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Mouse and Keys


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I have finally installed Falcon BMS, very excited but I've noticed I don't have controls like I did in falcon 4.0.  I know I need to be able to control the jet fighter so there must be key mappings some where.  The game is very customizable I noticed that but didn't see anything indicating I could turn on the mouse and keys combo I need.  (I have absolutely no money to put on a joystick right now).  If not the mouse to control alirons and rudder what about the original keys from Falcon 4.0.  I noticed there was mention of key.doc files I could quickly edit the ctrl arrow keys it used to have.  Can anyone guide me on that please?  All the info on adding a mouse as a controler would be appreciated.



sorry I haven't introduced myself on the first page but I wanted a working flight sim first lol!

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3 hours ago, =VG= m823us said:

@=VG= SemlerPDXor @Jeffuwould be able to help as they are some of the experts in this area.

Thanks I appreciate the response I hope they get back to me tonight I would need to be hand held through anything detailed but if they could post a BMS Key file for mouse and keys that would be perfect.

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I've only known  one person that used mouse and keyboard to fly BMS, and not sure how he did it.  Like Jeffu said, the mouse is used to move the cursor around the cockpit and click various switched and dials.  Even if also used for flight controls, there would need to be some way to switch between those two functions and that is not something BMS does natively AFAIK.

If you're not sure you're gonna really get into flight sims, I'm guessing you might not want to purchase an expensive HOTAS style flight stick and throttle like the Saitek X52 ($130) or the Thrustmaster Warthog ($500) (or Cougar).  Get a simple flight stick, like the Thrustmaster USB Joystick ($20) - it's pretty affordable.  That's my advice :hi:


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Well I need the mouse  to work, Just tried the keys, holding ctrl and shift and operating with the arrow keys was difficult, then I  couldn't lock.  Falcon 4.0 allows lock with f1 or f3 but not BMS, its different and I couldn't find it.  Then launching the missile guess its alt and / then Ctrl and /  but I havn't locked so I havnt fireed a missle yet.

Please anything you can tell me to help game performance would be appreciated. 



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I can sympathize, but I just can't conceive of flying a sim like this in that way if the goal is to become proficient in any way.  I can't even imagine getting through the learning curve of certain systems without hands on throttle and stick.  Best of luck to you and best wishes!  You have chosen a more difficult route, but like learning on a shit guitar and then getting a good one, you'll come out of it better if you stick with it.

The locking you mention requires a lot of things to be in the correct setup and requires certain controls to be readily accessible, chiefly the TMS 4-way hat (Target Management).  First, the missiles you wish to use must be loaded on the jet (I assume they are for your question) and the Master Arm switch should be at ARM, and you must be in the correct Master Mode, either A-A mode, or DGFT (dogfight), or MRM (medium range missile).  Second, you must use the Radar Cursor on the FCR (fire control radar, left MFD by default) to move over the contact you wish to lock or bug, then the TMS Up (press once) will "bug" a contact, and pressing it a second time will lock it up.  If you hear "Buddy Spike" after a second press, you have locked a friendly jet in BMS.  Pressing the TMS Down (one time) will disregard and "unlock" a target, and allow free movement of the cursor once again in the FCR.

In the case that all the above is true and correct, the missile you wish to use must be within range of the enemy, so be sure to go through that portion of the BMS-Training.pdf found in the Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Docs\Falcon BMS Manuals folder.  When you are within the release window from the locked target for the selected missile, press the Pickle (Weapon Release) button to release the missile.  Again, you want to refer to the training manual and corresponding training missions found under Tactical Engagement in the main menu for all the details I've left out or glossed over - there is so much!  There are individual manuals for many of the weapons, too, but you can go as deep as you want with your learning.  The manual on the AIM-120C is very helpful.


*This blog by Jeffu is about setting controls for a joystick, but it shows many pics and highlights many controls that a sim pilot will need to access frequently, and a brief read of it could benefit you:


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Its possible to fly with a KB or a console game controller but think it would be torture. $20 would get a modest 2nd hand  hotas on ebay and dare I say would be worth saving for whilst studying the significant manuals and watching recent (4.33 versions) youtube training related videos. When finances allow then an external usb keypad would make a good addition to your laptop.


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loook I don't need an advertisement for joysticks... I need a control set that will work with what I have.  Mouse and keys is what I have, maybe those experts will say something soon, theres ALOT of customization in the Key files and I am sure somethings already been succeeded at.  Am I actually defending this game from you guys? lol  The ability to change these games is well known, people don't always have a joy stick but they always have a mouse and keys, the keys are mapped, sometimes hundreds of them,  A mouse can control pitch and yaw in simulation.  I know this,..You can switch from mouse look to Flight controls.  I know that.  I also know my money situation and I can't afford anything more.



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2 hours ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

I can sympathize, but I just can't conceive of flying a sim like this in that way if the goal is to become proficient in any way.  I can't even imagine getting through the learning curve of certain systems without hands on throttle and stick.  Best of luck to you and best wishes!  You have chosen a more difficult route, but like learning on a shit guitar and then getting a good one, you'll come out of it better if you stick with it.

The locking you mention requires a lot of things to be in the correct setup and requires certain controls to be readily accessible, chiefly the TMS 4-way hat (Target Management).  First, the missiles you wish to use must be loaded on the jet (I assume they are for your question) and the Master Arm switch should be at ARM, and you must be in the correct Master Mode, either A-A mode, or DGFT (dogfight), or MRM (medium range missile).  Second, you must use the Radar Cursor on the FCR (fire control radar, left MFD by default) to move over the contact you wish to lock or bug, then the TMS Up (press once) will "bug" a contact, and pressing it a second time will lock it up.  If you hear "Buddy Spike" after a second press, you have locked a friendly jet in BMS.  Pressing the TMS Down (one time) will disregard and "unlock" a target, and allow free movement of the cursor once again in the FCR.

In the case that all the above is true and correct, the missile you wish to use must be within range of the enemy, so be sure to go through that portion of the BMS-Training.pdf found in the Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Docs\Falcon BMS Manuals folder.  When you are within the release window from the locked target for the selected missile, press the Pickle (Weapon Release) button to release the missile.  Again, you want to refer to the training manual and corresponding training missions found under Tactical Engagement in the main menu for all the details I've left out or glossed over - there is so much!  There are individual manuals for many of the weapons, too, but you can go as deep as you want with your learning.  The manual on the AIM-120C is very helpful.


*This blog by Jeffu is about setting controls for a joystick, but it shows many pics and highlights many controls that a sim pilot will need to access frequently, and a brief read of it could benefit you:


I'll try this too thanks guys hope to be playing soon!

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2 hours ago, Pinburst said:

Mouse and keys is what I have, maybe those experts will say something soon, theres ALOT of customization in the Key files and I am sure somethings already been succeeded at.  Am I actually defending this game from you guys? lol

Sure, it's possible - I already said I had flown with a guy on our server years ago who used only mouse and keyboard, I simply do not know how he achieved it.  I will note that he considered himself Combat Mission Ready when we went out on a sortie, but was unacceptably slow with threat reaction and target engagement - I assume due to the lack of a HOTAS setup.  Controls and input must be done in a swift and timely manner, and mistakes are punished harshly.  There is a reason our Air Force pilots do not have a keyboard and mouse in the cockpit, because of the number of commands which need to be sitting at the finger tips ready to be activated at a moments notice without the pilot taking his hands off the throttle and stick (HOTAS).  Like I said, many of these essential controls are listed in Jeffu's blog.

This is basically the real deal, real life things not modeled or supported are few and far between, and that short list includes nuclear consent SOP's, classified IFF SOP's, Air Flow/Oxygen requirements of the pilot, and of course the tremendous stresses on the physical body (G forces) are non-existent (except for simulated screen effects when sustaining too many G's).  If they put a remote control unit in the jet, everything you do could be translated to the real thing.

Just because these guys above have no solutions for operating BMS with only a mouse and keyboard does not mean they are not CMR experts -  well, everyone in this thread but Vanilla and m823us - we all have thousands of hours in this sim, and between the three of us, have helped hundreds who are just starting out in this hobby for nearly a decade (here at VG, anyway).  There is no shortage of experts over at the BMS Forums, either, and your chances of getting advice on an established method for mouse/keyboard flying would be higher over there, being the main hub for this simulator.  No shortage of "blind leading the blind", too, so watch for date of joining, number of posts, and number of thanks.  BlueWolf might be the first to reply with a proper method, I assume - or maybe Arty.
*You will get MANY MORE suggestions to purchase a simple joystick, just be polite and remember they do not know you've already been over it many times already. DO not feed the trolls.

Again, best wishes and good luck! :drinks:

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