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DayZ =VG= Players Diary


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I'm at the deer stand just South of Three Valleys.
Don't have a lot.

3 bandages
1 painkiller
1 mp5a5 0 rounds
1 flashlight
1 chemlight
1 2rnd pellets
1 cz 550 mag
1 road flare
1 smoke grenade
1 steel bolt

No food or water but still in the green. I've been running back and forth between the deer stand and a barn trying to find some good loot.
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Whitewolf, I need your best description of your coordinates. We will be working our way over to your location today.

UTM grids would be nice. Or a picture saying "I AM HERE!"


41/42 left x 7/8/9 top, cords from map one
Map 1: http://teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/
Map 2: http://avidblur.com/arma2/nolegend.html

i am were the blue Box / circle is in attached file

what time do you want/need me on TeamSpeak ?
7pm EST ?
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Good run today. We have tent set up and found a UAZ. I think we took fire when we drove off so someone was pissed. !threaten

Wolf, we are over 4km away from you. If the UAZ is still around we can reach you quicker. Also, when are you online? I have been playing at around 0800-1200 UTC. SOme others are playing a little earlier.

We need more tents please. I also have an M9SD mag for Castor and a CZ550 for him aswell if he wants to trade out his primary.

Your orders today.
-Tents (keep them in your inventory, do not deploy)
-CZ550 ammo or a better sniper rifle
-any SD ammo or weapon
-ak ammo
-scoped assault rifles/m203

I know it's not a proper update but I am tired. !lazy
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Wolf, we are over 4km away from you. If the UAZ is still around we can reach you quicker. Also, when are you online? I have been playing at around 0800-1200 UTC. SOme others are playing a little earlier.

I am on the PC most of the day, if you want to send me a txt message i'll be on asap ...
or xfire my XFire: usafsniper411

0800-1200 UTC

3 AM -to- 7 AM Est ?

UTC (Zulu) Time Conversion Chart
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Logged in yesterday to try out the new patch and to get back on my feet. I logged in near Kozlovka (even though I thought I was much farther west when I logged out.) I creeped through town but didn't find anything of use so I kept pushing west. Hit 4 deer stands on the way up to Zelengorsk but didn't find much of anything besides some ammo for my AK. I trucked into Zelengorsk to hit up the market and had some good finds. Stocked up on beans and water and found 2 maps, 3 watches, 2 compasses, a box of matches, and a hatchet. Grabbed what I could carry and then hit the woods to the west and logged for the day. I'll try to push north and rally with the rest of the group tonight. I need to find a pistol and a knife, and I have an extra map and compass for someone if they need it.
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Today?s players: WhiteWolf, Renain, Dave, PIG, Lazlo and me.


We had a good day today with one exception. The tents are still bugged and we lost 50% of our gear after a server restart overnight. We linked up with Whitewolf, lost Renain to the debug plains, secured some awesome gear, and found a new car.

A brief recap. We secure a tent and a military UAZ jeep yesterday and set them up on two separate servers. We stored haldf our gear in the tent abut it was lost overnight to a the tent monster. A mythical beast that I thought was only a scary bedtime story. Everyone was set with gear and we were on a roll.

Today. After losing our gear to the monster I went solo on a LRRP to Whitewolf's pos where we linked up and I escorted him back to our AO. We also linked up with Lazlo and PIG. Dave came online but Wolf left and we all took a bio break for a few hours for real world stuff.

Came back online and soon we had a three man LRRP ready to go. Pig, Lazlo and myself. We planned a recce to a deer stand (DS), military area, water source and a known vehicle spawn. The recce started off ok with some generic crap at the DS. We moved to an overwatch point looking for a repairable helo and instead we found a crashed helo. SCORE! !neo

I set Pig and Laz on overwatch and I grabbed my newly acquired hatchet and headed in for a quick peak. After dispatching some Z's that got too close I could now see the loot. Two .50 cal rifles, two FN-FAL rifles, and a bison with ammo to boot. Kowabunga score! !superman Dave heard the news and I think he wore out his virtual boots trying to get to our pos. After some careful backpacking and technique we managed to secure all the gear and only lost a generic rifle and an ak.

With water low we moved to a local source and Pig stumbles across a shiny new car! And what happens to be in the trunk of this car? A shiny new .50 cal rifle with ammo! Talk about some good luck. We secure our new ride and after took off. After an hour of 20 mph driving in the grass we ran out of gas near our FO. !racing

We tried a second run at the helo but alas no new loot. I guess we left something behind and it prevented the new spawn. So we hit a different water source and logged for the night.


Castor, I have some toys for you.... !gundown

Whitewolf, let those guys know we can come and play once and awhile. !cheers

Renain, I'm sorry you have had some crappy luck lately. Hang in there buddy! !blackeye

Lazlo, when you get a chance can you drop that AS50 ammo in the green jeep. Thanks. !trin

Current weapon status:
bison/M1911 (PigFarmer)
M14 aim/M9SD (Castor) +camo
FN-FAL/M1911 (Dave)
AK-74 kobra/M1911 (Lazlo)
NEW SPAWN (Renain)

We are currently near Devil's Castle

Current loot request.

JEEPS and 4x4s
Intel on any HELICOPTER. Even repairable ones.

Advanced belt gear such as:
Entrenching Tool

All 9mm including SD
MP5SD ammo (no longer priority)
bison SD ammo

Any sniper rifle +ammo.
SD weapons +ammo
Scoped assault rifles. PSO/ACOG
M203 rifles

Do not place items in the tents! The Tent Monster eats everything at every server restart.
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I was gonna do a little write up but PITN beat me to it. Thanks much for the upgraded gun pig, I'll try not to glitch out and lose it. I'm not sure if I have any AS50 ammo, unless someone dropped it in my pack. Also, I have no pistol like you said, haven't seen any guns besides AK variants. Anyone finds any pistols, please snag one for me.
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Today?s players: WhiteWolf, Renain, Dave, PIG, Lazlo and me.

We had a good day today with one exception. The tents are still bugged and we lost 50% of our gear after a server restart overnight. We linked up with Whitewolf, lost Renain to the debug plains, secured some awesome gear, and found a new car.

Today. After losing our gear to the monster I went solo on a LRRP to Whitewolf's pos where we linked up and I escorted him back to our AO. We also linked up with Lazlo and PIG. Dave came online but Wolf left and we all took a bio break for a few hours for real world stuff.

Do not place items in the tents! The Tent Monster eats everything at every server restart.

Make sure you HIT "SAVE TENT" after putting something in/out


Whitewolf, let those guys know we can come and play once and awhile. !cheers

I'm sure we will all have fun !cheers
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Today?s players: PASS-N-GAS, Lazlo, BurnItDown, Jivebalogna, wildcoldcuts and me.


Easy day today. Some gear but not crazy good stuff. BurnItDown joined us with his friends on TS for a bit. Oh, and a bus.

Lazlo and me hit the local watering hole but both of us fizzled out with an hour due to the real world. I hooked up with PASS later and we did a 18km LRRP. We found a bus near the church in Lopatino and another quad.

As for loot we managed to get an AK-74, M1911, Hatchet and misc loot.

THE JEEP IS FULL OF LOOT AND WILL NOT HOLD MORE! So I am testing a tent and if it holds loot we will start to use that. I'd like to get a few quads running NOT to drive but to hide and use as storage. Never mind, we lost everything on a server restart. Current theory is that the SAVE was too close to the restart but dunno.

Burn, Jive, and Wild were near the coast and were having trouble with snipers and Z's. I don't think they ever made it off the coast. I hope you guys come back and we can hook up for some more games!

A quiet uneventful game today.

Current weapon status:
AK-74/M1911 (PITN)
bison/M1911 (PigFarmer)
M14 aim/M9SD (Castor) +camo
FN-FAL/M1911 (Dave)
AK-74 kobra/none (Lazlo)
NEW SPAWN (Renain)

We are currently near Devil's Castle

Current loot request.

JEEPS and 4x4s
Intel on any HELICOPTER. Even repairable ones.

Advanced belt gear such as:
Entrenching Tool

All 9mm including SD
MP5SD ammo (no longer priority)
bison SD ammo

Any sniper rifle +ammo.
SD weapons +ammo
Scoped assault rifles. PSO/ACOG
M203 rifles

Saving loot outside of your charcter is not reliable. Need tents for testing.
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Today?s players: Lazlo, Renain, Dave and me.


Zombies, meds, 10k run and a helibopper.

I started on the NE area and moved to meet Dave and Lazlonear Benzenito. Renain was down near Balota and making friends with the local Zeds. After meeting up with D and L we searched the stores and deer stand for goodies. Dave found A G17 and I stuffed a M9 into my backpack as a spare. Then we hit the hospital to secure some supplies and perform a few blood transfusions. Every now and then a zed would wander to close and get dispatched asap.

Laslo logged while me and Dave headed west with plans to hit the NW airfield. I stopped at a few deer stands and Dave hit Devil's Castle. The deers stands had crappy loot. The best thing I found was a m1014 with ammo but I was already spec'd with an AK. Dave chickened out at the Castle when players came online.

I continued on to the NW airfield while Dave waited. Soon after the suspect clan disconnects and we decide to meet near the airfield. That was until I entered a clearing filled with Zeds. I was thinking why so many Z's and while I was scanning I did a double take. A crashed helicopter! Awesomeness! I passed the info to Dave and we rallied near the helo. M14_aim, DMR, M107, and a M249. All with ammo. SCORE!

Oh, wait. We can't carry all this crap. Shit, Zeds try to take a bite out of Dave. Dave takes off into the night with the Z's chasing him. However, one decides to get some din din from my slow ass. I'm not running. Out comes my baby, the AK-47. Brap! Brap! Bye Zed #1. Oh, you have friends? And so goes #2, #3, #,4 and #5. A quick scan reveals that all the Z's have been dispatched or are out exercising Dave.

No I have a dilemma. How do I secure the best gear? Well the DMR is the shite and it is NVG compatible So bye bye goes my AK that I've had for a nearly ten days. The M14 ammo is gonna be donated to the DMR fund so that is out too. The M107 would be nice but it can only be used during the day and it had only one 10 round mag. About this time Dave returns from his jog and all we have left is the M249 and three belts of ammo. I drop the spare M9 and pickup the ammo. Dave secures the M249 in his pack. The first lucky SOB we meet up with later is gonna end up with 300 rounds of firepower!

The server is starting to fill and since we can't carry anymore we figure it is time to book it. We run for our hide and log off to fight another day.

It was good day today.

Last known weapon status:
DMR/M1911 (PITN)
bison/M1911 (PigFarmer)
M14 aim/M9SD (Castor) +camo
FN-FAL/G17 (Dave)
AK-74 kobra/none (Lazlo) (do you have an mp5 now?)
NEW SPAWN/lost in the woods (Renain)

We are currently near Devil's Castle

Latest INTEL:
EU75: Crashed helo at 051048

Current loot request.

JEEPS and 4x4s
Intel on any HELICOPTER. Even repairable ones.

Advanced belt gear such as:
Entrenching Tool

All 9mm including SD
MP5SD ammo (no longer priority)
bison SD ammo

Any sniper rifle +ammo.
SD weapons +ammo
Scoped assault rifles. PSO/ACOG
M203 rifles
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thanks dave outstanding sir epic tale.well we arestill learning each other in all facets so yes it wasnt very nice on the ts3 but we will privaile.my wife made it out but my brothers didnt thats ok.right now i have an empty 1911 and a axe my health is 3500 with a broken leg.no meds and i bet ill make it low and slow.
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Logged in for the first time in over a month. Character was alive for 35 hrs +, had AKM, some mags, trusty Colt 1911, plenty of medical, all gear of the time (matches, knife, etc.), multiple water bottles, food, and soda.

And a shiny GPS.

I am happy to report I have all my gear still, minus food and soda - "respawned" on the SE coastline due to old patch bug, but still alive with the same character, and have made my way to the treeline leading to the interior of Chernarus.

Looking forward to running around again, and seeing the new additions to the mod. I'm on my way to the water source East of Dolina right now, and will most likely be looking to get back in a position of self sufficiency with full hunting gear, so I can once again have no need to forage in towns for food/drink.

Off for now, see you all tomorrow!
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Today?s players: Lazlo, pofadder, Dave, DemonseedElite and me.

Server(s): DE 37

Food, Fear and Fratricide

I join the game and find Lazlo and poffadder are searching desperately for food near Grishino. Demonseed is a new spawn near Balota. And I am near Vybor while Dave is lost in the woods.

I meet Dave and Poffadder near the Vybor and Lazlo logs for the night. After searching Vybor We move to the SW barracks and clear the first barracks. This is when Dave decides to pull the pin on a frag grenade while it's still attached to his vest. I feel the concussion, Poff takes some shrapnel and Dave was no more. I manage to save Poff with a quick bandage and morphine. Thankfully the Zeds were out of range to hear the blast. Or the figured no one could survive it.

Dave ends up on the coast where Demon is going through a viscous cycles of death and reincarnation. They manage to get a few clicks north before dying again and again.

Meanwhile me and Poff secure what we can from Dave's body (FN-FAL, G17, maps, etc.) and move through the NW airfield unimpeded. We manage to see tons weaponry but nothing better than what we already carrying. We move beyond the airfield to a helibopper wreck West of Grishino. However, the only thing I managed to procure was a DMR mag and one m9sd ammo from a zed. The crash site was obviuosly looted already. We tried clearing it and returning and hour later but this resulted in no joy.

We killed a cow nearby and ate a hearty meal before moving back through the airfield enroute to Demon and Dave. Nothing special at the airfield and we met up with Demon in Pushtoshka. Dave had logged for some real world event. Overall the raids of Push and Vybor yielded two ghuille suits which were given to Poff and Demon. Since I was female I could not use any of the secondary skins.

We moved back to the NW airfield when we heard gunshots. Probably from a G17. We immediately went prone and since I believed it was only one individual I decided we were going to engage the threat. Moving in a low crouch and low crawl we moved to the barracks. Upon reaching the fenceline we heard several quick shots and noticed a death on chat. Know we knew that there were at least two players. We pushed on. Demon went left, Poff took center and I mover right to an overwatch in the trees.

We didn't see any movement and checking the player list reveled that the killer and victim probably disconnected. Poff searched while Demon and me kept security. Checking the victim's body revealed little loot and was probably due to being picked clean by his murderer. The barracks was a bust and we moved NE. We managed to aggro a significant amount of Zeds shortly thereafter and had a huge gunfight. I broke a leg and was almost bled out. We deiced that our luck was running out and we patched up and logged for the night.

Today's Moral to the story is to put Dave on point and stay out of grenade range.

    Last known weapon status:
    PITN (A girl)
    • DMR/M9sd

    • nearly dead somewhere

    Castor +camo (extended vacation)
    • M14 aim/M9sd

    • NewSpawn

    • M249/G17

    • M4A1/Mak

    poffadder (Ghulle suit +spare camo)
    • FN-FAL/G17

    DeamonseedElite (Ghuille suit)
    • M4A1/M1911

    We are currently near Devil's Castle

    Current loot request.

    JEEPS and 4x4s
    Intel on any HELICOPTER. Even repairable ones.

    Latest IINTEL:
    DE #37: Crashed helo at 056050 (West of Grishino)

    Advanced belt gear such as:
    Entrenching Tool

    All 9mm including SD (I'm desperate)

    Any sniper rifle +ammo.
    SD weapons +ammo
    Scoped assault rifles. PSO/ACOG
    M203 rifles
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    Today?s players: Lazlo, Renain, and me.

    Server(s): DE 55, FR 75

    The Great Hunt

    I join teamspeak and get a SITREP from Renain and Lazlo. They are desperately searching for morphine because Lazlo has a broken leg. I had used my last morphine yesterday during a zombie attack. So finding morphine becomes our priority.

    I begin by searching the deer stands while I move to their location and Dave searches the nearby castle. Poor Lazlo crawls from one deer stand to another. I search five deer stands before I reach Lazlo who is near the last deerstand. Renain searches the castle and deer stands and gets nothing.

    We switch servers and Lazlo and me start killing some Zeds. Lazlo is pinned in the deer stand and because he can't see at night the Zed beats on him a bit. He goes into shock but I manage to kill the last two zeds and bandage him and myself. About this time Renain shows up and I begin to harvest some nearby animals for food. We cook up some steaks and have a hearty meal while we talk strategy and sort the gear in our packs.

    Renain and me say goodby to Lazlo and start heading to Berezino to raid the hospital for morphine. On the way we decide to search the ARMY tents on the north side of town but found nothing useful. Renain logged for the night and I decided to make my run at the hospital. I was in and out in ten minutes and managed to secure five morphine auto-injectors. I booked it out of town and was nearly a click away when I realized that I made a mistake. I was out of water!

    I didn't feel like risking another run into a hot area to I ran over to Gorka and managed to fill up my canteens. I then continued to move towards Lazlo's last known pos and I have logged out about 800 meters away. So I'll meet Laz tomorrow after 2300 PST or maybe someone else can reach him with some morphine before then.

    Note: Everyone please update your status.

      Last known weapon status:
      PITN (A girl)
      • DMR/M9sd

      • Unkown

      Castor +camo (extended vacation)
      • M14 aim/M9sd

      • Unkown

      • L85 AWS/Revolver

      • Remington 870/Mak

      poffadder (Ghulle suit +spare camo)
      • FN-FAL/G17

      DeamonseedElite (Ghuille suit)
      • M4A1/M1911

      We are currently near Devil's Castle

      Current loot request.

      JEEPS and 4x4s
      Intel on any HELICOPTER. Even repairable ones.

      Latest IINTEL:
      Nothing to report.

      Advanced belt gear such as:
      Entrenching Tool

      All 9mm including SD (I'm desperate)
      .45 Revolver or M1911. This ammo can be converted.

      Any sniper rifle +ammo.
      SD weapons +ammo
      Scoped assault rifles. PSO/ACOG
      M203 rifles
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      I haven't had much time to play but got a few hours in today.
      I've been making my way to Devil's Castle so I can hopefully join up sometime.
      I'm currently at the two ponds near the oil fields south of Devil's Castle


      Enfield w/ 3 mags
      Markarov PM w/ 4 mags


      2-AKM Mags
      2-45ACP Mags
      2-CZ550 Mags


      2-Water Bottles
      1-Hunting Knife
      1-Wire Kite

      Hope to hook up soon.
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