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How to be a good Squad member.


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In an effort to bring a little guidance to players new to PR and how the game is played here at VG

First, I am no expert. There are loads of members (if not all) who play far better than I do. But I have learned the basics of what a player needs to do as a member of a squad.
1. Do what your leader tells you!
2. If assigned a kit, keep it until told to do otherwise.
3. Keep close to the squad.
4. Call targets, bearing and range.
5. Be prepared to grab a medic kit and revive! (Know where your medic is and if you don't have one, volunteer!)

Suggestions welcome!
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It won't change a smacktard into an ideal player but it may provide the less experienced BF2 converts a basis to grow from.
Perhaps a server password is in order? Force players to come to the site, submit a form by which the player indicates they have read the server rules, this guide (once complete) and after doing so are provided with the server password. Change the password regularly and often.
I would expect the web site traffic to increase, membership to increase and admins are assured that every player on the server knows the rules and what is expected of them in game.
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im pretty sure having a server password has been brought up before, and its just a matter of pros vs cons. It limits the smacktards but at the same time it limits new players or lazy ones who arent going to come to the site and register just to play on the server.

As far as general guidelines that I've seen while in squads and particularly while leading them:

1) Speak up.

I can't stand when i'm leading a squad and no one has mics, yet alone wont type anything. it just makes it honestly a boring experience to play with 4-5 other people and silently wander around because no one is willing to speak up or participate. It's a team game, you go online to play with others, so why not communicate? I understand language might be a barrier, but i enjoy playing with people from other countries, even if i can barely understand them i think it makes it more interesting. When you have 5 people all communicating, spotting enemies, or just talking about random shit, it makes it much more enjoyable and your squad is more successful.

2) As yoda said, if you don't know what you;re doing, stay close, and stick with what you're told to do. Don't go wandering off to get shot or alert the enemies to your presence. If you are a new player, anything more than a general rifleman kit is likely to be detrimental to your squad if you dont know how to use it. Just having someone around that can shoot and cover you is more than I can seem to get out of most people.

3) Learn what a compass is, and how to effectively spot enemies.

This one is sort of a rant, but I see many people especially in arma who yell something like "ENEMY MG RIGHT SIDE" over mic. It's great that they're trying to alert you, but what they dont realize is that the direction is completely useless and does nothing but confuse you while you frantically search for the RPK thats aimed at you. People don't seem to realize that the squad isnt always pointing the same direction as them (and they shouldnt be, in order to provide a wide visual range).

All you have to do is hit the compass key for 1 second (or look at the bottom of the screen in PR) and you can give a very accurate location of the enemy. Your squadmates will be thankful that they know exactly where the enemy is and can return accurate fire.

4) Awareness.

Along the same lines as number 3, being a good squadmember doesn't mean you have to be the highest scorer or have the most skill. Having basic awareness in the form of scanning for enemies, watching doorways and streets, keeping visuals on all sides of the squad, and just general awareness of what is going on around you will not only increase your survivablity but that of your squad. Many people seem to get tunnel vision and not see those flanking enemy troops that will make quick work of your squad.

5)Be supportive.

Ok so most of this is is geared more to all the ARMA i've been playing lately, but it applies the same to PR. Be supportive to your squad. If someone goes down next to you, you better do your best to get them back into fighting shape, whether its reviving them, covering for a medic, throwing smoke to offer safe revive or to drag a wounded out of the danger zone (arma things). dont just stand around and say it's the medic's job. For all you know he could be lying on the ground himself somewhere.
Along the same lines, if you're a rifleman, you better be supplying ammo to squadmembers as often as you can, especially to low ammo kits such as ATs and grenadiers(in PR).

6) Stay off the fucking vehicles unless you know what you're doing.

This one is definately a rant, applies to both PR and ARMA, and is more or less the #1 method to get banned. The server rules have plenty of lines about not wasting assets and such, I know. But so many people see vehicles and their massive firepower and feel the need to destroy everything in sight. This is why many TKs happen, due to the heavy weapons and especially explosives that heaver assets carry. Many people do not realize that extreme caution must be used with heavy weapons, mainly to avoid casualties of friendlies. I feel that players attitudes towards heavy assets are not serious enough, and they neglect the caution needed, or fail to realize that vehicles and aircraft are there to SUPPORT infantry, not the other way around.

A good way to learn the proper use of vehicles is to buddy up with a more experienced player, and ride in his vehicle. You can be the gunner of an apc, a copilot in a kiowa, or maybe a door gunner in a blackhawk. This lets you see first hand how the vehicle is operated and used without the risk of wasting the asset. For the trickier ones such as aircraft, id recommend watching tutorials and flying in single player until you are confident enough that you can transport troops safely, or effectively deliver munitions in a fixed wing.

Specific to ARMA, I feel that players abuse assets such as A-10s to do things like level an entire village, when the infantry on the ground was going to spend time sweeping it and get to see some combat. Instead, they sit and watch the bombs drop then fly 10 minutes to another AO. Random CAS is not the right way to do things, an A-10 should only be called to deal with heavy armor or if a very large enemy force is present. Same applies to the MK19 humvees, you dont need to spray the entire village with grenades, blowing up everything and making it hard for the ground troops to hear what is going on. Drive down the road with them, and provide cover, not roaming on your own trying to level the whole AO.

Honestly if people would just be serious about the game, and try to have a little fun with others, it would improve gameplay completely. Too many people dont have the seriousness or patience to play a more realistic game such as PR and ARMA, and it messes up everyone else's experience.
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@Yoda the thing is that the amount of players on our PR COOP server is quite fragile, most of us might still remember the time when BF3 came around and BF2 servers emptied, this is what almost surely happens if we add a password. honestly the best way to keep the smacktards and new players in line is with the presence of an admin + experienced squadleaders who can tell this stuff to their subordinates.
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@Castor, valid point.
But, is it too hard to come up with a sticky that lays out the basics of what is expected from players on VG servers? Surely we as a community can develope a reference to which players could be referred.
I'm just thinking that proactive rather than reactive education of players would yield an improved player pool.
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Frst Draft "10 things one MUST do to play PR" at VG

1. Join a Squad and following the leaders instructions.
2. Get a microphone and use it!
3. Identify targets wih type,bearing and range.
4. Stay with yor Squad
5. Learn how to use assets and specialty kits in a training server, NOT IN GAME.
6. Be prepared to be a medic at any time.
7. Validate targets BEFORE shooting.
8. Communiate clear and concise informtion. No one needs second to second updates of your movements.
9. Do not spam chat channel.
10. Join the VG forum and get TS3

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