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DayZ =VG= Players Diary


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Last night i encounterd survivors...they seemed friendly and invited me among them.
i offerd them my cow meat and they gladly accepted...as a gift i got a silenced M4.
Its good to see real faces and not always those of the death that walk.
Eventually some of those survivors found a helicopter...but they had to kill another human for it...if only he hadnt killed one of us he might yet live...but i guess its this kinda world we live in right now...death follows us around.
But now i got a new mission...survive and loot for our gang of brothers.
We shall survive this horror...and stand as one.
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Hell yeah eclipse, now i have my L85 NV/Thermal-vision scope, chewaka-sniper suit, gps, nvg, coyote bag... ready to kill some zombies.

There is a trick we found out yesterday. Situation: you are wearing a suit and your bag, if you find another suit and you drop your bag before puting it on it will duplicate your bag (not what it is in though), that is how we all have a coyote now xD

Oh, and we almost lost the heli you found guys, we were going to make a quick evac to pick up Cold, but the area fucked up the graphic cards and pilot wasnt able to see shit so we landed faster than expected, lucky dave did some weird shit and fixed it up, he will explain later xD
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This morning i dared to venture out on my own to a small airfiel east of our camping grounds. I managed to loot some ammo..mostly shotgun ammo and some lee enfield rounds.Amongst the walking dead i thought i recognised an old friend...i can bare no more...somehow we must...no we will survive this.My new goal is to find as much binoculars and other small parts...or whatever our group needs.
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haha i have a great FRAPs of (and dont kill me if i fuck up the names of the people) PITN during the 2nd chopper refeul along the coast shooting Lazlo unintentionally and saying oh your wounded heal yourself and then just casually strolls off... made me almost fall out of my chair laughing this morning when i saw it, ill cut it down to a clip and try to get it on the site for ya. Good run last night
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lazlohollyfeld LAN_WROTE ...

I wasn't around for the 2nd joyride sax, but sounds like I missed some fun and mayhem. I'll have to catch up with you guys tonight. Lupago: You don't need to say much else besides dave was driving and we can all fill in the blanks from that point. =)


Dave's report: we were experimenting some strong turbulences caused by the mix of the cold and hot air, that produced a big...
Reality: I was drunk :D

I wasnt really afraid of losing my stuff but for losing that helicopter xD, also we were at the west side of Chernagorsk and next to that airfield with all the zombie soldiers coming for us xD
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I found a UAZ on my scouting mission...it was in bad shape but the boys came to my aid and repaired it so it would drive again...it was missing all wheels and the engine needed a tuning.
Dave drove it back to base camp...while a small group of 5 stayed behind to scout the surrounding areas.
We needed spare parts to fix the UAZ completely.
We came across some jerry cans , wheels , a engineblock and windshields.
We placed the parts in to the huey that flew them back to base camp. I returned also to base to get some sleep...the other guys were still scouting and clearing buildings for loot...i hope they all are alright.
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We are man xD, saxo had to left when we where close to the coast factory so i guess he may need a pick up later, great mission.

1- Start of our travel, we fill up some water bottles in Pobeda's dam knowing what are we about to face.

2- Meet up with Eclipse who has found, and secure till back up arrival, a jeep who needs the tyres had.

3- Dave takes the jeep back to our HQ, engine is pretty fucked up but being careful everything is possible. The rest goes to recon the zone and take more parts for the vehicle.
5 men team, Saxo (m4 cco), Pig (m249 saw), Moranissen (L85 thermal/nvg sight), Eclipse (m4 cco sd) and me (L85 thermal/nvg sight), first stop the Black mount.

4- After a long way staying away from some towns we hit a hunting tower and take a belt for Pig's SAW.

5- We flank Dubrovka and hit the south Buildings looking for food or our goals.

6- A man needs to warm up, so we make a fire and take a second to study our next movement.

7- We move to Gorka, a big town were we expected to found what we were looking for with no luck.

8- Turn east to see if we can find a vehicle next to the gas station, no chance.

9- We divided the team in two; Saxo, Moranissen and lupago moved to the town's shop to rearm and fill our stomachs and Pig and Eclipse recon the area looking for a vehicle (no luck).

10- The team moves east and secures another hunting tower before going on to the factory.

11- We moved to the factory and recovered an engine to fix the jeep (also some tyres and widescreens).

12- Dave comes to make room in the team's bags so we could keep rolling, to take the engine to fix the jeep and to pick up Eclipse who had seen enough death for that day, PAS comes to help.

13- The survivors moved to Orlovent where they spotted some interesting buildings.

14- Saxo bails out and our rest heroes proceeded to the last objective, the coast factory,

15- After gathering stuff from all around the team moves to check some buildings in the west side of the complex

16- Our heroes request a pick up and our heli comes to move this men back to base where a well-deserved rest awaits them.

Result, more than 50 zombies are death death, the VG survivors gang has one more vehicle, 5 more fuel cans, 4 Widescreens, 2 more tyres, around 10 meat sticks and 9 water bottles, medical supplies too.
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I made my way to waypoint 131-047...on the northern outskirts of Berezino.
Tonight i shall search the factories and shipping docks...and if all goes well ill do a sweep of the town aswell.
The walking dead are numerous i shall presume in this area...but i will be carefull.And those who stand in my way will meet their end.
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Day 37: Got back on later in the evening after all the Europeans finally crashed off. We got a posse together and decided to take the huey out for a mid morning scout. We noticed some russian markers on the south west side of the map near some vehicle spawns and decided to check it out. On the way over we scouted two down heli's and noted to check those after we scouted our target. We pulled up into a hover over the LZ and Morison decided to take a leap of faith out the door. His body splatted pretty hard onto the ground, while his deployed parachute floated peacefully through the air. We landed the huey and set out to find his body. Since there were other players coming on we played fast and loose and took down 25+ zombies in about two minutes. We recovered his gear and set out to find him near electro. After recovering our flattened companion we flew around and argued about going to check the downed heli's. Dave finally wore down after a few minutes of taunting and flew over to scope them out. We jumped out and played fast and loose again, mowing down another 20+ zombies only to get a whole lot of not much. After loading back in and taking the long and round about way home, we landed and I logged for a bit. Came back in a few hours later and everything was still all good at the base camp. Looking forward to the next adventure.
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Need a hand guys.
I was standing on a hiltop / ledge...when i heard a sliding noise...i looked behind me and suddenly my legs were broken and i died.
Somehow i slided down this rock formation.
So i need some help to get my gear back...if anyone can guide me to 021 - 025 (SKALKA area on map) on the US45 server to get my gear back it would be amasing.
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Day 45: Received word of an injured comrade and set out on a mission to recover his gear. I decided to hop onto US129 since we had seen numerous tents in the northern woods on there before. I climbed over the hill of our former base camp and was instantly greeted with two tents and tractor just on the other side. I scouted the tents and found the range finders I've been dying to play with as well as some satchel charges, antibiotics, and NVGs. I grabbed those sweet goodies but I passed on the AS50 and numerous other weapons deciding to leave room to haul Eclipses gear back.

I hopped in the tractor and headed west along the edge of the map, counting no less than 6 tents on my journey across, and pulled into a relatively safe area and logged to hop over to US 45. After waiting 10 minutes and 5 minutes to get in unsuccessfully, I gave up and went back to the original server in hopes to pick up something worth while for the mates.

While loading in I heard the long forgotten sounds of waves gently lapping against the shoreline and was greeted on the coast near Balota. I quickly checked my bag and was relieved to see that my ill gotten gains were still mine. Still trying to figure out where I'm actually at, but if I have to make a run it might be a refreshing change since I've spent the last 3 weeks hiding in the great north plundering.

If we can meet up I'll lead you back up to the flock. If anyone else is looking for loot, play around on US129 because you're bound to find tents in almost every forested kilometer of the great north. Happy hunting friends.
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a BIG thank's to PiG-FaRMeR...not only doe's he have amasing tent tracking skills,he's also skilled in tracking people...i was without a kompass and without map still we managed to meet up,in the dark,on a unknown crossroad on the map.
Then he gave me some goodies i needed...NVG , silenced bison..but while he was giving me the goodies i started coufghing...then he whips out antibiotics out of his backpack and saves my life TWICE in like 20 seconds. So Pig i bow to thee !thx
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