can ramp start, take off and land safely you're good). Our goal is to train and practice in Falcon BMS together online on the active VG server. Anyone is welcome, contact us if you have any questions prior to the event.  Most all of our discussions about this server happe

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  • Group Training - Falcon BMS
    Jun 30

    Group Training - Falcon BMS

    Most every Weekend, we will be meeting up for a mission or few at 11:00:00 ZULU on Sundays.  (Minimum requirements: if you can ramp start, take off and land safely you're good). Our goal is to train and practice in Falcon BMS together online on the active VG server. Anyone is welcome, contact us if you have any questions prior to the event.  Most all of our discussions about this server happe

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  • Group Training - Falcon BMS
    Jun 30

    Group Training - Falcon BMS

    Most every Weekend, we will be meeting up for a mission or few at 11:00:00 ZULU on Sundays.  (Minimum requirements: if you can ramp start, take off and land safely you're good). Our goal is to train and practice in Falcon BMS together online on the active VG server. Anyone is welcome, contact us if you have any questions prior to the event.  Most all of our discussions about this server happe

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