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Teamkill Ban Appeal (CicadaPeepee IG)


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1. Banned Username: CIcadaPeepee 
2. What Server(s)?* VETERANS-GAMING COOP 
3. When did this happen? Yesterday, not sure when exactly, sorry! 
4. Reason you were banned: I didn't get a specific reason, at first I was kicked then I retried then it said I was either temp banned or banned. But I know that it's for teamkilling, please let me explain below.
5. Describe the events leading up to your ban ( how did this occur and why? ): So first of all, I was in CAS with vanillapop, which this isn't a report on, he just did his job, or someone else did? Not sure, sorry if it wasn't you. So I get in with him as a gunner in the Apache, then we go out, we had a few nice kills then I died, so he comes back & picks me up, then we go to a place that I didn't see friendlies on the map (or to be honest I didn't pay much to it) - Then I see an APC which to me (Later I realized it's different for each map, I'm new, I got this game about a week ago maybe? or maybe less, but I know how CAS/different squads work, I try my best) didn't have USMC camouflage, but it looked like a normal APC, so I fire a shot, then the second but as soon as I click the second it's too late, the team tag showed up and I tried looking away from the APC (if there was a delay so I'd fire at a different place) but sadly it didn't and on the top left it said "CicadaPeepee teamkills" someone, I remember his name had splush or something, I said sorry 3 times I told him I didn't see tag then before he even replied, I got kicked, which to me was normal, as it was completely my fault for not looking before it, and I know that I wronged that dude, but for one person dead (IDK if it only includes driver in that alert) I get banned till today? Without even a warning/question, or without even the person having a chance to accept my apology or not, I think it's just a little bit unfair :| Specially that I've never in my time had a team kill/broken rules, I've always been trying to be as nice and communicative as possible, and please remember I'm new, and this is the server I decided to go into since the other ones were too laggy/not friendly. 
6. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? )  Just try to understand my situation, I just sorta got this game (less or more than a week ago) and I find this good server, I click a button too early, team kill one guy, and can't play on it again without a warning, to be fair though, I did get back in the server after it changed maps, but then I couldn't join again, I spoke with vanilla before that last "ban" or kick, and he said it wasn't him. I'm worried that it's just the admin who I team killed on accident who got mad at me then banned me instantly. Which would be unfair, although I do know it's against the rules, but come on :| If it's against the rules to even accidentally once, then I'll accept it and move onto a different community till I get unbanned. 


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27 minutes ago, CicadaPeepee said:

be as nice and communicative as possible

Dude, you are over-communicative. you spam the whole game in chat. nobody wants a livestream of your problems or views. I can not tell you why you have been banned but that is not a training server and pr is not battlefield2. if you do not know what the enemy looks like then do not shoot. You rarely see name tags.

33 minutes ago, CicadaPeepee said:

Specially that I've never in my time had a team kill/broken rules

you do not really know the rules and I am sure you have neither the rules nor the manual read otherwise you would not ask all the time in chat any questions. the chat is not there to chat all the time and not all players have to constantly tell you everything. if you do not know a point or have a question, that's not a problem and most people like to help you, but what you're doing is just annoying.

as I said, I do not know why you were banned ... but if it comes to an unban, please stop spamming. if you want to exchange use this forum, ts or discord. not the game. Thank you.

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If you don't know why I got banned then why are you talking about something else, and second thing I never ever talk randomly in chat you mongoloid, I said I'm communicative in voice chat and I let them know if I did anything wrong, and I try to be nice to not ruin people's fun. 

I use voice chat most of the time, what are you saying? Can you stop being a cunt for no reason, thanks.

EDIT:  Why are you saying I'm here for training, I have a joystick and I know how to fly, that wasn't why this happened. Sure I crashed a few times but that was due to disconnecting which happens to everyone. The reason I was banned wasn't for training, was an accident. 

Next time if you're going to be a cunt at least have it be constructive cuntbaggery. 

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1 hour ago, 0100011000101 said:

that was more constructive than you think ... good luck.

Also, you're right, that was my bad. You did seem a bit condescending at first, but then you did say good luck and showed your intention. I thought you were one of those people who are meanies to noobs (which I see a few times) - sorry lad, you're right.

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I have no rule of not saying to much as my convo is an opinion to administration but I have had you in my squad a couple times such as trans and u crashed multiple times and I had to kick you. I even told you not to fly if  you don't know how but you still took off. And theres many times you have posted in the chat and asked how to do something. We don't want any problems just for you to get along and play and we all make mistakes just know what you can and cant do when entering a server its best for everybody man!!!!


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I've never denied having crashed before, I just said specifically that team kill, I don't really get why everyone is moving away from the main reason I made this post, a BAN APPEAL for something that wasn't close to intentional, was fully accidental. If you're acknowledging that I'm new, why would you let me get banned for having my first teamkill (ACCIDENTALLY)?

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21 hours ago, CicadaPeepee said:

If you don't know why I got banned then why are you talking about something else, and second thing I never ever talk randomly in chat you mongoloid, I said I'm communicative in voice chat and I let them know if I did anything wrong, and I try to be nice to not ruin people's fun. 

I use voice chat most of the time, what are you saying? Can you stop being a cunt for no reason, thanks.

EDIT:  Why are you saying I'm here for training, I have a joystick and I know how to fly, that wasn't why this happened. Sure I crashed a few times but that was due to disconnecting which happens to everyone. The reason I was banned wasn't for training, was an accident. 

Next time if you're going to be a cunt at least have it be constructive cuntbaggery. 

17 hours ago, CicadaPeepee said:

I don't really get why everyone is moving away from the main reason I made this post, a BAN APPEAL for something that wasn't close to intentional, was fully accidental. If you're acknowledging that I'm new, why would you let me get banned for having my first teamkill (ACCIDENTALLY)?

I'm just gonna say this once and hope that both players and our PR Admins learn something -- sometimes we ban someone when necessary to cease behavior knowing that it will open up a dialog in the forums during an Unban Request thread, as we are doing here.  Not saying that is what happened in this case, but we're here now, so why waste an opportunity...

The constructive criticism being raised here is not intended to hurt your feelings but to get a word in edgewise to tell you how to move forward if you continue to play on our server(s).

Regardless of the matter of your ban, assuming your are unbanned after all of this, you must understand the following things or you'll find yourself right back here before too long:

  • This is not a training server - while it's okay to play while you learn as Infantry, this is not okay in vehicles and we expect you to learn how to operate those proficiently offline or elsewhere.
  • Your use of the in-game chat system is bordering on spam because you average at least 3 messages every minute, and it's easier to count the minutes you didn't chat up than those you did while you were online.  While we encourage communication, we also encourage brevity.  Doesn't matter if it's Squad Chat or All Chat - you need to dial it way back.
  • Our Admin Team will expect you to learn and adhere to the rules of our server, and while some information may be offered, the burden is upon you to educate yourself in our rules and SOP's, and you're expected to avoid any discussion or arguments about rules/SOP's with Admins during gameplay.



17 hours ago, =VG= m823us said:

Hey everyone,

I am going to lock this for now to prevent the peanut gallery from making more to this, the admin has been informed and they will post up.

/locked pending admin updates.


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I'm back. 

I apologized to Binary for being a d&&& to him. I realize my mistake, and I'm sorry. 
I still stand with the part that I didn't mean to team kill or do any of that, everything I said from the appeal is right. Except for my responses, they were just me being a d$#k for no reason. 
I really hope ya'll can give me a second chance, I really would like to come back to this server. Would really make my experience on PR:BF way better to be honest.

Once again, sorry. (I still stand for the part that I didn't mean to team kill, it was my first, I would also like to say I've gotten to know the game a lot more, specially on the air/vehicle side of things, therefore I won't really be needing much more help/won't have a reason to spam (unless mumble breaks, I should really get that checked out) - So yea :/ Cheers guys.

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I do beleive the TK was not intentional.

You will be unbanned and placed on the watchlist indefinitely.

My suggestions to you, play as infantry, this is the best way to learn assets, tactics and maps before moving onto vehicles.

And just a friendly reminder, this is not a training server that we run, asset waste will get you removed from the server.

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Just my two cents here...this fella goes beserk here in his own ban appeal...saying i'm sorry for being a di*@...and this was just the forum here.

What will happen in game when things start to heat up again...i don't trust it.

Just saying.

I know i got zero input here...but it's a gut feeling.

Keep a VERY close eye on him please.

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