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What do You thing about new events?

=VG= BrakeGamer

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I tought I'd make this because I got some possible event ideas for VG Pr and I'm wonderign if pepole want such a thing,if so I'l make a edit to this post whit the event idea. Hope we can get some really cool events going!

EDIT 1:Well not gonna say to much about it beacuse its WIP,right now but what I can say that I planned it as a EOD convoy,and not for no reason,so expect some more info soon...
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Hey Brake, that was what I did earlier in the summer was get a bug planted and get people talking about it. What did you have in mind for some ideas?

In the past people have done VIP rescues. People were talking about doing races or possibly a bots go against 1 flag and humans do a survival like round like a gauntlet.

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I have heard chatter, even myself speaking about this with others
But how about a bot/switch event? I know it's been done here before, (thats what I've heard), and what happens is that us Humans are always Americans... or British.... and the bots be Militia or MEC or something.. and we switch. Instead of invading Muttrah, we hold it. (We are MEC instead of American) or something..
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I do like the SURVIVAL one. hmm...

Have had tests with bots + human Commander on Ramiel with good results. Could do one where humans are allowed only to use pilot kits and would have to survive certain amount of time in the city before rescue. Also with no respawn on SQL + 5-10minute penalty before being able to return to the squad maybe...

Maybe even could merge that BH down + Survival. The big problem would be to get the bots to cooperate tho. They can be really good and annoying when they follow orders, but they do have the nasty habit of going berserk from time to time !crazy

Anyways, love the ideas. Keep them coming and we shall see what future holds :)

EDIT : I'm sure Sparky would love one of those PVP insurgent side events !crazy

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Funny. I was watching Black hawk Down the other day. I think it's a great idea!

Event could follow the movie and have multiple phases:

Phase 1 - Start of at main and go for a prisoner snatch at the hotel (some random pre-allocated building) Could have a few squads land in little birds to secure the building while a "Delta force" moves in and secures the prisoner(s).

Phase 2- Convoy arrives taking the event into a convoy escort. Prisoners die Event ends?

Phase 3- Sometime down the line someone could crash the Blackhawk (Making sure it's visible for everyone to see, maybe knock it up a little bit before hand so it's smoking) The event will then switch to a VIP rescue.

I think it would be pretty cool to make it as immersive as possible, for example no using the UAV, instead have a little bird circling overhead with the commander inside it coordinating everything.

Also would be a good opportunity for public players to have fun and learn to cooperate as a team.
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