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Petition for more Vietnam!


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Hueys, M16s, sleeveless shirts, sunglasses and cigarette, and napalm. All things that remind us of the highly 'Merican-ized Vietnam war.
Charlie's point is the main Vietnam map used on VG, as far as I know, and whenever that pops up I can see a lot of people being very excited for a change breaking the monotony of the same weapons and vehicles.
I was surprised to see a Medevac helicopter on the map I just mentioned, and I loved the CAS Hueys with people screaming "I ain't no fortunate son!" and humming the Ride of the Valkyries while flying.
Hopefully, this has not been asked before, but why don't we play more Vietnam maps? Is there an actual problem with the maps, maybe they're not balanced or they're bad and they don't work, or is just because they're not popular?

I stand by my idea and would love to see more of them. As far as I know, there are 6 Vietnam maps which I saw on the PR Forums, and they look very cool and interesting!
Thank you to anyone that would like to share their idea, opinion or explanation.
FrankoIT out.

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I am a huge fan of the Vietnam maps that we have especially with the latest addition.  We have a few maps that are from this era:

  1. operation_ghost_train
  2. op_barracuda 
  3. tad_sae 
  4. hill_488 
  5. charlies_point 
  6. Battle of la Drang


All are fun, however, most of the population that we play with have a difficult time with this map, especially with the latest additions to the server and the newest chain log updates.  I try to play them as much as possible, but people tend to leave the server if they find out they are next due to the difficulty they are.  I take great pride int he ability to make it through some of these maps with a 0 death counter, yes it has been done and it was due to a great team.  You have to have people who know what they are doing, but also be able to follow directions when given them.  There is a world of difference if someone in trans drops us at the wrong grid square and our squad gets murdered since the bots were waiting for us.  You have to have people be competent at their role and use the asset properly.  

We did use to have mini events where I rolled out the "Vietnam Block" on the weekend when we would just do a few maps back to back and have a great time.  Unfortunately, people do not want that anymore because as someone stated " @Orracis, @asquirrel456, they are in the TREES's MAN".  Yes, this may be true, but we have the ability to use the bot tactics against them.  

I'll try it again and let me know, maybe I will make a "Vietnam mini-event" for a few rounds and see how it goes.  


Btw Ghost Train is the best map still in my opinion.  


How Copy, Over?


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@=VG= m823us I'd love to tell you how copy but again, I haven't played that. And honestly the difficulty factor is not because of the bots, seen from a player's perspective, but more because from what I've seen there's not a lot of strong Squad Leaders that can really lead a squad as well as @HaterOneActual or @WCCBadploy can (love you two :13:) and so it all ends up with stuff like "Meme team" squad being best squad and a guy with "Assbutt" in his name as best player. People don't take this seriously enough, and I agree that you can't be always stone cold, and the joke can come out every once or twice, but a lot of players now are just kinda messing around and as I said in Hater's radio thread, I installed PR for the stuff I saw in documentaries: things like "Enemy 345, fire at will" and all the radio stuff, small unseen jokes like what the English military used to do in the Middle Ages (they taunted the enemy by raising their index and middle finger, because English archers were lethal and the enemies would threaten to cut these two fingers off of them), all the cool tank stuff that the Commander does, like "Gunner turn 60, driver turn chassis 45" and actual realistic sniping. But now it's just laughing 90% of the time and kinda just playing around a lot. That's kind of why I wanted to join the event (I couldn't :11:). Anyway, thanks for sharing and hell yeah, a Vietnam event! People need to face their fears! I did that when I first wanted to learn to fly. I crashed a lot and went crazy, but now I can. Over and out.

EDIT: I was looking around and... http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/109513-pr-bf2-vietnam-beta-addon-released.html
What's all this sweet sounding stuff that supposedly is integrated into PR Vietnam?! A1H with Napalm?! I need to see that.

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Here are 2 lessons that I learned from by playing many Vietnam maps in the past few years:

1. The number of players don't mean much to me when we're playing Vietnam. I've seen way too many times where 30+ players are interested in playing Charlie's Point and end up rage quitting 10 minutes after because they couldn't figure out how to capture the first flag without dying multiple times in a row. And it doesn't matter how long you've been playing PR, how good your aim is, and how communicative you are. If you can't picture where stationary AA guns spawn at, or don't know what kind of assets they spawn with, or what path they take when moving between the flags, then you are just as worthless as someone who just started playing PR for the first time. Now please don't get me wrong by thinking I am being cocky and want only elites playing Vietnam. It's good to have many full INF squads so that we can capture faster if it comes down to just numbers, but the Vietnam is fought best with brains (strategies), not with bodies.


2. In order to win in a jungle environment against the 40 NVA marksmans, you not only need a good strategy to exploit their weakness, but also a good CAS/TRANS/ARMOR squad that understand the dynamics of Vietnam maps. If TRANS don't know the safe place to land for the INF to move into the flag, or If CAS doesn't know where to strike in order to prevent bots capturing the flag that you just fought hard for "cough" Swamp "cough cough," or if Armor doesn't step up the game and take RPG to the face so that INF have a time to dig in and start the capping, then you're in a world of hurt. I can have a great time flying CAS on Charlie's Point while INF squads are being slaughtered in the middle of the jungle, and can rack up 100+ kills with M48 Patton on Op. Barracuda while we're not even close to capturing Swamp because we're picking off targets from the mountain. In order for a team to be successful, everyone needs coordinate and cooperate, and that means someone's gotta do what they don't want to do. That, my friend, is called a TEAMWORK.


If I don't see smart and dedicated players who are not only willing to listen, but also learn from their mistakes and improvise to win the battle, then I am not interested in running Vietnam maps next. Unfortunately, with recent server setting changes that increased the bot difficulty to the point where 1v1 INF fight in the jungle is almost unwinnable, I do not accept Vietnam map requests unless someone with higher seniority do it because they want to watch the server BURN.

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7 hours ago, FrankoIT said:

after analyzing how I play I wouldn't last long in Vietnam.

Go Deployment, hide in a bush and wait. Grenadier Kit = 5 grenades, you will have more fun as in coop. Doesn't matter how low or high your skill is. :beee:

Yesterday, i played Charlies Point and i crouched in a bush and freezed because of the hiding GI in the bush. After checking the situation that he hasn't noticed me i pressed my AK on his forehead and pulled the trigger and ....... than cames his medic.

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