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Arma 2 ACE Multi-Session Operations thread

=VG= SemlerPDX

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I'll get it sorted out this evening thanks for report

edit: HC back up and running also installed the latest ACE update which should fix the ShacTac problem - please test STHUD if you are joining and if you have problems with ACE interaction between players you'll need to disable it again.

Please make sure you are joining with the beta version of OA as well as CBA_CO, and make sure your @ACE is up to date.

I've updated a few of the PDB parameters - it's not saving EVERYTHING into the database anymore... just player and object-related stuff. I found with testing it stopped a lot of the desync and hiccups during the mission (ie: saves every 10 minutes to DB... FPS is low while things are being saved). We'll see if it runs any better.

whiztler LAN_WROTE ...

Last night the HC slot lost connection (crashed?) and now the server is running without HC.

Were you connected to the server when this happened? Did it just say that it disconnected or was there some kind of error message?
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Thanks for the update Savage!

The HC seems to be running smoothly again. ACE update and shaktac mods also run fine. Tho, I usually run without beta.

MSO is still running missions only though. No opfor in the various towns and no patrols. Is this HC or MSO setting specific?

Will log on using beta tonight and report re mods etc.
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Hmm...not sure why that is the case. I'll take a look after work and see if anything has changed.

Found this:


They talk about next-generation MSO... Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment (ALIVE)

Why Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment? Clearly ArmA3 is heavily focused at infantry simulation and this is where we are focusing our efforts too. We want to provide everything that mission editors and players need to run Company level military operations with all the support/logistics/enemy required for a dynamic and persistent ?multi-session? campaign. The campaign is ?alive? in the sense that OPFOR will work against you throughout the campaign, remembering its objectives and state between restarts.

Why a mod and not a set of mission scripts? Well we?ve kinda all grown up! We really wanted to make it super simple, so most of our code is wrapped up in editor modules. You want IEDs? Just plonk down the IED editor module. You want all the OPFOR AI working as a strategic force? Place the OPCOM module. You want player persistence? Turn on the DB module. It is all really straightforward. Of course for those guys that like to tinker with code, we welcome improvements and contributions!

It may be weeks or months - not before it?s ready! Like all volunteer projects we are constantly battling against real life jobs and family so work can be very stop-start. However, what I can reveal is that we have a functional proof of concept for ALiVE and it?s a massive advance from MSO. Inspired by Rydygier?s work on HETMAN AI Commander, Highhead has created an enemy that is no longer static but acts and behaves like a real Opposing Force. We are using a revolutionary new Profiles system created by ArJay that enhances performance massively. Tupolov and Gunny are working on full database and web integration whilst Wolffy has designed a system capable of analysing maps and pre-building the mission automatically, meaning ALiVE will work out of the box with addon islands in the future.

We wanted to ensure that the player base can also participate in ALiVE outside of the game, so we have a web based ?companion? app. This will track player stats, mission objectives, mission action reports and much more. We will have live feeds from ALiVE games straight to the companion app too, so its pretty ground breaking stuff. We?ve worked on bringing together some of the latest web technologies such as RESTful based NOSQL databases, HTML 5 and xRTML.

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Alive sounds very interesting. Cranking it up quite a few notches!

We had another interesting one today. At approx 18:10 CET the MSO server crashed (red chain). But we could re-logon immediatly. Not exactly sure if the following occurance is due to the crash but:

1. Re-arming of veh/aircraft doesnt work
2. Dropped in ammo cases cannot be used.
3. Interaction problems again (hasn't happened to me in weeks).

Sorry mate. MSO must be driving you to drink :)
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Well I did adjust some default params yesterday so maybe that screwed something up. I'll change them back and reset the server after work today. Thanks again for the reports!

Do you have the in-game admin password for the MSO server?
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Just ran a new init config. All @ 80%. Patrols are back up. Towns have gone insane. You can't turn around anywhere without getting shot at :)

32 FPS, 170 units !!!, 40 groups!!
Server: FPS 43 / 552 MB mem / out 224 / in 1034

Running smooth as silk!

Lots of enemy bases/roadblocks and I counted 4 or 5 patrols simultaniously. MSO to the max!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
ok Whiztler and I have been working hard!!!

We are now running the 'original' Reshmaan version of MSO with the headless client for testing.

All enemy parameters are cranked up to test performance - YOU WILL DIE, SON

Six updater repo link:

Highly recommended you run the beta version of 1.63

Whiztler has been creating some really great fobs and forward outposts on Reshmaan which we will start introducing once this week's testing goes OK.

Please note there are still some things that need to be done:
- fix gearup loadouts
- add new playable units (something like the @rangers)
- lots more

Also if you missed it the first time a great interview regarding next generation MSO (for Arma3):
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As Semler pointed out the preset kits don't have maps (lol) - already fixed for the next version - for now just avoid the presets. I'm also adding a few items crates to the mission.

Forgot to mention - Persistent DB is turned off for testing - Nomaad database is working though. This means if the server is reset or the mission restarted all saved states are lost.

Changelog for v11

- added Maps to loadouts
- added item crates at main
- added original 4 WhizFOBs
- added BIS_Zora triggers so that enemies don't spawn @ friendly FOBs

ToDo List:

- fix up loadouts - use better backpack, adjust/tweak items and ammo counts, add MG gunner (240)
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I am eager to test with the persistent DB switched on. The (re-) spawn doesn't always work out well at the moment. Sometimes you (still) spawn without a map or NV goggles and they are nowhere to be found in the ammo crates at base. It only happens on rejoin.

The Zora triggers are a big improvement :) Although, we did encounter a Hind landing at the Dilshad/Denya FOB. It offloaded a whole squad of inf troops that had their minds set on taking control of the FOB.

I toned down the init settings a bit to match realism appropriately. We'll probably be playing around with the init settings till we get a good balance of challenging simplay.
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Version 12 is on the server now for testing.

Still no PDB by default but Whiz if you want just restart mission, disable Nomaad, enable PDB - it should work without issues as mySQL is always running. Recommend you wipe the tables in the DB if that is the case.
** note I have not testing PDB myself yet - make sure if you do to check if enemy units are spawning **

Also enemy params are still very high we'll have to see how she runs with a few players on.

12 changelog:

- added Whiztler FOBs and main base setup (with tweaks)
- revised gearup scripts - please post any suggestions or tweaks to these loadouts.. or if you would like to see a new one added
- new admin track units script

For the main base I had to still remove some objects to get the server to run at 50 FPS. I also removed all the 'setpos' stuff from object init lines which helped a bit as well. Not sure why perhaps with MSO mission too many objects slows it down as it has to track them all????

Send me your params adjustments (or post em here) and I'll update them for next version.. also you mentioned something about a fog that appears during the mission.. is it still doing that? I think the dynamic weather module is on by default.
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Version 12 runs really well.

With the pers DB, air and medium to high inits running we get 20-40 server fps (depending on # of players).

I found that at coords 0,0 several choppers gather (and crash). There's also a boar/pig(?) there that often gets killed by the choppers.

Also discovered several opfor patrols in that area. They are literally going nowhere. Weird.
Other than no bugs. Really chuffed with the result! =W=
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haha the boar is the headless client character.. I'll have to move it somewhere else as it dying will screw up the HC

I've seen weird stuff like that before at 0,0 on the map I think MSO spawns stuff there then moves it wherever needed

Ok so for next version I'll adjust the default params (send me any that need changing) to enable PDB by default and fix the boar issue

** testing new map - FATA **

Awesome new 10x10km map released trying out MSO on it (there are a few issues but overall seems to work fine)
Installed on server port 2342

Password is: vg
No PDB setup yet just Nomaad save thingy


Six Repo:
edit: it seems the map won't download with my custom repo so you'll have to grab it from Armaholic



Get the map here:

Get the units here:

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Nope haven't touched the server since the weekend. That list is just the allowed mods on the server (.bikey file is in server's \keys folder). Can you check your rpt file and see if it's telling you which mod you are being kicked for?

This is the server's startup line:

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Ok version 12a is now up on the server with persistent database enabled and some changes from Whiztler:

-added more FOBs and re-designed BLUFOR base

-added enemy strongpoints

-"Piggy" the headless client boar now has his own bunker for safety (piggy liked to wander into incoming fire). Also Gaz please stop trying to make bacon with piggy....
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