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[poll] DayZ, MSO, or something else?


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Dunno if you guyz have looked at a game mode called patrol ops before, its a "dymanic" mission gamemode were it will give you objectives like secure a town, or steal a tank etc and spawn enemies based on the amount of people that are playing on the server.

But i think your domination server is doing quite well at the moment. Been on it twice since you put it up on saturday i think and both nights have had a good laugh, lots of fun and easy to coordinate.
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@outlanders - I don't think anyone can run an Arma PR server yet as it is still in beta.

@random - that's what MSO is... patrol ops with a bunch more stuff


Can we wait for a bit longer so more people have a chance to vote before deciding??

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I don't understand the poll. You do know that we have an i7 2600 CPU with 8 cores and 32GB of RAM, right? It can run at the same time DayZ, MSO, ACE/ACRE Domi, and Insurgency + a dev server or two that remain off most the time, without running into performance issues.
We can host several servers, and though the current focus of the VG Arma 2 devs is not on DayZ at the moment, I don't think it, or MSO, are on the chopping block or even the editing floor. We ran into complications with MSO, but liked many things about it. DayZ is no easy mission to modify, and as for the "somethings else", we try here and there to have some fun as we go - like ACE/ACRE Domi. That was really hard for me to find, the 2.60 ACE Domi - not gonna let that one go. Plus, I promised PITN that I would read through Insurgency (line by line!) and understand it, so we can overhaul it a bit. We do not run 1.5 Ins because of bugs I guess, but I am a true Armaholic and should be able to apply myself in a positive way to improve our Insurgency server that is currenly the Flag Ship of VETERANS-GAMING. I am just one man, though, coming out of a shitty flu I caught from ridDle somehow.

My 2 cents, semi-off topic, meh:
I've been seeing a lot of great polls lately, but as one of the VG Arma Dev team, I'd like to throw in my 2 cents on the entire concept of the workload involved and call out for more peeps.

We have a team of only 3 people familiar with Arma 2 scripting, with Solar as a fourth dev on website/PHP end(which is where all those cool test leaderboards come from) and there is only so much we can do at any moment. Trust me, we are not lacking in focus - and our direction is one that has put a lot of new tools in our toolboxes. If it weren't for our experiments with MSO, we wouldn't know what we do now about SQL Database systems working with Arma, and if not for the DayZ - we would not know so much as we do now about HIVE Database (if we know anything about it).

One thing that finally got me into Arma development was that I was always sitting around waiting for Savage or Poff to, for example, fix a bug we had identified, or an implement an improvement we had all agreed on. It was easier than I thought, and now we all can help any new scripters cuz we have the "knowledge".

Back before I could script in Arma 2, I felt kinda selfish when I would be impatient with one of them(Savage/Poff), cuz I wanted to play so bad. I understand not everyone has the time to learn a complex thing like that, and not everyone is even capable (say, if they hate math and the lot). I started learning Arma 2 scripting exactly one year ago now, and only now do I have the skills to quickly read and write these things - knowing where to get info online, and have all the tools installed on my PC to do it. And I spent over 8 hours a day dedicated to learning these skills. Time for someone else to step up and join the dev team, your curve won't be as bad as mine, cuz we can help like I said.

For now, know that we (Solar, Savage, Poffadder schedule permitting, and myself) have long discussions nearly daily about the direction we want to go in, and the servers that we could run. These discussions don't make it here to the forums, but rest assured, we are not sitting on our hands for lack of a whip being cracked on us. Believe me - we are plugging away at the VG dream, and we have a full plate most all the time.

(no offense, but I did not vote - cannot, because I'd add the choice "None of the Above")
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Yep good point..remember though until we test running all these things on the same box.. the number of cores/RAM etc does not mean we can put 10000 servers on the box. It may be that running DayZ and MSO and Insurgency and a mods server is too much (also we have other services running on it as well...MC, TS3, etc).
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4 servers could be run, and yes, we still need numbers to see, cuz if each server were as populated as Insurgency is most the time, we may have to scale it down. Point stands though, we can run several of our ideas at once, and that we shouldn't feel like we have to lose one server (DayZ) to work on another (MSO) - My point was that they both could be up, but we have only 3 people + Solar doing the PHP/other coding server and website side. Hope that point is understood..

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I enjoyed it last time... and i said to Oni i would so i put my points into I44 for another round of DOMI some time soon. Everyone enjoyed it like mad... maybe another event? was great fun... Im also REALLY enjoying the ACE domi we have up.. and thats saying something becasue for a long time i was servearly anti DOMI...
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TortiaBoy =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

and aren't you not supposed/allowed to mod Dayz...?

The deal is that you have to run a private HIVE - it cannot be part of the public HIVE that governs all the public DayZ games on Chernarus. This is fully allowed, and approved by the DayZ devs - else we wouldn't do it.
Private HIVE means that our database is our own, not connected elsewhere.

@Murderface: See? Not easy to choose between two very cool missions - much better to find a way to have your cake and eat it, too.

Today I'm adding an Ammo Crate Request GUI to the ACE/ACRE Domi, as well as a CAS Pilot System GUI, and some kind of turbo for tanks so they can go uphill faster than 8 km/h. According to Renainn (a.k.a. Davestrike), who was a loader in an Abrams during the Gulf War (2nd I believe) - the Abrams has a massive engine and can propel it up greater than 15 percent grades at ~40 km/h regardless of it's weight and terrain. That's why the Abrams rocks! AMERICA FUCK YEA!

Come test later this afternoon!


(oh, and BTW, that poll was made wrong. I just copied this link to another browser where I'm not signed into VG, and as an annonymous non-registered user, I was able to vote for the "something else" vote - NOT my vote, but proves that POLL Posters need to select a proper vote/storage method i.e User ID (only members can vote) - please use that option for ALL polls. Thanks!)
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Murderface =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

so is this a tied decision? seeing as 11 people have voted for DayZ and 11 for something other than DayZ?

It's up to Semler, Poffadder, Solar, Savage and anyone else capable of modifying the ARMA engine, the Idea of this poll was more to give some kind of direction for our beloved dev's in terms of what the community wants !dance
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