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VG Campaigns ?


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4 minutes ago, CraB said:

It's not me, sometimes when I enter there is the red baron with another campaign there, it wasn't me!


Please post up here whenever you see that!  I must get them to understand that it is not going to be a good stable campaign for them, and a waste of their time.

Maybe they do not understand how to join the campaign in progress.  Either way, I must speak to them.  Thank you for telling us.  Cheers!

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Hey, it is me and my friend. I am really sorry, I didnt know it was against rules. We didnt have a bad intention. Server was stable for us. Sorry again, we did it to avoid waiting for 20 minutes each time we want to fly and have a more dynamic campaign. I am again really sorry. We will stop if it is against the rules.

P.S : We didnt intent to use your server as a free center instead of our own internet. When we made a server on our own, other one couldnt connect so we started flying on this server. I checked rules to see if we are doing something wrong too but couldnt find a rule against it ( my english is bad so this might be reason too ) . As I said, if you want us to stop, we will stop using our own campaigns. I am really sorry. 

P.S 2: Yesterday night, someone joined it and sent a message iirc. I didnt by any means want to ignore him. I wanted to reply but I was in flight and didnt ( still dont ) know how to open chat in 3d world. 


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Probably the best thing to do is to come to the Veterans Gaming Team Speak channel and talk to some of the guys who fly.

You can still frag your own flights and fly with your buddy but there's a limitation on which air bases you can frag your missions.

The list is on the following page:


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1 hour ago, arrive123 said:

Hey, it is me and my friend. I am really sorry, I didnt know it was against rules. We didnt have a bad intention. Server was stable for us. Sorry again, we did it to avoid waiting for 20 minutes each time we want to fly and have a more dynamic campaign. I am again really sorry. We will stop if it is against the rules.

P.S : We didnt intent to use your server as a free center instead of our own internet. When we made a server on our own, other one couldnt connect so we started flying on this server. I checked rules to see if we are doing something wrong too but couldnt find a rule against it ( my english is bad so this might be reason too ) . As I said, if you want us to stop, we will stop using our own campaigns. I am really sorry. 

P.S 2: Yesterday night, someone joined it and sent a message iirc. I didnt by any means want to ignore him. I wanted to reply but I was in flight and didnt ( still dont ) know how to open chat in 3d world. 


Thank you for posting up @arrive123!  Concurrent campaigns cause a serious hit to the main campaign that we run, we are already at 70% CPU usage and 90% GPU usage 24/7 -- basically, we're at capacity, except for the random dogfight or small TE.

As Crab pointed out, you can edit down the time of your flight as low as 14 minutes rather than 20, for a RAMP Start, or even lower if you plan on launching from TAXI or TAKEOFF.  There are guides to fragging flights on a server, and this website is overdue for a personalized one as well.  For now, please join our server campaign in progress only, and thanks for understanding!

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4 minutes ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

Thank you for posting up @arrive123!  Concurrent campaigns cause a serious hit to the main campaign that we run, we are already at 70% CPU usage and 90% GPU usage 24/7 -- basically, we're at capacity, except for the random dogfight or small TE.

As Crab pointed out, you can edit down the time of your flight as low as 14 minutes rather than 20, for a RAMP Start, or even lower if you plan on launching from TAXI or TAKEOFF.  There are guides to fragging flights on a server, and this website is overdue for a personalized one as well.  For now, please join our server campaign in progress only, and thanks for understanding!

Thanks for politely warning me. We ( me and my friend ) will play on main campaign from now on. Sorry for all the trouble. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today was a problem - the server master save file had become corrupt, and so when it crashed, it had to be fixed and restarted to Day 1.

It's been up since this afternoon, but the first couple days are the time when it's most prone to crash, due to the amount of action going on between so many tens of thousands of units in those first days.

Will keep an eye on it, and please feel free to report any issues! :hi:

*BTW, I assume you have the players listed on the screen on purpose, that's not forced by the server, is it?  Was concerned because I just recently turned that on in the server config, was hoping it only showed up on the server's screen...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry the announcement was not more prominent:

(from chatbox Sunday/Monday morning)


The VG Falcon BMS Server is down for updates and cleanup. Will be back asap, but things taking awhile... Mostly the Windows stuff, the actual BMS U4 patch will be quick and easy (when I can finally get to it). :hi:


(BMS Server did not complete Win updates before I went to bed - will continue tomorrow. Server offline until then. Thank you all for your patience!)

Today was busy IRL, left off last night on Windows Updates.  Today, will rebuild the campaign for U4 and start up Day 1 -- ETA is before end of day Monday (today) (US Pacific Time zone)


@CraB @arrive123 @=VG= Kavelenko

edit:  Server updated - details here -- new F-15's at Seosan and Osan for players: 


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