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I was doing commander quite often, and starting to get the grip for commanding. I wanted to start a topic so we can discuss about commanding as a whole, and help ourselves to improve. I wanted to get some opinions from each of us who used to command. Here are some questions that we could discuss:

UAVs: should it be the prioritized role of the commander? When we spot something on the UAV, should we also announce it on MB or squad chat?

Commands: should we give squads command on a vague scale(eg, cap this flag, retreat to this flag, support this squad), or on a specific scale(eg, attack this building, clean this spawn, move on this street)? And how often should we give out commands to the squads?

Logi: should the commander just leave the fob with two crates to the SLs to decide where assets go, or build every emplacement?

Area attacks: should we encourage SLs to call in area attacks, or just wait for the calls from the radios?

Frontline: I personally enjoy the style where I go to the front line to give out orders, or probably just talk to the squads knowing how's going on. Does that sound like a good idea? Plus, how useful do you think a commander's relay is?

Relations: Should we be that "supreme being", or just an "experienced player", or something in between?

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1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

UAVs: should it be the prioritized role of the commander? When we spot something on the UAV, should we also announce it on MB or squad chat?

No and yes. If needed you can use it to spot assets of the bot side (mortars/ tanks/apcs etc...) Inf markers are pretty weak and disappear after a while and this kind of makes the UAV shitty to use and boring. Even spotting the enemy assets is a bit weak as most experienced players already know when the enemy asset will respawn and be active.

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Commands: should we give squads command on a vague scale(eg, cap this flag, retreat to this flag, support this squad), or on a specific scale(eg, attack this building, clean this spawn, move on this street)? And how often should we give out commands to the squads?

I know we are a coop community but most of the time experienced squad leaders will deny any command and therefore the commander will be useless (unless it is some kind of milsim group with an operator squad leader and operator members :))  ). But from time to time I guess it is cool to have commands even though I will totally avoid following the orders just because I`ve never seen someone competent enough to actually guide me right when I attack a flag ( and by guiding right I mean avoid bot swarms/ die going down that path).

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Logi: should the commander just leave the fob with two crates to the SLs to decide where assets go, or build every emplacement?

This not really up to the commander most of the time. Yes the commander might decide to take the logi and use it as he wants, yes he may ask another squad that uses it to drop some crates, but he has no right to take action and steal the logi/ crates from another squad. (think of the commander as another player that is no different from a squad leader or a normal berry). 

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Area attacks: should we encourage SLs to call in area attacks, or just wait for the calls from the radios?

Yes and no.

Yes encourage but also tell them how to use it properly to avoid friendly fire and NO if someone without experience as a commander just goes trigger happy and accepts an area attack without checking the map... well (just expect TKs). It is good to teach players first, before any tragedy happens. I prefer not to ask for area attacks unless I know who to ask, I prefer regulars as they, most of the time, know how to do it properly. 

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Frontline: I personally enjoy the style where I go to the front line to give out orders, or probably just talk to the squads knowing how's going on. Does that sound like a good idea? Plus, how useful do you think a commander's relay is?

Good and bad, mostly good.

We are playing against bots, sooo dying is really a comfort here. If it was deployment, then yeah it will be really bad to be in the middle of everything. In coop the game really asks for a frontline commander as you can usually help others with the commander rally. In deployment everything should be well thought before acting (yes you can go in the middle of the firefight but never get surrounded by enemy, it will make things worse for your team as you can`t really command properly while dead :))))     ). 

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Relations: Should we be that "supreme being", or just an "experienced player", or something in between?

None, you are nothing but a human being, not a god, nor a Veteran. You are just a player, don`t be a cougar and brave with anyone, they will not tolerate your attitude. You are there to play the game and help them.


The commander role is more of a support role so I don`t really see the point of something like this being there all the time. I like it, it sounds good when the map is hard, but otherwise I believe that if the squad leaders are good, the commander role is pretty much useless. 

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The most useful role a commander can do on the server is to identify and mark enemy armor, mortar  pits, and quad guns if they're active. Giving competent SLs orders is not taken seriously especially if the Commander is inexperienced.

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1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

UAVs: should it be the prioritized role of the commander? When we spot something on the UAV, should we also announce it on MB or squad chat?

Not all maps have the UAV's. For me, I mostly use it to mark the enemy spawn point for certain maps as commander is able to mark more than SL (which have a cap of 3 or 4 markers). For enemy asset, I only mark the important asset or if friendly asset is nearby & they are blind that they did not know that certain enemy asset is just around their corner.

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Commands: should we give squads command on a vague scale(eg, cap this flag, retreat to this flag, support this squad), or on a specific scale(eg, attack this building, clean this spawn, move on this street)? And how often should we give out commands to the squads?

If i'm an SL, I will ignore commander orders as most of the time they give garbage commands which will lead me/my squad to my/their death. Unless commander provide critical information like active enemy mobile AA  & etc which is important for me/my squad to destroy it. I have my own set of priorities on which enemy asset to destroy first base on the current map.

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Logi: should the commander just leave the fob with two crates to the SLs to decide where assets go, or build every emplacement?

As per Blizzard reply above. But whoever is using that logi or if the map have only 1 logi, the person that is using it is FULLY RESPONSIBLE for dropping repairs for friendly asset. Always keep an eye out on the map, chat & etc for any repair request. Cuz plenty of times my asset got tracked, the person that using the logi totally ignore it in which inf squad kept requesting for armour support which i'm unable to provide.

1 hour ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Area attacks: should we encourage SLs to call in area attacks, or just wait for the calls from the radios?

Depending on the situation. Not all map have them. Sometimes it's not necessary as some flag just require experience players in that flag to cover spawn point in the cap zone & etc. 

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59 minutes ago, =VG= .Blizzard. said:

No and yes. If needed you can use it to spot assets of the bot side (mortars/ tanks/apcs etc...) Inf markers are pretty weak and disappear after a while and this kind of makes the UAV shitty to use and boring. Even spotting the enemy assets is a bit weak as most experienced players already know when the enemy asset will respawn and be active.

I know we are a coop community but most of the time experienced squad leaders will deny any command and therefore the commander will be useless (unless it is some kind of milsim group with an operator squad leader and operator members :))  ). But from time to time I guess it is cool to have commands even though I will totally avoid following the orders just because I`ve never seen someone competent enough to actually guide me right when I attack a flag ( and by guiding right I mean avoid bot swarms/ die going down that path).

This not really up to the commander most of the time. Yes the commander might decide to take the logi and use it as he wants, yes he may ask another squad that uses it to drop some crates, but he has no right to take action and steal the logi/ crates from another squad. (think of the commander as another player that is no different from a squad leader or a normal berry). 

Yes and no.

Yes encourage but also tell them how to use it properly to avoid friendly fire and NO if someone without experience as a commander just goes trigger happy and accepts an area attack without checking the map... well (just expect TKs). It is good to teach players first, before any tragedy happens. I prefer not to ask for area attacks unless I know who to ask, I prefer regulars as they, most of the time, know how to do it properly. 

Good and bad, mostly good.

We are playing against bots, sooo dying is really a comfort here. If it was deployment, then yeah it will be really bad to be in the middle of everything. In coop the game really asks for a frontline commander as you can usually help others with the commander rally. In deployment everything should be well thought before acting (yes you can go in the middle of the firefight but never get surrounded by enemy, it will make things worse for your team as you can`t really command properly while dead :))))     ). 

None, you are nothing but a human being, not a god, nor a Veteran. You are just a player, don`t be a cougar and brave with anyone, they will not tolerate your attitude. You are there to play the game and help them.


The commander role is more of a support role so I don`t really see the point of something like this being there all the time. I like it, it sounds good when the map is hard, but otherwise I believe that if the squad leaders are good, the commander role is pretty much useless. 

It is undeniable that the commander have much less of a role in coop, well...most players are experienced and knows their stuff.

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Commander is not a fulltime job in Project Reality.

Commander is only important in Deployment to find enemy assets/fobs/weaponcache. It is only usefull to observe the area and look if there is any AA or TOW emplacement so you can talk to the asset squads (apc, tank, cas) and warn them.

Commander in Coop is only usefull for accepting the area attack and after it you join back to your squad. Looking for any AA/AT emplacements isn't needed because after playing a map five times is enough to memorize the spawnlocations.

You could recon a coop layer once, mark it with icons and than making a screenshot. Next round you dont need to use UAV anymore. Use your screenshot.


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7 hours ago, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

UAVs: should it be the prioritized role of the commander? When we spot something on the UAV, should we also announce it on MB or squad chat?

A combination of UAV and a mortar squad that knows what they're doing could potentially relieve a huge amount of stress for the inf squads. Especially on the maps with little to no support from armor or cas.

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Here's a easy way to handle the Commander role:

Just dont.

In my opinion the Commander role it's nothing but an extra step to call arty strikes.
It's dumb, bland and boring.

Here's why I think that:

  • The UAV has no practical use without spamming the comms with information that might not be useful to one or more squads. Besides, I personally feel like being able to see all the enemies with thermals with no risk of being downed kinda cheesy, plus the AI can't even retaliate to such thing
  • Artillery strikes are situational and see very rare use.
  • No one treats the Commander as a superior because no one likes being bossed around if they already have their own squad to lead. They have their own plan and better awareness of their squad's strengths and weaknesses so they know what's better for their squad.
  • Being able to tell how much health vehicles have shouldn't even be in a thing if we can't see player names from far or our own health.
  • It instigates the opposite of cooperative gameplay. You are either at main playing find the insurgent on the UAV or staring at the unique easter egg inside the command tent while the UAV refuels.
  • When you are not at main fiddleling the drones you are at the front pretending to be more than just a golden blueberry.
  • If a squad leader doesn't already come up with the idea of calling an Artillery Strike and the Commander is not busy then by the time they communicate and organize it then you already missed the opportunity to call the strike. Plus some Squad Leaders have a squad just because all the other squads were full and they have no idea on how to play as a SL.
  • I mean, when was the last time someone said at the end screen something like "I'm glad we had a commander or else we would've lost"

Long story short: Commander is still in the game just for the sake of it being there and it has no real gameplay use.

You don't have to take me word for granted, you play whatever way you want, be it being an important asset that takes the team to victory or a useless sniper spending 30 minutes trying to climb a crane just to die again. I'm just saying what I think so anyone can use it as ammunition if they ever get the chance to convince the devs to either give the Commander a real use or just remove it completely.

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2 hours ago, =VG= keed said:

I like the commander role to build Fobs. It's basically a one man locked squad exploit lol.

For orders any squad leader can just organize things. Just keep asking and report (in team chat) if there is no written or audible response.

The only useful task the commander should do other than the occasional arty. Well said keed.

Qiezi, you played the role of commander on canyons a few days ago, removed a FOB that was later needed at a critical juncture in the game. I had placed the FOB early in the game because from my experience, the numbers we had on the server it would be needed. My prediction was correct and we struggled while you were barking panic orders which were largely ignored.
I don't believe you have developed the skills, knowledge, or earned the respect of the player base to effectively play the role of commander. Don't feel bad, I have not developed the skills or earned the respect of the player base either, and I surely wouldn't expect them to take commands from me.
Play infantry dude. Learn to play it well and prove your worth, earn the respect, and develop the skills first. 

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as everyone said I don't want a commander giving me an order that I know wont work. being the commander is a big role to fill. I've done it a couple of times and not everyone will comply to your orders in many reasons.
- they dont know you
- your tactics have flaws
- People already know what to do.
- your irritating to hear on squad chat (yes this is a thing) xD
- SL's what to have freedom to operate they're squads
- they just plainly dont care about the commander.

like Kave said Commander is just mainly for spotting and locating enemies on the map.

here in coop as soon as you found out how to read the Bot movements its easy to make a plan and just redo it over and over again.

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I say disable it outright, the option exists in configs & it's bad enough we know where all the spawns are without getting a rundown of where all the dumb little bots are, leave me what little surprise remains.  Like keed said it's little more than an exploit in coop and shouldn't exist along side static spawn points & such.


If you want to be useful to the team, just lead a squad, have fun doing it & help others have fun while doing so, Just a thought.

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On 6/23/2021 at 10:25 AM, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

UAVs: should it be the prioritized role of the commander? When we spot something on the UAV, should we also announce it on MB or squad chat?

The UAV is super powerful because accurate information can mean be difference between life and death for squads whether that info be the location of a tank (or the direction its looking), enemy inf sneaking to flags, AA mortar etc because remember someone will always look at their map when a commander mark is put down because its good info (if the commander is reliable).

On 6/23/2021 at 10:25 AM, Qiezi_The_Pleb said:

Area attacks: should we encourage SLs to call in area attacks, or just wait for the calls from the radios?

Encourage? If the situation calls for it I always try and get me some fireworks :D but remember that as the one who presses the button its your responsibility to inform squads before you call it and where so no one gets tk'd and people can move away or get to cover.


Frontline: I personally enjoy the style where I go to the front line to give out orders, or probably just talk to the squads knowing how's going on. Does that sound like a good idea? Plus, how useful do you think a commander's relay is?

The only good things you can do frontline would be set up good FOB's or Necessary Defenses random wire everywhere does nothing if the bots just walk past it.

Or just be @|*|>>RESCUE<<|*|  he's a wizard. :wizard:

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_I think the commander has more features than the team leader for logistics work, for example, I adjust the spawn points on the map according to the course of the map.

_it's nonsense not to use artillery support we have big support easy cap flags

_Fob works easy with commander specs

_Use uav spot aa or somethings save cas and trans squads and we have a eye in sky

_ İ am use Commander position ONLY independent and ready to help all squads for map completed

_İ am not need points SERVICE BEFORE SELF its RESCUE



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As a someone who played mostly commander and a squad leader, i do prioritize on spotting enemy armor first, after a while you get to know which maps are deadly to your friendly armor and infantry squads, and based upon that you gonna do a different stuff on that map. I think my favourite is mutrah since there is bunch of enemy armor and usually infantry has to deal with it, and it is also a much more easier map suddenly when the squads have their own advanced uav that keeps telling them what is about to pop up.

Also you are the biggest friend of cas, and with a great squad leader of cas you can pretty much deal with the whole map spotting targets for them. Sadly laser is not what it used to be as you have to use the map now and right click the position which with skill you can make it accurate but it sometimes tends to not active or be there for a very short time, or the tank just passes over the designated area.

About the area attack ? well sadly many people does not even know how to call it out, but i usually ask squad leads if we can get an area attack on that position, then you suddenly get an answer from someone ''do it your self you are the commander,'' but friend i need your help i cannot do it without you.

Fobs, lately there is alot of people building those around and if not, again check which map are you playing do you need uav now at the moment ? no? then make some fobs, usually though you just gonna end up with your right click ready and demolish button since there is a lot of people building fobs in absolute non sense places.

Even though voice coms is key sometimes it is a bit too much for squad leaders, if you have an information for only one squad, i recommend talking directly to each squad since squads have their own voice and it sometimes makes a big mess.

*also our reputation marks are gone, what is this abomination.?*

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