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VG Domi - Server populations and observations


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Some intel to share.

We had a nice full server this weekend. Mostly Euro players. Some pretty good teamwork guys but most are just interested in killing as fast as they can. Weekday population numbers are still low however.

We are attracting some good team players and very few griefers. However, we are getting a lot of solo or self-centered players that lack the desire to work as a team. Arcade type personalities.

I've been playing with the server parameters to encourage teamwork and i'd like to share some observations.

Locking all attack aircraft (except LB) keeps them ground pounding. This increases cap time while reducing the carpet bombing effect from pilots.

I have been encouraging MHQ and FARP use. However, you need dedicated people just to keep these mobile bases moving up. The general pubber doesn't seem interested but I have found a few good teammates that will do it.

I removed the jump flags but kept teleporting and base jumping. This keeps them from jumping to the next AO but they still take off solo on foot or one man captured vehicles.

When moving to the next AO most pubbers get too close to fast and lose heavy assets quickly or don't employ them properly. Huge losses and wastes time to redeploy these assets.

Excess ammo has enabled them to clear the armor AO's quicker. When i take the armor off the list the game actually gets better. The pubbers slow down and don't spam high explosive everywhere. But some go into sniper mode, but it is still actually pretty good.

I am still tweaking the parameters and trying to get people away from arcade mode and into team mode. My goal is to get a balance between team play and fun.

Some things I'd like to see are increased enemy populations inside and out of the AO. More roving patrols of infantry (AAA) and armor OUTSIDE the AO. Anti-sniper squads. I would like the lone snipers to get their asses kicked when they go rambo. If we run an armor mode then increase the armor populations or reduce the amount of AT immediately available.

KICKS and BANS. I can kick a player but I cannot ban. I have had only two that deserved a BAN but after the kick they never returned. The violations were for GRIEFING. Since most names are super generic and easy to change in ARMA it makes no sense to post them atm. I can't even remember then anyway.

The British jeeps despawn after 20 minutes or so. I haven't timed it yet but that is about right. Ecplipse and I were loading ammo into the trunk and it disappeared and respawned. I was hot. All that time getting extra ammo and it goes POOF. The veh was never damaged. So I am not sure why it did it. The Parameters for abandoned veh was set at 60min so...

There is more but I can;t remember atm and it is bedtime. NN.
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I take a look at the script some time today PITN. The original goal was to lock all the helicopters in the editor then the admins could unlock them for people known for good flying. But if we start removing stuff people will not play because there are a bunch of modded DOMI maps out there that people will go play on. So you have to keep it fresh for all folks other wise people won't show up on the server. More patrols might be something to work on, Issue with that is the more AI= more lag for people like me who lack the processor power needed for this game. I think there is a parameter that allows them to counter attack after the AO has been captured.

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I don't want to remove all of the assets. I just want to encourage teamwork and not rambo. But air certainly has little risk. Especially if they get immediate repawns. If you look at a random 21 map, the bonus assets litter the field because no one wants to go and get them. Total lazyness.

The current playstyle makes it very arcade like and all it will attract are the ADD kiddies.
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