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WIP: An Arma 2 Vietnam Event Mission by Charry

=VG= SemlerPDX

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Hello all! If you recall, before our website issues of September, an event was slated for an Arma 2 Vietnam mission by our friend Charry. It was so derailed that it still sits awaiting just a few tweaks, scripts, and tests before becoming a reality. I would love to play in this event, and had previously signed up as many of you had.

This scripting and editing thread will take this mission, mostly designed in the 2D Mission Editor by way of enemy groups with waypoints, event triggers and map markers, all the way to adding simple scripts and utilities needed to make it a full-fledged MP COOP Mission. I have talked with Charry already and he will post up here the things needed to be added (respawn system or respawn configuation?) or whatever needs to be tested before throwing a huge group into the shit.

Here is a quote with a little info on the mission, the mods list desired, and a video showing the breaching idea he wanted to use:
Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ...
We are going to use an interesting breaching script which allows us to use c4 and shotguns to breach into buildings:

After you get badly shot you will have a certain time until you are completely dead. You will respawn on the carrier and wait until severals others die. The team will be assigned a new callsign and they're going to fly (back) in as reinforcements.

Helicopter can load ammo boxes into cargo and later drop them onto the battlefield.

The TAC pilot should mess around a little bit with the F/A 18 to get known to that plane.

If there are any questions please feel free to ask me!



Mission created by Pvt.Charry
changes could be taken!

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You can easily spawn a carrier with game logic and a simple script,
will post a guide later on.

PS: Note on the script spawned carrier:
Any vehicle that has automatic landing gear system (automaticly hides and shows it),
Will bounce around on the carrier, since you have to spawn it 16.5 high (it thinks its in the air, not on a carrier)
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you don't need to post a guide on how to work the Nimitz addon... it's not an issue, and the addon also comes with instructions for mission makers already. Besides, the mission is made AFAIK; we're awaiting Charry's posts on needed scripts or utilities that he may not have been able to add yet...
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The issue I ran into was getting players to respawn on the carrier at the proper height (they would spawn on the respawn_west marker but at sea level). Apparently you can set the marker's height in init.sqf and it's supposed to work but it failed for me.

Might be due to the revive script being used.. not sure.

[EDIT: SemlerPDX - since it's so off topic and he's scrapping it anyway, I'll just reply to this here for the record. One way to ensure those players respawn at the marker at it's init-given height is to sync them to it in the editor. they can even have separate markers for each group at different spots, or one marker for each player, so long as they are synced to the marker, they will appear there on respawn.]
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Thank you Semler for your work!
I want to do a complete new mission and forget my old one due to performance problems.
Soon I will post the list of scripts needed wich I didn't find in the internet.
But I like to share my new idea about the process on how we complete our Tasks and wich one is in the row.
Let's say we've got 7 Objectives. The objects are not numbered like 1, 2, 3 etc.. Each objectiv has it's own "requirments".
I take objectiv 1 for example. It says "Take the Hill A-872". Requirments: 2 FT's minimum, Airsupport aviable, Mortarsupport aviable, Medevac aviable. If we fulfill those critereas we are able to go to that objectiv.
It's still an idea and I don't know if this is going to work properly so changes could be still taken. And please feel free to add YOUR ideas about this concept.
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that is a bit complex Charry - possible but would be a system in and of itself that would take quite some time to implement. I would suggest you assume you will have a large group of players and a play time of around 2 hours. In that you can fit around 2-4 objectives and if you have a respawn and transportation system, you can make them as difficult as needed for a good game.

That means objectives that are independant - make them able to start one or any one and have completion triggers inside each area separate from the others. That should suffice.

I'm kinda sick and am gonna go lay down again. I'll be back to gaming before too long...c ya soon
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  • 2 weeks later...
Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ...

But I like to share my new idea about the process on how we complete our Tasks and wich one is in the row.
Let's say we've got 7 Objectives. The objects are not numbered like 1, 2, 3 etc.. Each objectiv has it's own "requirments".
I take objectiv 1 for example. It says "Take the Hill A-872". Requirments: 2 FT's minimum, Airsupport aviable, Mortarsupport aviable, Medevac aviable. If we fulfill those critereas we are able to go to that objectiv.
It's still an idea and I don't know if this is going to work properly so changes could be still taken. And please feel free to add YOUR ideas about this concept.

That's a very kewl idea. Basically you can do something like side missions based on the difficulty of the objective. So you could request a dynamic mission based on the size and makeup of the forces you command. One way would be to have a gui where you can fill in your assets and it spits out a custom mission. Two man recon team? Get small recon/sniper missions. Small squad. Patrol or ambush mission. Platoon mission. Get to capture town/crossroad/fob mission.
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Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ...

But I like to share my new idea about the process on how we complete our Tasks and wich one is in the row.
Let's say we've got 7 Objectives. The objects are not numbered like 1, 2, 3 etc.. Each objectiv has it's own "requirments".
I take objectiv 1 for example. It says "Take the Hill A-872". Requirments: 2 FT's minimum, Airsupport aviable, Mortarsupport aviable, Medevac aviable. If we fulfill those critereas we are able to go to that objectiv.
It's still an idea and I don't know if this is going to work properly so changes could be still taken. And please feel free to add YOUR ideas about this concept.

That's a very kewl idea. Basically you can do something like side missions based on the difficulty of the objective. So you could request a dynamic mission based on the size and makeup of the forces you command. One way would be to have a gui where you can fill in your assets and it spits out a custom mission. Two man recon team? Get small recon/sniper missions. Small squad. Patrol or ambush mission. Platoon mission. Get to capture town/crossroad/fob mission.

As Semler said it is very hard to implement this concept.

@PITN. I already have 2 SF Teams and they will definiteley have some special operations to do. I added some side missions wich will provide us intel and stuff. So it's our choice wether we take the chance and capture some intel ( but also risk that we get into an ambush) or not. BTW: those intels will have additional information and will effect on the mission, for example a new patrol route of the enemy and stuff.
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Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ...

Thank you Semler for your work!
I want to do a complete new mission and forget my old one due to performance problems.
Soon I will post the list of scripts needed wich I didn't find in the internet.
But I like to share my new idea about the process on how we complete our Tasks and wich one is in the row.
Let's say we've got 7 Objectives. The objects are not numbered like 1, 2, 3 etc.. Each objectiv has it's own "requirments".
I take objectiv 1 for example. It says "Take the Hill A-872". Requirments: 2 FT's minimum, Airsupport aviable, Mortarsupport aviable, Medevac aviable. If we fulfill those critereas we are able to go to that objectiv.
It's still an idea and I don't know if this is going to work properly so changes could be still taken. And please feel free to add YOUR ideas about this concept.

It's an interesting concept, but I think it is the wrong direction to make missions too structured. One of the greatest things about Arma and co-op missions is seeing the creative ways in which people complete objectives. The best missions I've played are the ones with the least direction in the way of tasks and map markers.

Having one or two primary objectives that become 'easier' to complete as secondary objectives are completed is a good idea. Secondary objectives such as AA positions, Artillery camps, radio towers to call reinforcements etc are all good ideas, but I would avoid going as far as preventing players from completing any objective.

It would provide an interesting balancing act for a commander, as completing secondary objectives is a clear benefit, but at the same time has the cost of resources such as men and ammo. You could easily end up with a situation where completing all secondary objectives causes the force to be too diminished to complete the primary one.
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Great post Calv also I would recommend keeping the missions simple and short to begin with... don't go crazy on your 1st few missions and add 50 objectives and 100s of AI.. something is bound to go wrong anyway and you don't want that breaking your mission.
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So I get stuck on something. I need some Civilians to get shoot at me if I activate a trigger. Can't really find a good solution on the Internet. Then I need a single Enemy spawn after I activate a trigger(without any addons). Already tried to use the "BIS_fnc_spawnGroup" but it didn't help. Any Ideas?
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Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ...

So I get stuck on something. I need some Civilians to get shoot at me if I activate a trigger. Can't really find a good solution on the Internet. Then I need a single Enemy spawn after I activate a trigger(without any addons). Already tried to use the "BIS_fnc_spawnGroup" but it didn't help. Any Ideas?

The 'easiest' way for the Civilian problem is to join the civ unit to an OPFOR leader who has a probability of presence set at 0% - at least that's how you'd do it in the editor. Scripting that in will be more difficult but possible I'm sure. As soon as the civ unit 'joins' the non-existant OPFOR group he will become enemy.

For a single unit spawn use createUnit:


ie: create a unit and add to player's group:

"classname_of_unit" createUnit [position player, group player]

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If you want the civs the be independent/friendly at first and become hostile when the trigger activates then create a group of civs and create 1 opfor. Set the trigger in combination with a waypoint join and lead for the opfor and sync with the civs. The trigger will make the opfor (with 0% presence) join the civs as leader and make the civs become hostile.
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whiztler LAN_WROTE ...

If you want the civs the be independent/friendly at first and become hostile when the trigger activates then create a group of civs and create 1 opfor. Set the trigger in combination with a waypoint join and lead for the opfor and sync with the civs. The trigger will make the opfor (with 0% presence) join the civs as leader and make the civs become hostile.

works like a charm for me! Thank you
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