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Harlequin LAN_WROTE ...
They're not "fugly"... they're "AFish"!! Have you got your online comp ready for some flights yet or what?

Damn, that's right, I coined that phrase. LOL

No, I'm futzin around. Talked to MIGGCI last eve and he asked the same thing.

I'm a LOSER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrPXONk3-tQ

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we have them turned off on our server anyway :)



I talked to Khronik last night, got to get my crap together, really want to take a flight. Trying to work on this comp now to get the network card working correctly.

Will keep you posted, Roger Rabbit Over and Out, Peace and good Will toward Clowns !help

BTW, wife just left for work, Woohoo

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This system will just not cooperate. I can't get chit to work. Windows now tells me the software for the Network card is not WHQL certified and to not install it. I got the freaking driver from Dell and this is a DELL Inspiron, WTF!!! !memo

I was thinking about having Khronik remotely access it but, DOH, I can't get on the net, LOL

Okay, I've spammed the Screenshot thread enough, so I'll leave you with this and hope ya'll BLESS, uhhhhh, forgive me. !good

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Terremer and me on a flight to get his feet wet.

Just a simple TE on a Sweep mission against 4 Mig-23's. We encountered and I killed one, then I killed Terremer cause he didn't say it was him, LOL

Then I got in a turning fight with the remaining Mig-23's and ran into the ground. !lolol


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I swear, I called out 3 times and he didn't respond so I volleyed 2 Slammers to make sure whatever it was was DEAD. LOL, I should have taken a pic of him exploding, but when he said he had blowed up I was laughing too much. !lex

Yeah, we can continue that campaign. Last time you wore me out flying sorties like we were on CRACK. !haha


Harlequin LAN_WROTE ...


We encountered and I killed one, then I killed Terremer cause he didn't say it was him

Yeah... blame Terremer!! "He practically made me shoot him!" !crazy

I saved that campaign from the other night. Looking forward to continuing it later this week...

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day 2 of practicing with bombs..set them on 400 ft delay between and bombed the hell out of this runway! however it was supposed to be ccip, but my angle was off and i ended up releasing them on the delay ccrp mode that comes up...im still working on that angle, lol. Third pic is four tanks being introduced to my mavericks...theres one trying to escape at the bottom right of the screen, lol! i had to get really close to screencap that one, was fun though.

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Just did this training mission where you hunt enemy ships...its really fun!

mavericks against first pair of ships. Got some good hits, they're huge targets and easy to lock:

A better view of the ships:

I hit these as well...but it looks like the missiles hit water, not sure what happened there:

And this isnt the best shot, but me flying over a big ship after i dropped a GBU on it...you can kinda see the smoke in the targeting pod...also the first time my laser actually worked right, lolol

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SHIT, I was so pissed yesterday about my joystick being hosed I forgot to post pics of our Flight.

BLuD, Hail~Storm and me on an OCA Strike

Ready to Taxi

Taxi to runway

Airborne in formation(that didn't last long with my piece of SHIT joystick)

BLud to my 10

BLud and Hail~Storm AWESOME hits on runway

I ran low on fuel and tried to land at alternate, tanks running all over airstrip = ME DEAD !hang

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