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First Impressions

=VG= Murderface0151

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Hey all,

Wondering what everyone is thinking to the Alpha? disappointed with anything? what are you happy with?

personally, i'm really enjoying it. though it's like trying to re-learn something i somehow feel i should already know with the slightly tweaked controls as default. the new editor layout (if it stays the same) is really clean, don't know if it's more simple or not though haha. don't know what i think to the underwater bullets n shit.. but i think that the whole new environment of the water will be a really good for mission making, stealthy shit indeed.

graphics, what can i say? STUNNING. really really nice, flying around at night time seeing the corona of that lighthouse beam. if this is just alpha i can't wait to see the finished product.

so please guys, give us your two cents and tell us what you like or maybe even hate :)
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Hmm im not thrilled for the moment.
My computer should run this game with ease still im frame rating/lagging like hell.
And helicopter movements are not good...its like the chopper doesnt way anything.
They could kept the walk/run stuff like in Arma2.
Ok grenades have theire own button...but after years of Arma2 did they HAVE to put it on G !lol

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I agree with ridDle, it runs pretty smooth even on my craptop ((albeit low settings but oh well)), animations are nice and smooth and each weapon is getting it's own reload, no more assault rifle reload animations while I load my SAW, weapons handle well along with vehicles ((HANDBRAKE ;D)), and the ragdoll effects now make it so much more satisfying to shoot people, my only major complaint are the waypoints. they are to lightly colored blend in to well with the surrounding and make it somewhat difficult to see what direction you really need to be going, but that's really the only issue I have that I can think of
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the new animations are so cool, very smooth - they needed this kind of refinement. it makes movement in mutliplayer with your buddies look BADASS.

the choppers don't fly like they useto, you need to use a lot more yaw as they don't seem to stabilize themselves with forward momentum - even with a fairly steep attitude. perhaps this is something they are developing further though
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My X52 won't work and it's pissing me off !yes

I get laggy like clippy mentioned, but usually only when I am streaming or hosting, I don't get that with A2.

I don't like the 10 player cap for Co-op. The host should be allowed to determine that number.

The 2 minute respawn sux sometimes lol

A3 in general is the best release yet. I got to shoot some sea turtles while scuba diving, shot me sum tuna, and even a dolphin I think.

I can see the spear fishing mods now.

Anyhoo, I love A3! By the time it's final it will be right on the mark. I'm totally stoked! Now off to play!

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Wooz =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Takes a couple of hours getting into, my only complain(currently) is the scroll menu, the fact that you cant use your left mouse button to select an action annoys the shit out of me, but this is still in Alpha:D

Honestly, Just take a peak at the controls list, and you can change that in under 30 seconds, And you can get rid of space doing it, i found that quite fustrating...
All it takes is the will to go into your menu's and change it ;)
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First impressions? Two words -

Shock and Awe!

I cannot believe how great the optimization is already, even at this early stage - reports are coming in from A2 players that they have better frame rates, and can dial in to perfectly playable graphics settings.

To me, gunplay is now as I've always dreamed it! I feel like I am the one doing everything now, instead of instructing my digital avatar to carry out the various movements and actions I'd like to perform in any period of time.

Finally, I feel I can react and act faster to the stimulus in the world, which most FPS Shooters are known for, in this Mil-Sim Shooter. I have not played with the stances enough yet, but I can see them looking at Mods like SMK and envisioning that kind of control in Arma 3. I can imagine the grenade throw options increasing, too.

For now, we gotta play with what is there, keeping an eye on what is not yet modeled while looking for bugs or issues that may become problems. For those out there just looking to play, know that there will be problems, but these will be fixed thanks to the close relationship BI Studios enjoys with their audience. The final release is still scheduled after the coming BETA phase, somewhere in Q3 2013 (September - December), and that they have eluded to a desire to not release it until it is right and true to their vision.

As a fan of Arma scripting, I am just happy as hell! There are functions not yet demonstrated even in this Alpha that I have read (after pretty much reading through most of BI's code that makes up the game) and found so many gems.

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Well i have a pretty powerful computer and I still get lag and experiences low frame rate at times and I don't even have the graphics up all the way. Great graphics but many new things to learn. Hope it fly's on my thrustmaster warthog.
AMD BE Phenom 955 OC'd to 3.6ghz quad core
8 gigs of ram
HD6950 2 gig card
SBxfi gamer sound card
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Performance gets a bit rough from time to time, but it's easy to understand once you look at the refined visuals, the skies, the player models, animations, all that gorgeous lighting. Game looks sweet and smooth. Hopefully performance will be further tweaked and improved, but I've scheduled an upgrade at the end of the year anyway.

Grenade toss on G by default? Lawd, have mercy. That's beginner's trap turned into a veteran's trap over here.
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First impression: It feels like Arma 2 with nicer graphics. This is both a good and bad thing. The good things from A2 haven't been messed with, but then the weaker aspects of A2, stuff that was improved in ACE, has also been left alone which is slightly disappointing. Such as:
Grenades - Just as terrible as A2, except now bound to the "gear" key by default - Genius
Compass - Still practically impossible to read bearing off of it
GPS - This has been changed, I like the new look, but I'm unsure as to why it's displayed in the centre of my screen

Choppers seem to handle almost exactly like they do in A2 i.e. not exactly realistically.

Haven't messed with the graphics settings yet, it seemed to auto-select high/ultra for most stuff and it seems to be running smoothly.

Editor looks mostly the same, a quick glance seems to suggest that they have attempted to remove the need to manually edit files for briefing, tasks etc. Which could be handy.
Looks like a whole lot more stuff in the modules list that will need learning.

Gear: I kinda like the idea of items being carried in different parts of your equipment, though a view that displays everything you're carrying would be nice.
Plus, I am not looking forward to the inevitable fashion show at the gear box as people decide which vest, webbing, backpack and helmet combo is "in" this season.

Stance change: Will need to be tested in combat, but I think the small stance changes should allow much better use of cover, though the ACE weapon stabilisation on cover would've made this perfect.
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Calv =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

Plus, I am not looking forward to the inevitable fashion show at the gear box as people decide which vest, webbing, backpack and helmet combo is "in" this season.

it's honestly no different than waiting for people to pick their loadout/gear/weapons already, it's just going to add 30 seconds to an already 5 minute (at best) wait ((though that's just my honest opinion))
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well, after a few more days of playing. i gotta say i'm really loving this game after getting used to how it plays. been playing a lot late night games with Outlanders lately, and even with 2 guys we can accomplish a lot on foot. the graphics, animations, effects etc all roll it into a very enthralling game. looking forward to a patch perhaps

i think the Hunter has gotta be lifted, someone should try modify it lol :P
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If you have the Alpha please login to the feedback site and vote up this ticket


This issue is preventing a lot of scripts and mods from being released for A3 (AI suppression, ACRE, more)

New RH Pack!!


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