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=VG= Arma3 Alpha Server

=VG= SavageCDN

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Hi guys,

I don't know if it's right place to ask, but yesterday, March 31 somewhere between 6 - 7 PM GMT+0 when we played Domination mission on Pub#3 server there was a guy with nickname Juhno who subsequently
shooted with rpg or smth at heli from the hill near the airbase and downed it several times. I'm just wondering are there any sanctions against that? Personally I voted him to be kicked off from the server (after I had asked him about the reasons and marked his location on map).
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Didn't have much time last week to make changes but will be doing some work this week. I'm not going to spend too much time on the Domi and Ins missions yet as they are still being updated by the author... but I will see if I can remove the BF crap easily.

I think Castor wants to use the Insurgency one for this weekend so I'll be tweaking it later in the week.
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I wasn't going to bother since I usually play with admins (ciro, Gaz, Wooz, etc), but considering today I joined the veteran server and encountered a bugged Domination mission (two AOs with no enemies, radio tower exists in script but not in reality so it can't be destroyed) and admins were afk/busy I'll ask:

Could I be considered for admin please?
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So, Arma 3 servers, Theres like 8 admins, Cant find any of them, My game wont work so i cant do it, Bobbus and KillAlot are here telling me how the server is going to hell, not much i can do to help, I cant help them basically, because we dont have enough admins for the server... Or at least Active.. Its bad..
Serioustly suggest admin for Bobbus, and KillAlot.
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Gaz =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

So, Arma 3 servers, Theres like 8 admins, Cant find any of them, My game wont work so i cant do it, Bobbus and KillAlot are here telling me how the server is going to hell, not much i can do to help, I cant help them basically, because we dont have enough admins for the server... Or at least Active.. Its bad..
Serioustly suggest admin for Bobbus, and KillAlot.

and vetala
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on a different note, i was wondering what the chances are of us having a private server again? i notice the numbers in the servers seem to be relaxing a bit more now (currently all 3 are empty as i write this) so perhaps removing one of them would be beneficial, easier for our lack of admins problem too. it would also serve us well to use as an event server, so we don't have to compromise pubs playing in order to host an event, what do you guys think? your opinions please gentlemen

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I would like to apply for admin on Arma 3 servers. I?ve played alot of hours with many of you allready, and i enjoy the environment and stable people that keeps coming back.
Usually I play the majority of the day and think i can provide a stabile and reasonable admin for you.
Im not much of an forum user, but i usually spend alot of hours on Teamspeak, so if any questions could be forwarded on Teamspeak it would be greatly apreciated.

-KillAlot ?
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I am ok with all 3 admin requests, thanks for volunteering to help out fellas.

As for servers, I like them all set to public. When set to Private, we can never fill the game. My .02

We'll get more admins as we progress and I'm not a fan of pw'd servers, unless we make a 4th lol. I'd like these 3 to be open public running different missions as stated above. Thanks again guys!

1. Dynamic Sandbox
2. Domi
3. Insurgency

My wish list !yes

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Only reason we password them is for testing (ie: Insurgency) - if they are open to the public it becomes a clusterfuck.

Also remember we still don't have proper server files and tools to manage them so that is also a clusterfuck :)
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With our setup it was difficult to run mods on only one of the servers... long story short the program that monitors and restarts the 3 server instances did not support individual mod lines.. basically meaning that we either have 3 'vanilla' A3 servers or 3 'modded' A3 servers (running the exact same mods for all 3). This is also partially due to the fact that all 3 instances run from the same install directory in Windows.

That has now changed (in theory.. I have not tested it yet).. meaning I can setup a single mods server running ACRE, whatever. So if there are no objections, I'd like to setup one of the servers to run mods. Suggestions?

@CAF (Canada... FUCK YEAH)

Signature checks on servers: the problem with sig checks disconnecting players (Outlanders) will go away next update. Currently the dev version does not suffer from this issue, and from what I've read the next Alpha update should be sometime next week. The problem is as I suspected, poorly optimized sig check function in the Alpha - much more noticeable if you do NOT have an SSD drive.

Hacking: I spent a few hours the other day reading through various forums and here's what I found out.

1 - there is an addon called Darky's PBO hider that prevents the server from detecting if you have any addons running. This means a player can join with hacked pbo files or better yet Devcon (@MCC_sandbox) giving them full control over the server.... ability to spawn, kill, kick players, nuke the world, etc, etc. Fortunately this addon does not seem to be widely used (probably too technically challenging for the kiddies).

2 - despite the above problem, having sig checks running on the server is the best way to prevent most of the hacks. Without the ability to join the game with hacked pbos, a player has to use a script injector (only a few known to work in A3) to exec his attack.. which effectively eliminates 95% of the 'hackers' out there.

3 - I need to learn more about anti-hack scripts and how to run them properly.. I know there was one on the A2 Insurgency server (dooacs), and there are ones out there for A3 Alpha as well.. just need to find them and test. Anyone have any knowledge there please PM me.
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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Hacking: I spent a few hours the other day reading through various forums and here's what I found out.

1 - there is an addon called Darky's PBO hider that prevents the server from detecting if you have any addons running. This means a player can join with hacked pbo files or better yet Devcon (@MCC_sandbox) giving them full control over the server.... ability to spawn, kill, kick players, nuke the world, etc, etc. Fortunately this addon does not seem to be widely used (probably too technically challenging for the kiddies).

2 - despite the above problem, having sig checks running on the server is the best way to prevent most of the hacks. Without the ability to join the game with hacked pbos, a player has to use a script injector (only a few known to work in A3) to exec his attack.. which effectively eliminates 95% of the 'hackers' out there.

3 - I need to learn more about anti-hack scripts and how to run them properly.. I know there was one on the A2 Insurgency server (dooacs), and there are ones out there for A3 Alpha as well.. just need to find them and test. Anyone have any knowledge there please PM me.

Without BE enabled it's a futile effort to make a banlist based on a script check. All that will happen is they'll use the server to test the detection. But I was given a nice little tool the other day for this sorta thing.
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