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PR bots and your thoughts

=VG= Melon Muncher

PR bots  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the bots having other kits (AA, HAT, Sniper etc)?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes to some, No to others (elaborate in reply)
  2. 2. Do you like the bots being less accurate and more suppressive?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't notice a change
    • Seems like it's the opposite
  3. 3. Do you notice changes to bots behavior in vehicles?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't know
  4. 4. Do you notice a difference between difficulty at low pop? (sub 25 players)

    • It was harder before
    • It's harder now
    • Don't know
  5. 5. Do you want us to continue down this route of making the game more teamwork focused?

    • Yes within reason
    • No keep it as is
    • No go back to old ways
  6. 6. If I were to make deployables require shoveling what would you want?

    • None
    • Fobs
    • HMGs ATs AAs
    • Foxholes/sandbags
    • Razorwire
  7. 7. Would you like a return to the old PR? 1 month ago

    • Yes
    • No
    • No, but the system needs improvement
  8. 8. Do you find any of the currents bots overpowered?

    • LAT
    • HAT
    • AA
    • LMG/MG
    • Unscoped
    • Scoped
    • Shotgun
    • SMG
    • None
  9. 9. Do you find any of the bots underpowered

    • LAT
    • HAT
    • AA
    • LMG/MG
    • unscoped
    • Scoped
    • Shotgun
    • SMG
    • None
  10. 10. Do you think the new bots require a rebalancing of maps?

    • Slower spawn times on bot assets
    • Slower spawn time of bot emplacements (AA, AT)
    • Slower spawns on both sides
    • Faster spawns on both side
    • No changes needed
  11. 11. What do you think of the speed of current games

    • Games need to be faster paced
    • Games need a slower pace
    • Games are good as is current (with changes)

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I am really enjoying the change(s). It can be a slog when we have a lot of inexperienced players in the population who don't understand the game let alone the strategy needed to win the map. From an ADMIN perspective, it is a nightmare ATM. The combination of new players, changes and people who just don't know what they are doing is causing me to increase my blood thinners in order to maintain my alcohol system balance. 

I'm lov'in it Melon and thanks for all the hard work and thought you are putting into this and thank you ZEE for the changes you are making! It is all working GREAT!!  

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My thoughts on current & future changes:

1) i'm intrigued by the possibility of having to dig up FOB & emplacements, it's gonna make the game more interesting & trans more useful because you can't just demolish emplacement and replace it instantly, you have to call trans to use crate to supply those emplacement properly as well once they've been dug, but if its to be implemented, i think the bot's respawn time (not bot emplacement) may need some readjustment to compensate for it.

2) Bots using special kits is awesome!

3) LAT is waaaaay too accurate in it's current state especially against helis (considering bots now have AA & HAT kit at their disposal, LAT kit needs to be debuffed  in terms of accuracy), the amount of bots spawning with LAT, combined with it's target acquisition range makes it deadlier than anything else in the game, you can flare your way out of dense MANPAD net, but to dodge those LAT, man you really need to wiggle the heli constantly, & by constantly i mean always, all the way from the moment you take off till you land.

leave 1 bot with LAT kit alive in a weird spot close to player's main way of advancement and it'll surely demolish all assets on players side, 1 time all friendly helis (cas & trans) were downed one after another because of a single bot with LAT kit stuck in a weird spot.

4) Small arms fire suppresses & damages helis somewhat quick enough making co-pilot role more essential, same goes with side gunner for example in a CAS Huey & forcing CAS to coordinate with infantry on the ground & the commander more often (this in itself i don't have a problem with, in fact i like it, forcing cas to do a quick calculated pass instead of lingering around & hovering, problem is most SL don't even know how to put markers on the map let alone effectively coordinating with asset squad, some would even just straight up not communicate at all)

Other than that, everything else is awesome (other than the random crashes ofcourse)

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48 bots = 6 full squads
In each squad 1 HAT and one AA will be enough i guess...
HAT bots can be more focused on ground vehicles instead of aircrafts...

Everything else is fine to me,
Its not hard to exit a vehicle real quickly and pop INF smoke, or be more COOP-erative with other squads and tell them to do it for you.
Guys just forget about it, same for Off map Artillery :) 


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8 minutes ago, =AMPH= said:

48 bots = 6 full squads
In each squad 1 HAT and one AA will be enough i guess...
HAT bots can be more focused on ground vehicles instead of aircrafts...

Everything else is fine to me,
Its not hard to exit a vehicle real quickly and pop INF smoke, or be more COOP-erative with other squads and tell them to do it for you.
Guys just forget about it, same for Off map Artillery :) 


If there is to be a HAT per squad, so should our team have it. The bots should have the same rules on kit limits as players.

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43 minutes ago, Torun said:

If there is to be a HAT per squad, so should our team have it. The bots should have the same rules on kit limits as players.

No not really, Bots are good but not THAT good. Maybe not every squad should get them but 1 or 2 extra would be fine. But as of right now I see no need in changing how many HATs or AA there are, seems pretty well balanced to me

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I'm enjoying the changes. Finally there's something new about how the bots play. The only thing I noticed that annoys me is the accuracy of LATs (or maybe I'm just very unlucky). It seems to me that no matter how quick I move or how far I am from the LAT, it always manages to hit me. 


Also the bots prefiring is a problem, but it has been for ages so I guess it's not easily fixable.

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3 hours ago, =VG= Nyther said:

Having Fobs need someone to shovel it would help a lot against bad fob placements

Now let bots place down mines or pop smoke >:)

If they deployed smoke and AT/AP mines....That would be SICK!!

I like the shoveling aspect...Agree with giving trans some work and keeps the shitty placements down

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The speed of the games are fine and i dont think rebalancing is needed for any of the maps just fixing of small things. Not seeing any underpowered kits at the moment, as far as overpowered id say the SMG needs to fire more (use it like an smg) and lower LAT accuracy on light armored assets a smidge the rate light armor gets shot at is fine (HMV, Logi, Transport)

As far as shoveling emplacements id say the AT, AA, MG, FOB, and Razor wire be shoveled however they should be able to be done by one man (it would take longer with 1 man it simply should be possible) BUT if the AT, AA, MG must be shoveled they should be targeted less or at least less accurately by AT otherwise they would get destroyed too often making them not worth the time.

Foxholes and sandbags shouldnt be shoveled imo because the hard maps we need them on are ones with open flag caps with little cover that we dont have any time to shovel let alone place a single foxhole. (example Ia Drang, Charlies point, Fools road etc) 

7 hours ago, Operator Goose said:

True also just instantly shoot you when peeking a corner

If you're making a racket on the flag with your tank and a bot spawns with an rpg he's going to target you through the wall because he can hear you and shoots instantly when you're in line of sight.

3 hours ago, Torun said:

If there is to be a HAT per squad, so should our team have it. The bots should have the same rules on kit limits as players.

Humans can be more efficient with 2 hats than Bots can with 10 a good portion of maps we have many more heavy assets than them and when one of those assets has 300 kills thats not gameplay.

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I have a few suggestions, some have already been mentioned.

  1. We've had to dig FOBs & razor wire before and all that happens is no one uses them generally
  2. To me BOTs with LATS & HATS should only target vehicles
  3. BOTs with AA should only target Jets & Helis
  4. Review the reason why we dont play maps like Mestia, Tad Sae, Charlies Point, good maps but way too OP at the moment
    and its not only the vegetation, Mestia needs more transport vehicles for example.
  5. Lower the range of the BOTs using shot-guns

Other than these points, the game is harder yes, but better than walkovers like we had before. Cheers guys & great work!!

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1 hour ago, =VG= Zeee said:

If you're making a racket on the flag with your tank and a bot spawns with an rpg he's going to target you through the wall because he can hear you and shoots instantly when you're in line of sight.

Yeah but when you're driving a Humvee and the millisecond you get to the top of the hill, the damn LAT rocket is ALREADY there saying "hi" is just ridiculous. Also, getting shot in the head with a HIP FIRING IRON SIGHT rifle from across the map is no fun.

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Everything seems great so far, many people have been complaining about the stingers not working that they seem to shoot even before they fully lock on, which i have seen the trackers, the perfect example is jabal due to trans helicopters, and people are being sniped from the sky with lats, and i feel like that should be probably disabled, i am not a huge pilot my self i rather stick to the earth, but this is basically a double risk now for transport helicopters.

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9 hours ago, LangMaster said:

people are being sniped from the sky with lats, and i feel like that should be probably disabled

I don’t think this should be disabled, it makes the battlefield actually feel like a battlefield. Helicopters are still VERY VERY useful and had little to no resistance from enemy Infantry. Now that they shoot stingers/iglas and LATs at them, (oh and Melons newly designed AA, aka; MG’s - which absolutely laser beam you out of the sky if you get too close) you actually have to avoid landing directly on objectives like we used to. It adds strategy and requires pilots to finally use their brain a little. 

As for stingers shooting before they fully lock, i haven’t experienced this yet but it’s probably possible.

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