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PR bots and your thoughts

=VG= Melon Muncher

PR bots  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the bots having other kits (AA, HAT, Sniper etc)?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes to some, No to others (elaborate in reply)
  2. 2. Do you like the bots being less accurate and more suppressive?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't notice a change
    • Seems like it's the opposite
  3. 3. Do you notice changes to bots behavior in vehicles?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't know
  4. 4. Do you notice a difference between difficulty at low pop? (sub 25 players)

    • It was harder before
    • It's harder now
    • Don't know
  5. 5. Do you want us to continue down this route of making the game more teamwork focused?

    • Yes within reason
    • No keep it as is
    • No go back to old ways
  6. 6. If I were to make deployables require shoveling what would you want?

    • None
    • Fobs
    • HMGs ATs AAs
    • Foxholes/sandbags
    • Razorwire
  7. 7. Would you like a return to the old PR? 1 month ago

    • Yes
    • No
    • No, but the system needs improvement
  8. 8. Do you find any of the currents bots overpowered?

    • LAT
    • HAT
    • AA
    • LMG/MG
    • Unscoped
    • Scoped
    • Shotgun
    • SMG
    • None
  9. 9. Do you find any of the bots underpowered

    • LAT
    • HAT
    • AA
    • LMG/MG
    • unscoped
    • Scoped
    • Shotgun
    • SMG
    • None
  10. 10. Do you think the new bots require a rebalancing of maps?

    • Slower spawn times on bot assets
    • Slower spawn time of bot emplacements (AA, AT)
    • Slower spawns on both sides
    • Faster spawns on both side
    • No changes needed
  11. 11. What do you think of the speed of current games

    • Games need to be faster paced
    • Games need a slower pace
    • Games are good as is current (with changes)

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10 hours ago, LangMaster said:

Everything seems great so far, many people have been complaining about the stingers not working that they seem to shoot even before they fully lock on, which i have seen the trackers, the perfect example is jabal due to trans helicopters, and people are being sniped from the sky with lats, and i feel like that should be probably disabled, i am not a huge pilot my self i rather stick to the earth, but this is basically a double risk now for transport helicopters.

A bit of pre-flares and and landing on safe location makes game more interesting

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Great feedback, thanks everyone. 

I've done some changes today based on feedback, will leave as is for about a week so everyone can get a feel for it. Keep up with feed back as it comes to you.

Main changes are;

Bots are more open to suppressing an area with an machine gun now. Will definitely suppress you when they have a good angle.
Snipers are a bit more likely to shoot when they don't have a perfect shot. 
Bots should hopefully stay on target a bit longer, rather than forgetting about you as soo as you duck in cover.
SMG bots spray and pray more than the john wick shit they were doing with scorpions before, expect a full mag dump in close quarters

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My thoughts.

if the game mechanics prevent you to:

Instant mili second accurate aim in any of its kits and vehicles. ''which I found realistic'' some way.

it should be the same for the bots. 

same disabilities in both sides.

that's a perfect balance for me. 

everything else is just fine.

in a real fight you really don't know what you are against to until you there.

it could be 20 guys with hat kits or a full army against a single squad. 

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Now that I've had a few hours game play on different maps I will say the changes are great. Game play is much more challenging and I love that seasoned players are not "owning" the top score list anymore. Seems that now things are less predictable the playing field is a little more equal between seasoned and newish players. 

The negatives for me is a: how much I get suppressed by enemy I can not even see. I'm using a scoped weapon getting suppressed by iron sights from 1/2 way across the map. And b: the amount of whining coming from seasoned players about it being to hard, LOL 

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7 hours ago, =VG= Skiddles said:

The negatives for me is a: how much I get suppressed by enemy I can not even see. I'm using a scoped weapon getting suppressed by iron sights from 1/2 way across the map. And b: the amount of whining coming from seasoned players about it being to hard, LOL 

I agree with the suppression thing in a way. I do love the fact we get suppressed way more now, but across the map is pretty crazy when they have iron sights. Also sometimes you could walk into a room, and before you even see the enemy… POP… one tapped the second your nose is peaking through.

Also, I love a challenge when it come to CAS, I never want it to be easy, but those quads need some changes. Now that we have man pads and infantry shooting you more, being shot through the fog (low render distance) from a quad is very frustrating. And like Kevin said, it’s even affecting infantry/armour. Other than thats i LOVE the changes 

(Thanks @X0R, you haven’t had any credit yet and you deserve it) 

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Having also had some time with how things are, I think giving bots MANPADs is a good addition as it incentivizes a wild weasel approach to finding them. I also can agree with LATs taking shots at helis, because it's easy to complacently hover in one spot and plink at infantry from afar, but their precision requires some tuning. I don't fancy quite as much when a bot comes into view from around the corner, while I'm at speed, and it snapshots me out of existence.

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7 minutes ago, Torun said:

it's easy to complacently hover in one spot and plink at infantry from afar

Well see that's the problem right there. You can still hover like 200 meters above the ground and away and the bots will not target you. This is problematic for the players that actually try to get engaged on closer ranges or lower altitudes.

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Quad guns were not changed, just your imagination that they are better lol.

LATS with single shot haven't fired at helis in a while, but I've changed it again. Only ins RPGs will target a chopper and their accuracy and range got nerfed more.

Nerfed shotguns, iron sights and reflex sights accuracy.

Slight buff to lmg, slight.


Please remember bots are a little bit more realistic. They will hear your tank/apc and prep accordingly. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
6 hours ago, =VG= The_Polish_Guy said:

Are the bot AA kits supposed to have unlimited supply of ammo? Or at least more than one missile? Because if so it's very annoying and should be changed. They can already do a lot using just one missile.

Yes, all weapons rearm. This way the bots don't run out. they take between 30-60 seconds to get another rocket. Bots are too dumb to rearm on a crate or a rifleman.

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With respect to BOT ability, accuracy etc.
Is it possible to set different levels for different BOTS? 
Say 10% at level 10, 20% at level 9, 30% at level 8,  etc etc etc? So they are more like the human players? Some really good, most kinda average and few noobs?

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4 hours ago, =VG= Skiddles said:

With respect to BOT ability, accuracy etc.
Is it possible to set different levels for different BOTS? 
Say 10% at level 10, 20% at level 9, 30% at level 8,  etc etc etc? So they are more like the human players? Some really good, most kinda average and few noobs?

Unfortunately not, all bots get set to the same difficulty with changes based on their weapons. Sniper for example is very accurate and gets headshots often. SMG bot is shit at anything over 30m

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4 hours ago, whtz said:


That "All / None" function is to check or uncheck each box in an adjacent checkbox set when the option for 'Multiple Choices' has been selected.  The choice for 'None' as the OP has presented the poll is available in the choices, but he's made it possible to select more than one item if your opinion is to shovel Fobs AND HMG's, for example.

There is no micro-logic to allow 'select all BUT the option for None' - best compromise would be to remove the choice for 'None' as the question is "IF shoveling were to return", and make it separate like 'Should shoveling return', but I imagine he was trying to keep it concise since it's already a very long poll.  And since it is a required option, he had to add a 'None' for those who would not want shoveling to return on any.

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On 3/11/2022 at 9:48 PM, KevinBrute said:

Just noticed the bots will spray n pray at close range even with rifles. That makes CQB requires more teamwork and more muzzles covering each other. I love it!

Yep i got full auto at close range recently , felt like Pvp very cool.

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On 3/11/2022 at 10:48 PM, KevinBrute said:

Just noticed the bots will spray n pray at close range even with rifles. That makes CQB requires more teamwork and more muzzles covering each other. I love it!

I did notice that this spray'n'pray doesnt pay off IMO though. Have had several surprising firefights with a bot at about 15m range, and I can tap him dead while he is literally spraying about 20 bullets that mostly/all miss me. In those encounters I feel like I definitely should have died, lol.

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