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SQUAD Registration of Interest

=VG= Kavelenko

SQUAD - Registration of interest  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you already own SQUAD or planning to get it?

  2. 2. Do you play SQUAD regularly?

  3. 3. Would you like to see a dedicated SQUAD server for =VG= eventually?

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1 hour ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

How much will this cost to get a server up and running?

We have a dedicated server. Afaik @=VG= ciro has full root access. I dug around a little bit but could'nt find any hardware requirements other than Windows/Linux. The configuration itself is presented in form of a step by step guide here: https://squad.gamepedia.com/Server_Configuration

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Roger that.

Yea, there are no associated costs.  The VG Dedicated Server in Germany has an unused CPU average of 80%, and we are only using 15 out of 64GB of RAM.  Storage space is often an issue, so we'll do a bit of cleanup, there are plenty of redundant archives that can be eliminated, so we're not at capacity there either.  Basically, we're good to go for any game you guys decide to start hosting.

A dedicated Space Engineers server.
Maybe a Stormworks server.

We're good to go.

@=VG= ciro has hopefully begun the license application, but we should really just get a server up and running.  This way we can have some time to craft the rules we would want specific to Squad, get our Admins trained on how to operate in this new game, and get our SOP's in order, create our GameTracker links, and begin to understand the flow of the game from a server perspective.  We can always apply a license later.

I'll get the files onto the server later today and begin the process to install it.  May need Ciro for some technical stuff.  I'll probably have to install Squad myself to test, etc., so that's a bit for the to-do list.  The ball is rolling, the server is coming.  Hold onto your butts

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Awesome stuff, I agree lets get it up and try it out, I'm sure it will become obvious what rules will need to be in place after a few weeks.

We could start with the PR model for rules but with Squad being a Player vs Player platform we'll need to modify it accordingly.

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Sounds great. Looking forward to playing squad with some familiar faces. 

If we are to use PR rules then we may have to gently role them in for players who arent in the VG community as they are used to little to no enforcement on other servers. Things like squad naming and who has the right to certain vehicles is sometimes a problem so it will br best for us to try and teach them instead of using kicks and bans right off the bat and maybe grow a larger player base for this type of gameplay we are looking for at VG.

Im sure there will people in the squad community who will be down for a more VG approach on the game.


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A good place to start would be the Game Server Administration Guidelines that @=VG= keedposted previously, generally I would say that =VG= already complies with most of what is posted in that article even though it was last updated 2017.

To your point @Hoops0320re: vehicle claiming:


2.2 - [NEW as of A9.12] Licensed servers now have the option to disable vehicle claiming on their servers. This is to be used at the discretion of the server admins, but ONLY when server admins are present to ensure fair and balanced gameplay. [UPDATED 27 October 2017]


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 Just a small progress report - slow going as I'm busy with other things, but just got the server cleaned up enough to fit the ridiculously large sized Dedicated Server Files package for SQUAD - fucking 23GB.  Gotta do some reading, something must be wrong with that - maybe they don't know how to distribute server files without user file textures, media files, etc.... Kinda pissed off after an hour of this BS, scrambling to erase files to make room when I saw the disk allocation drop to 19GB free after launching the steamcmd to DL the server files.  Pricks.  Okay, I feel better now.  I'm sure they're not pricks, and there's some trick or reason to sending server files so fucking large.

Again, pardon my french - you can't imagine what I just went through, the stress of worrying if our Dedi would drop off existence due to an accidental consumption of all available freespace.  Time for a break. :hi: 

Will work on configuration later this afternoon, and other bits, and then do some tests.  I suppose I better purchase the game myself and get it installed so I can test.  Bills, games, PC parts. It's where my money goes ;)


edit:  maybe Summer/Fall 2020 I might upgrade the VG Dedicated Server from this intel 7700 quad-core with HT to an 8700 hex-core with HT and a whopping 2TB of NVMe SSD's in RAID-0 and the same 64GB of DDR4 - would get access to Windows Server 2019, instead of the Windows Server 2012 R2 we're currently stuck with.  We'll see - looks like the price per month would increase by $10-20, but might be worth it given the servers I'd like to be able to host (some rather CPU intensive like Space Engineers and potentially Stormworks)... we'll see as Summer approaches.  Size on disk limits have been nagging me for awhile, was great at first, but now it's straight annoying to work around such small disk space on our dedicated server, and to try to cram everything onto shared CPU cores instead of dedicated server cores like how we run PR COOP (has it's own 2 cores, no other VG servers/processes using those two, and only uses 20% of them)

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Get ready to rumble folks! Sem's ready to kick butt, bring yer diapers along on the first mission ROFL!

I found some help from this thread so I can fly Helis in Squad with my joystick for anyone interested.

You might have to check "Hidden items" in file manager to find the file though. Seems to work straight out of the box except for the collective which is controlled by the left shift key (up) and the left ctrl key (down).


I got this working with my HOTAS Warthog, just needed to add the lines below to get it to work. Might need to add an S curve to smooth out landing though, its pretty rough.

My version:


AxisMappings=(AxisName="Aileronup",Scale=1.000000,Key=Joystick_Axis0)// HOTAS Joystick Roll
AxisMappings=(AxisName="Ailerondown",Scale=1.000000,Key=Joystick_Axis0)// HOTAS Joystick Roll
AxisMappings=(AxisName="Collective",Scale=1.000000,Key=W)// uses the keyboard to control collective
AxisMappings=(AxisName="Elevator",Scale=-1.000000,Key=Joystick_Axis1)// HOTAS Joystick Pitch  
AxisMappings=(AxisName="HelicopterRight",Scale=-1.000000,Key=A) // Rudder Left "A" key
AxisMappings=(AxisName="HelicopterRight",Scale=1.000000,Key=D) // Rudder Right "D" key


//AxisMappings=(AxisName="HelicopterUp",Scale=-1.000000,Key=Joystick_Axis3)// HOTAS DUAL Throttle - this works but its 100% or zero which is not the best
AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveAileron",Scale=1.000000,Key=Joystick_Axis0)// HOTAS Joystick Roll
AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveElevator",Scale=-1.000000,Key=Joystick_Axis1)// HOTAS Joystick Pitch  
//AxisMappings=(AxisName="Rudder",Scale=1.000000,Key=Joystick_Axis2) // T.Flight Rudder Pedals -  Not used I hate pedals!


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@=VG= Kavelenko You mean the game doesn't have an input bindings GUI under game settings where one would normally bind controllers, keyboard keys, mouse buttons, etc.?!?!?!  IIRC this game has been in early access for 4 years with a seemingly hardcore fan support base.... Surprised they don't have standard video game settings menus for controls....  What is this, Falcon BMS?! :tatice_03:

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@=VG= SemlerPDX Yeah its bloody amazing how slow the devs have been to implement a basic mapping for flight controls, this hack is about the only way you'll be able to fly with a joy stick. The throttle works but because you're mapping to a key press its not ideal and its either full on or off, so I'm experimenting with my TARGET software to see if an S curve would help smooth that out. I have serious doubts :P

Comparing BMS to Squad is like competing in Formula One using a bicycle! That may happen yet! rofl!

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30 minutes ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

...this hack is about the only way you'll be able to fly with a joy stick. The throttle works but because you're mapping to a key press its not ideal and its either full on or off, so I'm experimenting with my TARGET software to see if an S curve would help smooth that out.

Wait... it doesn't recognize an analog axis?!  OMG - I'm floored by that.  Do they have a public roadmap for development, or whatever?  I can't believe there hasn't been enough outcry from the player base for something so basic, and I know a small team with a small budget is a factor - but these are like Day 1 things:  make game work with keyboard, mouse, simple controllers, and maybe day 2 allow video and sound settings for various user environments  ((or do not include vehicles that would require analog control such as aircraft, for example until the control setup was implemented.))

What I really don't understand is that the article linked is from a person wanting to set his vehicle bindings to a keyboard... like, how the heck do players control things if they can't even bind control keys?  Maybe I missed something, busy working with the server and learning about configuration of this game, and constantly trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here....  Will report back when I have made progress.

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1 hour ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

Wait... it doesn't recognize an analog axis?! 

Well the pitch, roll and yaw axis seems to work smoothly with the joystick but the throttle axis is not catered for, there's probably an axis that might work better but so far I haven't found an alternative to this mapping. The original post just had the throttled mapped to Left-Shift and Left-Ctrl keys which I thought was crap. If I knew all their key binding names for every axis it would not be a problem but we're stuck with trial and error, I use the slew control on my HOTAS to control Yaw, that's what I use in PR to control my rudder.

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There is an ingame UI For changing controls; it works.

The issue with helicopters for squad is they were released in October, and have undergone constant re-balancing because of how drastic an effect they have on the game. 

It seems a lot of people are approaching squad as the "Spiritual successor to PR" - It is not; Its a different game in its own right. Its still regularly being updated albeit slowly. 


Currently there is no real co-op based gameplay; There is a reasonably large playerbase regularly - The biggest issues currently are badly admin'd servers and a lack of players with comprehensive knowledge on the way rounds are played. There is a distinct lack of any decent squad leaders mostly. 


I've got about 200 hours in, I try to get a game in once a week minimum; The games vary wildly in quality from being some of my best gameplay experience online to being some of my worst. The graphics, the mechanics and the sound quality of the game is incredible nowadays. If you have the patience to learn it is not disappointing. 

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As of current there is 7 controls for flight, 1 of which is not flight orientated. I think its safe to assume using something like a Warthog  is best defined as using a minigun to cut up a carrot. 


Though I do appreciate why you would want to do so; its just a little overkill for what is being offered in the games flight model. 

I think its fair to say if you want to deploy something like that at this point in the development cycle of the game, it's understandable that its on the user to figure out how. 

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7 hours ago, =VG= Gaz said:

I think its safe to assume using something like a Warthog  is best defined as using a minigun to cut up a carrot. 

If this was Planetside 2, I might agree - those hovercraft in that game are far better suited to a mouse/keyboard style.  But SQUAD had proper aircraft and choppers... and using PC game joysticks/etc. to control video game aircraft is older than you, Gaz.  I mean that in the most kind way ;) It is totally understandable that these things may not be implemented yet so long as they are "on the list" as it's a PC gaming standard that provides no exploitative edge against other players or in games in general.

In Red Dead Redemption 2 Online, for example, players are separated into lobbies based on their control scheme because using an analog control stick with Auto-Aim settings ON vs. Mouse/Keyboard (manual aiming) for aiming a gun provides a considerable advantage over the mouse/keyboard user, and anytime you move your mouse (if you have controller plugged in with Auto-Aim ON) it temporarily turns off any auto-aim assistance.

Obviously, it's not like SQUAD had a feature they removed, that was just an example of why it's of no good reason to not prioritize inclusion of controls for PC gamers with various gear of any kind (if I want to use a 3D Pro joystick and someone else wants to use a TM Warthog, it should make no difference to the gameplay, or user experience).  Really hoping it's just a matter of time.

7 hours ago, =VG= Gaz said:

I think its fair to say if you want to deploy something like that at this point in the development cycle of the game, it's understandable that its on the user to figure out how. 

Again, do they have a public roadmap or published goals?  I feel bad offering uninformed opinions, I rarely censor my opinions and sometimes they are definitely lacking a proper base from which to form a more accurate opinion.  I'm only human.

The last thing I'd want to do by offering my opinions would be to cast shade at these awesome people trying to make their dream work.  I just like to joke and talk shit sometimes.  I mean, 4 years.... 4. years.  But I understand it's a small team, an indie game, and that is totally okay.  If I vent any frustration, it's just that -- if we all take a step back, what these folks have created is truly awesome and we should all be so fortunate to have a dream and see it through to a playable program with thousands and thousands in sales.  Hats off to them, truly! :hi: 

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On 3/18/2020 at 1:29 AM, =VG= Gaz said:

There is an ingame UI For changing controls; it works.

That UI works for keyboard and mouse pilots sure but not necessarily for joysticks and throttles, not without tweaking the ini file as above, if people have a better solution I'm all ears.

I can get it to work with my WH  throttle but its not ideal because of the problem outlined above, so for now I'm using the WSAD keys to control the collective and yaw, joystick for pitch & roll, which works fine for me.

I'll call it my Tim Shadbolt solution; a New Zealand politician famous for towing his concrete mixer behind the mayoral Daimler.

I've got a Logitech 3D PRO and that won't map either.

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small progress report (or lack thereof):  need to run the dedicated server updates and downtime before installing the SQUAD server, and since we've had to put it off until Monday for the actual downtime, it won't be until after that.  Sometime early next week if all goes well, I should have it going, fingers crossed.  Let's not go planning an event for the weekend yet, but I don't anticipate any issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The VG SQUAD Dedicated Server is now online.  This is a sort-of soft launch announcement, we can do something fancy down the road with pics, links to rules, etc..

It's not quite the time to plaster this info all over the Twitters and Facebooks and such, we're not configured yet - but we will be soon! ( @=VG= BLuDKLoT )

  We need to configure many things - right now, the entire list of maps and all available modes are selected.  I've added basic MOTD and Server Messages, and name.  We will need to decide on a number of factors including the maps, their rotation (or randomization), etc.  Also, we need to evaluate server performance over time, and that will only happen once we have an event with more than a few people.  The server must remain passworded for now, as we get our feet under us.

This is not a licensed dedicated server under SQUAD, and will appear under the CUSTOM BROWSER selection in-game (select the filter "show empty servers").  We will not meet the requirements to be approved for a license from the SQUAD Dev's for some time, won't bother listing the many things we don't yet meet - but feel free to check them out for yourself.  They take the term "dedicated" very seriously, so for the foreseeable future, the VG SQUAD Server will not be an "official" server, and will appear under that CUSTOM BROWSER list.  Also, for now and for a little while, we will be keeping our server passworded, but feel free to share that password of course (just not in the MOTD/Server messages).

Server name:  VETERANS-GAMING | Training Grounds | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM
Password:  vgsquad

Requesting =VG= Members who want to babysit this thing and make it their own: I set it up for you, but I'm not taking a new bouncing baby server under my direct control, I'll just make sure it's online and running day after day, paying the bills and applying any technical help until the server has it's own dedicated tech, I'm honestly not yet big into SQUAD, even if I will get hooked in future - gonna eventually need a dedicated tech person and/or someone to watch over it, research how to do Admin-y things, the banlist stuff, RCON, etc. and manage the server's in-game admin base (whether current =VG= members, PR Admins, or out of any new player base of regulars, to the same standards of all VG game server Admins)

As always, feedback, support, or questions are welcome.  I don't know everything about this game, how it runs, or even how to ban players yet.  This is just the beginning.  :hi:

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nice! many thanks for your effort and the time you put into this! :b0228:

I'll take a look tomorrow (later^^).
I can definitely take a few tasks at squad in the future, but first I would have to have a little experience ... so if somebody has time around 2 or 3 o'clock, we can have a look together...

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i cant find the server... it is not displayed under server browser nor under custom browser.


//edit: ok got it. first you have to go to filtersection and activate "show empty server"


you can break the wheels of a truck with a knife ... you have to stab several times, then you have a flat ^^

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