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VG PR Maplist Randomizer is now LIVE!

=VG= SemlerPDX

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VETERANS-GAMING is Proud to Announce

a New System for our Project Reality COOP Server:




Huge thanks goes to Xenalite for creating this system - next time the server crashes, and you DON'T have to play Muttrah once again, be sure to give him your thanks!!

In the past, we have used systems that forced the server to restart at a certain time once a day to change to one of 4 pre-set maplists that we created.  Though this was a great start to relieving the annoyance of playing Muttrah after every crash or restart, it introduced another annoyance in the forced restart itself and never really removed the problem of playing the same map over and over in one day surrounding crashes or restarts. This randomizer will ensure that the VG Project Reality Server map rotation will remain fresh and new after every restart or server crash.  Each time the server restarts or crashes, a new maplist will take effect, with the first several maps being chosen from a select few we know to be good seeding maps.

VG PR Maplist Randomizer features:

  • Randomizes the map list, with a unique map at the beginning (following a crash or restart).
  • Excludes maps (which we place on a list) that were broken by an update or otherwise undesired on our maplist.
  • Starter maps are random and unique, i.e. No 2 of the same map in first 10 rounds.
  • Round 11 and on are non-starter maps taken from discarded starter maps and all other enabled maps.
  • Remaining maps are random and non-adjacent, i.e. No 2 of the same map back-to-back.
  • If a map is on disabled maps list, it will never appear in the final map list.
  • The odds of playing the same starter map after crash is max 2% when running as designed




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*FYI: If a map is not relatively easy for most players and tickets do not bleed on the last flag, the map will not be found in the seeding maps list.
Also, force restarting the server through TCAdmin will not force the maplist to randomize.  I may create a button for that purpose so it can be manually executed if needed, though the need would be rare.


edit: Added button to TCAdmin web panel, in case needed. SOP is to stop server, edit disabled maps list if needed and/or click button and wait for it to complete, then start server again.  (*randomizer runs naturally every 30 minutes regardless of server restarts, or whether server is stopped or online)

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There was a small issue with the launch of this system, specifically the encoding of the final output file is incorrect.  Will work with Xenalite first thing tomorrow to get it updated.  Until then, I have disabled the Randomizer and have restored the previous maplist.

One more day of "Muttrah Restarts" for you lot :hi:

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If that were true, we'd never innovate - very dark thinking, that.  Luckily, we'll have it patched in a matter of minutes when we get together tomorrow and all will be well.  He's the pro, and I like to play nice with others, so I don't want to insert my code into his script without running it by him first.  Bugs are bugs, patches kill them.

If there is someone to blame, it is microsoft once again - forcing UCS-2 LE BOM encoding on the Out-File cmdlets when the Refractor 2 engine that runs the game reads only non-BOM UTF-8 encoding.


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16 hours ago, 0100011000101 said:

can we ban him for this? ;P   i love muttrah...

@Risiko94: that was a joke ... I hope that xena did not understand that wrong. I think it's great job what he coded, just that means that we will play less muttrah.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can unblock these maps:

mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 128
mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 128
mapList.append karbala gpm_coop 16

I only added them as an example.

We managed to do Sbeneh INF with 16 people online, though it took a while.

Khami INF and Pavlovsk INF can probably be taken out of starter maps though. One doesn't bleed, and the other is very difficult.

This is a first draft, so we will probably need to do some adjustments as we go along.

As to crashing - I think it's likely due to random maps, because we are now more likely to play maps that are perhaps less stable. Good to keep an eye out for suspected bad maps.

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These are the entries we have for the maps you noted -- are the INF layers the 16's?  Wanted to verify before removing maps from the list willy-nilly:

mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 16
mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 32
mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 64
mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 128

mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 16
mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 32
mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 64

TO CLARIFY:  Should we remove Sbeneh maps?  If so, which ones (be specific please)?  *By remove, I mean put in standard rotation, and not starting/seeding rotations

Also I thought we purposefully added Muttrah 128 to the disabled list after a report of issues with it two weeks ago?  Busy packing for my trip, just taking a quick break otherwise I'd look into it further.


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23 hours ago, Xenalite said:

Can unblock these maps:

mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 128
mapList.append karbala gpm_coop 16


Khami INF and Pavlovsk INF can probably be taken out of starter maps though. One doesn't bleed, and the other is very difficult.

Done and done (but no one replied about the question:  did we put Muttrah 128 on disabled after report that shit wouldn't work? for that reason, it remains on the disabled list until I get answer).  Gotta go.  Have a wonderful weekend! Will check back in case needed.


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On 7/20/2018 at 1:33 AM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

TO CLARIFY:  Should we remove Sbeneh maps?  If so, which ones (be specific please)?  *By remove, I mean put in standard rotation, and not starting/seeding rotations

Don't think it's a wise decision though (but i'm absolutely agree with putting it on Standard map rotation), personally i haven't seen any problems with it (except with the server crash caused by here below, that i'm about to mention). It is also one of the favourites for some players in-game when they we're looking for rush/fun plays. It's kinda bad for low pop (especially the STD, ALT is fine sometimes though)


And most of the layouts are fine, only how the people notice the warns about 'how not to make the server crash' (usually i'm myself taught and always telling them in !s command in-early game)

Here's the only thing that i knew so far:

- @ INF layout, is just fine, only the difficulties of working together against enemy Infantry which is also hard when in low-pop ( how to win: bleed their tickets till the ends / 0 ). But sometimes these new people also easy to get bored/not giving the best effort at least for a round and wanted the admins just to change the maps/runnext.


- @ ALT layout, there's a possibility that the server crash by the Bots using the CAS Chopper (in here is Hind/Havoc) while flying (i assume it were flew off the map/crash the chopper somewhere). Also, in gameplay since it is at dark-time and uses OPFOR faction, is also a hard game when it's on low pop, just in matter of time to work together as possible. This layout includes 1 Tank (T-62) and 2 IFV's (BMP-1) which makes the game a bit easier then you thought (if the INF doing well on their jobs ofc)


- @ STD layout, latest thing known is flying a Trans chopper (Mil Mi-17 Hip-H) off the map to the south side from main base (MEC Deployment Area) will crash the server. It's also best to mention that this also bad map for low pop, even though there's a lot of assets to use (mostly medium-heavy ground assets like, BTR-60, BMP-2M, Shilka etc.). Again, this needs a work and cooperation with all infantry, armored and trans squad in order to win or else it's going to be long ass game.. :(


This is a good map, in hands of players with knowledge ;)



Been out from the game for awhile,

- Inch

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assault on grozny inf is brocken. you spawn with an american-kit and die immediately. dropping is not possible.
There are also "ghosts". so kits run around without the player inside.



there was something like that certain factions can not play after other. that should be it.

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14 hours ago, InchPincherToo said:

this needs a work and cooperation with all infantry, armored and trans squad in order to win or else it's going to be long ass game.. :(



There is no kind of cooperation ! although it is limited to some players only (Those who realy love Team Work) and others are only concerned with points and keep their death score clean at all costs! (and they are very few :)  Others don't care about strategies ... and they corrupt everything on other players. i saw an entire squad got killed because of another guy from diff squad looking at enemy tanks with a rifle. result ? a FRAG kill all those poor guys. and random FOBS everywhere force newbs to spawn everywhere and kill the team work and so many other mistakes ... i can't count them. 

To restor order and back to the good days i suggest somethings:

- Immédiate punishement for those who jump flags and spread chaos in the battlefield and force bots to do stupid movements can ruin strategies of game play.

- Don't build FOBS everywhere. (fobs must be in pre-planed locations) apcs can retreat to this GOOD fobs anyway and fallen players can spawn in a safe area and Renew strategy ! 

- If you don't know how to fly ? (Don') Don't excpect  support while you don't report anything. especialy from C.A.S

- In maps with lot of flags try to communicate with other SLs and don't punch up in one flag and ruin their plans. 

I believe everysingle word i said and much more are already known from the game loader screens in all maps and in this game rules. but its good to remind. 

Parden my language.

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