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=VG= Arma3 Alpha Server

=VG= SavageCDN

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hmm...I think it was just one... sorry :) I'll add more later.

If there are two or more of you on the server try the racing mission it looks awesome. You should be able to select the hatchback as the racing vehicle. With a bunch of players on you can race with a driver/gunner in some of the larger vehicles.


Fix for Welcome to Altis mission
-removed BIS vehicle respawn module and added scripted one to hopefully fix random explosions
-removed planes - flying over zones activates the AI which causes extra lag
-added more sport hatchbacks on request :)

Fix for Kavala Grand Prix mission
-adjusted player numbers from 32 to 24 and re-positioned start markers - hopefully this fixes some of the glitches (gunners not spawning in cars, vehicles clipping at start)

Updated to today's DEV build (Sept 6th)

- some new missions coming out for Altis - one that resembles Domi (created by one of the MSO authors [KH]Jman)
- PM me your Arma3 player UID so I can add to the list of 'approved' crewman and pilots. You can find your UID under main menu - Configure - Profile - Player ID
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"Welcome to Altis" - also you can filter for "veterans" it should find it.


The 1.02 update finally increased the # of servers returned by gamespy from 500 to 10000.. so that old problem of servers not appearing will hopefully go away.

Added some missions from Armaholic

co32 Resistance

co08 Escape Altis (like the old A2 Chernarus mission)

co40 Occupation

co33 Paros Sweep

co10 Eagle's Nest

co12 The Longest Day

co14 Fugitive Survivor

To select a mission login as admin and type #missions in sidechat. If you want the in-game admin password just fire me a PM.

Edit: If you do any work in the editor you're going to want these mods:

Makes the unit screen larger and easier to read (for old farts):

Unlocks all map/building/wall/etc items available in the game:
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If you are a good boy then yes ;)

I put up a fun DM mission as the default... Ciro I noticed you had a custom edit of a mission - do you want that one to be the default in the rotation? Also make sure you don't put spaces in the mission name.. use _ instead.
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Right now I think I am the only one working on it. If I can get it working I'll email it to him for the official release.

Right now the counter for respawning vehicles and ai is broken. I think it's a naming issue but I'm not sure. It counts them all fine but when the counter reaches the last one then it goes nuts and spawns all of them over and over. It does the same thing for the AI soldier. I should only see a few AI soldiers but I get tons of them.

The caches work, the base works, the enemy vehicles work. I have VAS as a placeholder weapons crate. I'd like to rewrite the old weaposn/gear script and make it dynamic instead of arrays.

Vehicle respawn and dynamic Ai are not counting correctly.
Support does not work.
I removed the lift script and vehicle rearm/repair. Those are low priority. I'll replace them with newer scripts at a leter date.

So I guess the only progress I made so far is that I removed some easy processInitCommands and was able to get the missions to run. There are still some more difficult ones left to do.
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GITHUB would be kewl but I'm a newb when it comes to using it.

Sem, I sent you the file.

Vet, I like your scrript. I see how the menus are added now. I'm not sure how I'm going to make that work with the old version I have since it has four menus based on parameters. Did you ever figure out submenuss?

Savage, no static bases. The dynamic nature of insurgency is imho why it's number one. You never know where your going to start, if the start zone is safe, and you can be in the fight within a minute vs. any mission using a static base. Besides. one mission parameter and the base becomes static but it's start location is still random.

There are other reasons to have dynamic spawns. They can be changed by mission parameters or edits easier than redoing the mission.sqm. !cheers
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah I understand the reasoning I was just thinking it would avoid most of the errors currently in the mission - the spawning of units, etc. I spent some time last week looking at it again but it's beyond me to fix... probably requires a re-write of most of the functions.

I put up a new COOP mission on the server as the default... it looks pretty sweet:

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The error you see aabout the vehicle names itself is generic. It just means something somewhere else is not properly named / coded based on mission design and not sqf language. Problem is it won't tell you where the real issue is.

The main issue is the scripts that counts the vehicles begins properly and does it's little count. When it reaches the last vehicle instead of closing that loop it repeats and makes vehicles again. and again and again. It does the same thing for the AI per player. Somewhere there is a coding error that's obsolete and needs to be redone.

The other problem is that Arma 3 and anything dynamically created cause problems. It piles up obsolete information on the cpu until the server can no longer handle all the little requests for info that really are no longer relevant to the mission.

It was the same way in A2 Insurgency. That's why server restarts were needed occasionally to clear that 'array'. It's just sad that this is magnified in A3.

This issue is not limited to Insurgency. Any mission that creates or spawns an object adds to cpu load. These objects can be anything including ai, weapons, items, vehicles etc. Even if you use a cleanup command the server is still trying to track these deleted 'dynamically created objects' and send the information to the client. Even though the 'object' is no longer relevant the server is sending a packet to the client talking about this 'object' that once existed. Eventually enough 'objects' are created that the server can no longer update all of the clients effectively. This is were the server FPS starts to drop and eventually it becomes so overwhelmed it is unplayable. This issue is magnified if the clients are creating the object instead of the server.

Almost every mission creates stuff over and over. Even if you had a vehicle at the start you may still spawn a replacement when it's lost. Unless of course you made everything indestructible. Insurgency type missions are very intensive when it comes to spawning stuff. AI being the biggest load followed by the support system and then the base vehicles. But other missions also suffer. Some worse than others. The current life missions are one example. Within an hour of a life mission's restart the server is degraded by excessive crap spawned by clients. Cars, clothes, items, guns etc. with each item being tracked by that poor little server and it's trying to update every client about these things even when it's no longer relevant.

The short answer is Insurgency may never reach the same level of playability as long as the server is unable to be cleansed of old dynamic spawns. I' really afraid it may need a major rewrite regardless if we can get this version working. If a major rewrite is done it's the dynamic nature of Insurgency that I would like to preserve. The random and scalable playability is Insurgency's greatest strength and also it's Achilles heal.
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