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The Role of Commander in PR - a discussion

=VG= Kavelenko

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Hi Everyone,

This is a subject I've been dying to bring up for sometime now.

The Role and use of the commander on the COOP server.

I'd like some great ideas and input from anyone as to how we can get the commander's role to work in a meaningful way on the COOP server.

In my opinion it's one of the most under-utilized roles on the COOP server but as we've seen in modded events; can be most effective in coordinating squads on difficult maps/missions.

I know there are players who DO play the commander role quite a lot, what do you guys think about it and what are some of the ways we could use this feature to improve team-play in general while keeping it fun?


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The CO is not used much as most of the time it is not need on a map. This could be as the map is already to easy and/or the commander simply can't do anything usefull ( no area-attack, crap or no uav).

Other than that comes the main issue, getting SL's to listen. Unless it is so that we have a few decent players and SL's online it is next to impossible to try and command people around.

On events this is something different as you are all facing new challenges and someone that helps coordinating will be more usefull rather than every man for themselfs.

personally I would suggest to always get an CO on the maps Yamalia STD, Charlie's point STD, Dovre STD and TadSea ALT as these maps are in need of proper coordination to finish the map successfully

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I have some bad memories being a CO, and Double can confirm that. When I tried the CO role I was just kinda confused by how many things you had in the menu, I didn't know how to use it, and I just rolled with it, which didn't go too well.

I think it's useful in some maps, although in Coop it seems too much. The SLs already do a good job (HaterOneActual, WCCBadploy, and others in my book of personal idols) at commanding the Members around and using the kits in an effective way. Also, not everyone takes the game seriously enough so that a CO could be of any use. Not saying we need to be serious 24/7 tho.

Talking about how it can be useful, I've seen 22..12 and Blazer do a pretty good job using the tools given to them to ease the advance of friendlies, especially in maps like Beirut with Rail Depot being an absolute hellhole of tank spawning madness. I don't have a lot of experience in this game so I can't say much about the other maps. RIP.

P.S.: Have we ever played Dovre Winter? I was looking at the map list and it seems very interesting. Does it just suck or is it rarely in the rotation?

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Love Dovre Winter.  It's not utilized enough.  I think it's one of the more fun maps, from what I've seen, with the constant, taking/re-taking of flags.  Maybe it could replace Bijar in the rotation?  Bijar seems to crash alot....and now Kashan.  I can't help, but love Muttrah 24/7 though :D


In the 8+ years I've played PR (Coop & Deployment)....

A CO needs to have some credibility with the player base to be taken seriously (i.e. Kavelenko, Saltbush, Hateroneactual, ZT, WCCBadploy, =VG= tagged player.....sorry if I didnt mention you directly.)    I've seen jokers, newish PR players or unrecognized players take the CO position and usually no one listens to them. 

IMO currently, the CO position is used to build/remove fobs, assets, call area attacks, and or get a specific kit or just to play alone in a one man squad driving around with their own personal logi truck.  On occasion we will get great coordination with a CO when the experienced (read teamwork) players are CO & SL's.  We don't mind defending and sometimes just waiting...waiting...waiting... :D


How do we change that?

Identify the proficient CO's currently.  Hopefully a =VG= member or current crop of recognized SL's that know the CO position.

Identify the SL's who's squads are always full - they will be recognized by a larger portion of the player base.

Have the proficient CO's help the proficient SL's learn to be CO's.

Also, we need to train SL's.  I see the same people as SL's over and over and over and I'm sure you get burned out after awhile.  But if you do train people,  let them make the mistakes.  Don't take command of their squad.  Just provide alternative suggestions if the new SL seems lost or unsure.

As SL's move to CO's, a new crop of SL's will become proficient and be recognized by a player base and thus a new crop of CO's can be trained.


I agree with FrankoIT, I too have trouble with the commands, keystrokes, for specific orders/markers/UAV utilization.  The manual only covers what you "can do" with the CO kit, not "what keystrokes" to use.  I suppose one could create a local server and spend the time to make all the mistakes and learn, but it would be a heck of alot easier if someone with experience could tell us the specifics.  For instance, I have trouble with the UAV.  I keep getting a black screen when I try to zoom, whereas the manual shows a nice screenshot of zoomed in buildings...those kinds of things.


Unrealistic suggestions?

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To deploy the UAV just make sure you're in the commander vehicle first (i.e. Carrier, APC with tent). Right click on the map for the UAV to circle and select the UAV symbol to deploy it to that location. Hit capslock to view (takes a few minutes to deploy).

To zoom in normal view press 1 on the keyboard, and use X to zoom in or out. Press 2 to view it in thermals. This thermal view originally used to allow you as commander to laze targets, looks like its been nerfed in COOP not sure if it works in Deployment because I never tried.

To refuel the UAV before it runs out, right click the UAV button at the top left part of the main screen. Another handy keystroke when trying to work out which squad is which is to press ENTER, you can then view all squad members as per usual.

If the area attack option is available you should see the area attack button building in the top left part of the screen.

The squad leader is the guy that makes an area attack request using his radio. Press 6 , press T and right click for area attack. the aiming is a little bit difficult but you get better with practice.

To accept an area attack, when you see the request for one on the map, once you've checked for friendlies, you can accept or reject the request by right clicking the middle of the concentric circles.

Just remember the area attack has a 200m blast radius so make sure people are warned to clear the area or are in suitable cover such as buildings and bunkers. Iron roof hangars are not safe as I found out on Barracuda the other day. I often use the area attack when I'm at Barracuda at Beach Fortification or Supplies, and my entire squad is under-ground with me. Always a cool way to impress the new players who usually shit themselves when the barrage hits....lol.

As commander it is your responsibility for any team kills that may occur because its your choice to accept or reject the area attack request.


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The thing about playing CO is that there are a lot of little quirks and nuances that are never made clear or explicit through any form of documentation, and can only be found through either intuition, or being trained by an experienced CO. As such, it would be a better idea for you guys to just announce your intention of learning how to play CO when there are more experienced players around, as it will make things easier for everyone.

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I personally I think a good C/O doesn't necessarily need to instruct each individual squad on where to go - Its really up to the squad leaders to decide on which flags they want to go too and how they tackle the objectives.

As a whole, the best C/O's sit back and take in the entire situation as they have a clear overview of what is happening across the entire battlefield, Squad leaders don't really have this opportunity as their minds are purely set on attacking and defending said flags and they rarely have time to assess the movement of other squads.

The C/O's main responsibility is to keep the team notified of enemy movement and inform the Squad leaders of any other relevant information the help them with their objectives.


Let me put this into a simple scenario;

Having Captured objective Bravo, the team has rushed ahead and started capping objective Charlie. Unfortunately, in the rush, objective Bravo has been left defenceless.

Unknown to the rest of the team, objective Bravo is slowly recaptured by the enemy. Luckily, the C/O has utilised the UAV and has noticed the mass of enemy infantry sitting at Bravo.

The C/O can now do the following-

1) Instruct each individual squad on where to go, trying to micro-manage the situation.

2) Advise the team of the mistake and ask for a squad(s) to volunteer in defending Bravo. Possibly request an Area attack to see if the stops the capture of Bravo.


Choice 1 - As stated in previous posts above, its very difficult to instruct players on which flag to go to. Don't know if this is due to ignorance or human nature but people generally don't like being told exactly what to do! Every squad leader has a different approach to how they want to play a map, the C/O shouldn't really restrict how they do this. 

Choice 2 - Asking for volunteers, from my experience, tends to be the better approach as you are not technically instructing them on what to do but merely advising them of a better approach. If the C/O manages to get a squad to fall back, great! However, If there is no response, its not a disaster. In the end the C/O has done his job.


A C/O has also many tools available to them the help assist the team, such as:

Area Attack - Clears out groups of enemy's on the map, great for assisting with a big push or defence.

UAV - Recon, greatly improves the teams ability to assess the entire battlefield.

C/O Rally - You can get your boots on the ground and assess the situation on the field. Helps with morale and a quick rally can assist with a push on a difficult objective.


In general, a C/O shouldn't act as a micro-manager but more as, you guessed it, an adviser to the team.

Finally, it helps being a "recognised" player on the server when acting as a C/O, but this shouldn't stop less experienced and known players from taking up the role.

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44 minutes ago, Blazer said:

Let me put this into a simple scenario;

Having Captured objective Bravo, the team has rushed ahead and started capping objective Charlie. Unfortunately, in the rush, objective Bravo has been left defenceless.

Unknown to the rest of the team, objective Bravo is slowly recaptured by the enemy. Luckily, the C/O has utilised the UAV and has noticed the mass of enemy infantry sitting at Bravo.

The C/O can now do the following-

1) Instruct each individual squad on where to go, trying to micro-manage the situation.

2) Advise the team of the mistake and ask for a squad(s) to volunteer in defending Bravo. Possibly request an Area attack to see if the stops the capture of Bravo.

3) Order the most cooperative known squadleader back near to BRAVO and let him call in a AREA ATTACK.

I missed this option. People like area attacks. Big Movie, you know. CO also like killing bots with area attack.  (insertheremyoldmissing :cray:jesteremojicon).

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15 hours ago, Kavelenko said:

To deploy the UAV just make sure you're in the commander vehicle first (i.e. Carrier, APC with tent). Right click on the map for the UAV to circle and select the UAV symbol to deploy it to that location. Hit capslock to view (takes a few minutes to deploy).

To zoom in normal view press 1 on the keyboard, and use X to zoom in or out. Press 2 to view it in thermals. This thermal view originally used to allow you as commander to laze targets, looks like its been nerfed in COOP not sure if it works in Deployment because I never tried.

To refuel the UAV before it runs out, right click the UAV button at the top left part of the main screen. Another handy keystroke when trying to work out which squad is which is to press ENTER, you can then view all squad members as per usual.

If the area attack option is available you should see the area attack button building in the top left part of the screen.

The squad leader is the guy that makes an area attack request using his radio. Press 6 , press T and right click for area attack. the aiming is a little bit difficult but you get better with practice.

To accept an area attack, when you see the request for one on the map, once you've checked for friendlies, you can accept or reject the request by right clicking the middle of the concentric circles.

Just remember the area attack has a 200m blast radius so make sure people are warned to clear the area or are in suitable cover such as buildings and bunkers. Iron roof hangars are not safe as I found out on Barracuda the other day. I often use the area attack when I'm at Barracuda at Beach Fortification or Supplies, and my entire squad is under-ground with me. Always a cool way to impress the new players who usually shit themselves when the barrage hits....lol.

As commander it is your responsibility for any team kills that may occur because its your choice to accept or reject the area attack request.


Thanks Kav, that explains it.... I thought you could use UAV from anyplace on the map.

3 hours ago, Blazer said:

IIn general, a C/O shouldn't act as a micro-manager but more as, you guessed it, an adviser to the team.

Finally, it helps being a "recognised" player on the server when acting as a C/O, but this shouldn't stop less experienced and known players from taking up the role.


I guess it depends on a person's/player's viewpoint of what PR is.  Is it a game only?     

Or is it a "tactical game"?  As a tactical game, I'm amenable to being micromanaged on the virtual battlefield....just like IRL.  

It's part of military realism that PR was trying to inject into this game.  If it were just "a game", I probably wouldnt listen to anyone and just run around shooting anything that moved. :D  Like COD or BF4.



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Well one of the main things as CO is also you know the battlefield itself. On deployment this means you know all the possible enemy fob locations. On coop this means you have some sense on where the bots move and how to efficiently counter this. 

Rarly anybody takes up the role for commander to actual command. Most of the commanders are CO so they can build fobs, laze stuff with officer kit or can't be bothered playing together with others. 

I personally do not listen to what a unknown commander has to say (if they even speak) or spam toward as me using the move markers. As most of the times the commands the person sends are self explanatory or completely useless. Only if the person sounds credible I shall see if I could follow the orders he gives me. 

If the server is low populated it could be usefull to use a CO so he can try to use the limited resources he has as efficient as possible. However on a full server I often do not see the use of a CO as the mayor squads have SL that knows what to do and communicate among other squads. The use of a commander would only cause more confusion if the CO is unable to do it is job correctly. 

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26 minutes ago, FatAlbert said:

I guess it depends on a person's/player's viewpoint of what PR is.  Is it a game only?     

Or is it a "tactical game"?  As a tactical game, I'm amenable to being micromanaged on the virtual battlefield....just like IRL.  

It's part of military realism that PR was trying to inject into this game.  If it were just "a game", I probably wouldnt listen to anyone and just run around shooting anything that moved. :D  Like COD or BF4.


Understand your point of view.

I didn't, in any way, say that the C/O shouldn't give commands. In fact you cannot function properly with as a C/O if you don't  issue a few orders now and then! However, my post was more of reminder to people that there will be those that don't respond or refuse to listen.

Lately I have seen a lot of new players on the server, who have not  been fully exposed to the realism side of the game yet. Its easy for us experienced players to want the entire team to be tactical but unfortunately, in a public server, the majority of the players will either be less experienced or new.  The likelihood of the entire server population to co-operate willingly is minimal.

Then again, its also up to the C/O to gauge the capability's of his team. So yes, if the server is full of willing/experienced players, knock yourself out and send those orders!  

If however the server is a mix of 50% experienced and 50% Less experienced (Which it most likely is), I suggested that advising players to take the right action is a better approach than a forced order.


4 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

3) Order the most cooperative known squadleader back near to BRAVO and let him call in a AREA ATTACK.

I missed this option. People like area attacks. Big Movie, you know. CO also like killing bots with area attack.  (insertheremyoldmissing :cray:jesteremojicon).

Totally agree and if I go C/O, I make it my duty to call at least one area attack (if available)! ;)

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In coop, the commander would also make more sense, when all deployable botmortars, hideouts/FOB's and maybe for some fixed bipod mg's from the opponent team wouldn't spawn always in the same locations.

Having a RANDOM code for the botassets (like in INS the ammocaches) would be nice in AAS. A commander would be needed to locate enemy mortars or FOB's. 

Should i make a suggestion for this in the PR forum?

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I'll put the scenario to those who want a challenge.

Four maps that we seem to avoid like the plague, mostly because they have the effect of draining the server.

  1. Tad Sae
  2. Charlies Point
  3. Assault on Mestia
  4. Ghost Train

Surely these would be good maps for a commander to develop battle plans to conquer.

I've only seen Charlies Point completely capped and won twice in 7 months (I have screenshots). Tad Sae never (because no-one will set it), Assault on Mestia (once).

Would a battle plan and commander make a difference here?

Double has a smart plan to defeat the bots on Tad Sae but we shouldn't need to exploit bots if we have a decent plan surely?

Of course the biggest excuse on Tad Sae is that its a night map and we cannot see the bots....come on guys we can do better than that.. cant we?


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I totally agree on the points that most of you have pointed out and it's about time I should give my points in my perspective.

I rarely have been a CO myself but I understand how they work effectively by seeing the COs in action.

I hope this can help you out so that you have an idea of how to be and Efficient and Effective CO


  • Use the UAV to scout out any enemy positions (Mortars, AA, Infantry, Armour etc) , This is beneficial to the team because the Assets can be located in some key positions and the UAV is there to confirm where the Enemy Assets are located so the Squad Leaders can organise themselves and attempt to destroy them (If it's necessary)
  • Be there to pull the trigger in Area Attacks. If there are Area Attacks available then the Commander should notify all the Squad Leaders so they know they can use the Area Attacks in their Disposal (If appropriate of course)
  • REMOVE Friendly FOBs (If Appropriate)
  • BUILD FOBs (If you can build FOBs without digging)
  • ORDER or ADVISE Squad Leaders on what to do (Will go into detail with this BELOW)
  • GIVE information to the Squad Leaders (enemy movements etc) , kind of links with the UAV aspect of things.


  • MUST HAVE A MIC!, If you can't communicate then you are not as effective as you can be in terms of being an effective CO
  • MUST have a decent understanding on how to play PR
  • MUST have Experience in other Roles, for example if you have good experience on Tanks then you know what they are capable of and you understand their Advantages and Disadvantages therefore your battle plan should be more acceptable to a specific role
  • MUST have a good understanding on the Map you are playing, if you don't have experience then your battle plans are going to be like a bag of shit and will not work (even though most of the time plans don't go as they are supposed to anyway XD)


There is a BIG Difference between Ordering and Advising Squad Leaders

ORDERING Squad Leaders:

This WORKS if:

  • The Squad Leader Cooperates with You (Has no problem with being told what to do)
  • The Squad Leader Needs Someone to help him with Orders (Doesn't know what to do)
  • There is an Event Taking place (More Experienced Players)
  • There are More Senior Players then there are to New Players (They are more likely to Understand the Concept of PR than the New Ones)

This DOESN'T work if:

  • The Squad Leader Doesn't Like being told what to do (There's nothing you can do about it)
  • The Squad Leader already has battle plans to execute or their battle plans are better than yours
  • The Game is on a PUBLIC Server (As most of the time there are more inexperienced players than experienced players)
  • There are More New Players then there are to Senior Players (They don't understand the Concept of PR so therefore they probably think that your a Dick)


  • You are more likely to win the round quicker or more effectively if you have good battle plans and they follow them
  • You could be seen as a role model, If you have good experience, good orders and good battle plans then people will start to look up to you, which of course is a moral boost to yourself and the team obviously
  • You are more trusted by people if they need help


  • Some people don't like being bossed around, so they may see you as a dick (Even though the concept of PR is to work as a team and follow orders)
  • If your orders are really shit then the team gets unnecessary risks, therefore your less likely to be trusted

ADVISING Squad Leaders:


  • The Squad leader can either accept the advice or reject it (Depending on how good your advice is), therefore it gives the team more flexibility to figuring out the best battle plan
  • Psychologically if you give someone advice. most likely they are going to accept it. so therefore advising is kind of like ordering but in a psychological way. 
  • You could be seen as a role model, If you have good experience, good orders and good battle plans then people will start to look up to you, which of course is a moral boost to yourself and the team obviously
  • You are more trusted by people if they need help


  • Its Advice.. Some people may reject it (for a good reason or an unnecessary reason)

I personally think that Advising people is more better in all aspects because not only it gives people flexibility, its secretly a friendly way of giving orders, therefore to the people who don't like being bossed around they are less likely to see you as a bossy person but more of a helpful type of "guide". Moving on



Not only do I think these tips will help the CO but also it can help Squad Leaders Too.

Even if you have a Mic its ideal to have good communication skills so that everyone can understand you clearly (if you have medical issues with speaking then you can still be effective but people might have difficulties understanding you, either way there is nothing you can do about it either way so it shouldn't matter.


To guarantee that people can clearly understand you, you should follow the following acronym:

C - Clear - Make sure there is nothing in your mouth (Dicks etc) and try to speak slowly (Unless your Irish because you can't help it XD)

L - Loud - Don't be as quiet as a mouse (Unless your Mummy is sleeping and you don't want to wake up the beast XD)

A - As An Order - Make it sound like your serious instead of sounding like a wimp that's gone full retard

P - With Pauses - Don't rush your speaking, take it slow and steady (just like your dicks) 

CLAP... Because you're all Clapped (Retarded and Ugly)


Well.. you have gone this far into reading this... if you have ill make you tea and crumpets

I think my fingers are on fire from typing all this jeez XD :boredom:

Thanks for reading this and I you will take this as useful advice

Have a good one  :13:


- Sausag3


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11 hours ago, Kavelenko said:

I'll put the scenario to those who want a challenge.

Four maps that we seem to avoid like the plague, mostly because they have the effect of draining the server.

  1. Tad Sae
  2. Charlies Point
  3. Assault on Mestia
  4. Ghost Train


These are my favorite map to play, and  I strive to  be winning multiple times. 

Tad Sae, you just have to hug and run as fast as you can. Having a defending squad and an attack element are key components, as well as having the logi in the hands of somebody that can drive.

Charlies point I have a great script to run with players and all you do is run south for the win. It also helps that the enemy objects do not move and are in the same location every time. Having a great trans squad that already knows how I like to roll defiantly helps out. Show some love to the boat squads as well.

Ghost train is the best map of all time especially if you spawn east. Pop a FOB down and don't forget to have spawn points for your squad. This is another map where you will you hug the side and push hard . Member how long your spring can last and try to save it for your big pushes . And don't forget your rope this is 1 of the most vital pieces of an quipment you can have to save the day .


All of the above maps are capable and the hands of having confident players that listen. Having an amazing squad makes it so I do not die on some of these maps, however, that is not always the case.  Teamwork is a central as you folks all know which is 1 of the many reasons why you were in this side of the form, not just a regular player but an active administrator and recognized member of the VG community. Yes the bot has a hige difficulty at 93, however, we are still human. We program the bots to do what they do and they have flaws. So use them to your advantage!

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50 minutes ago, =VG= m823us said:

These are my favorite map to play, and  I strive to  be winning multiple times.

I hear ya bro and why don't we play these maps very often? We should be setting the trend and dominating these maps like they are candy floss and just a snack before the main course!!

Why cant we warm up on them this coming event? There's an idea, I'll bring the video recorder.... :P

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12 hours ago, Kavelenko said:

I'll put the scenario to those who want a challenge.

Four maps that we seem to avoid like the plague, mostly because they have the effect of draining the server.

  1. Salt Sae
  2. salty Point
  3. Assault on Salt
  4. Salt Train


Perfect map rotation for the server after crashes. solid 5/7

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God beware,

fighting bots in vegetation and darkness. Our bots are already OP enough! I have no fun getting oneshot killed each time and see only bushes, fooliage and darkness.

Also a good commander will not help against so many salt. Citymaps are better for seeding.


I believe the commander role will get more popular when the Project Reality Devteam starts improving the coop part and i dont mean more maps or assets or weapons or whatever digital objects. I mean GAMEPLAY. The only cool breakthrough (gameplay wise) that got implemented in coop to make it BLUFOR a bit more difficult are the botmortars. ESAi helped only a bit. It never got full functionally because of missing Objecttypeflags.

Problem in coop the assets are always in the same spot. After 10 rounds you remember each location of each asset and later map for map. I still remember all old cache locations in coop on Basrah in 0.9.

Who want to play a commander or will listen to them when all experienced players already know where all the stuff spawns and know what they have todo?



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On 5/1/2017 at 6:58 PM, =VG= Fastjack said:

I believe the commander role will get more popular when the Project Reality Devteam starts improving the coop part

Never gonna happen, and with this I mean that the Devteam will do something for the coop community in terms of fixing stuff. 

The main thing COOP needs is the OLD 1.7 spawning system, as where the bots also spawn on forward flags and not only in main as they do now. 
Because this spawning is gone the maps became to easy and as result we have to change stuff as dig-able fobs 

Also the new update causes that no longer custom mapfixes can be made. This as the server now check the server.zip file and wont launch if it has been altered. This limits us as server to make/fix maps to our need such as giving bots faster re-spawning assets and humans slower re-spawning assets to balance the maps. 

If these 2 things would be fixed/possible the need of a commander will become much higher as the bots will be able to give more realistic resistance rather than making them 1 shot killing machines. 

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7 hours ago, =VG= Double_13 said:

Never gonna happen, and with this I mean that the Devteam will do something for the coop community in terms of fixing stuff. 

The main thing COOP needs is the OLD 1.7 spawning system, as where the bots also spawn on forward flags and not only in main as they do now. 
Because this spawning is gone the maps became to easy and as result we have to change stuff as dig-able fobs 

Also the new update causes that no longer custom mapfixes can be made. This as the server now check the server.zip file and wont launch if it has been altered. This limits us as server to make/fix maps to our need such as giving bots faster re-spawning assets and humans slower re-spawning assets to balance the maps. 

If these 2 things would be fixed/possible the need of a commander will become much higher as the bots will be able to give more realistic resistance rather than making them 1 shot killing machines. 

Are the devs really that pants on head retarded? They don't even play test the maps already every time they push out an update (bugged navmeshs, broken designs like the runways after the physics update, wrong armor values in vehicles etc.), and now they are hash-checking the map files for no reasons other than keeping the servers to their "standards" ?

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