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Arma III- mission features you like the most!

=VG= .Blizzard.

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I would like to know if you guys have any preference/something that you like when playing a mission in Arma III



What do you want incorporated in a mission? (objectives, weapons, armies, vehicles, game modes, etc..)

What maps from CUP/ Standard Arma/other you like? 

Would you like a campaign? (extended over multiple weekends)

Anything else that makes an Arma mission to your liking?


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Accelerated day night cycle, Accelerated dynamic weather, Combined arms, Dynamic vehicle Loadouts, JIP (join in progress) support, Winter Chernarus, Summer Chernarus, Chernarus, did I say Chernarus?, CUP Modset because it generally doesn't lag out the server &or clients unlike rhs while having just about every relevant faction & asset you could want, Virtual Arsenal enabled - don't pick my loadout for me please,... for starters, because when I play Arma 3, I want all of it, the most it's got to offer, not PR or COD 'don't leave combat area' bs, don't tell me where I can & can not go, let me carry out the Objective however, when ever & u got gold.

Xcuse my candor for what follows...

I know people like Zeus, but in all my years of playing Arma 3,I have yet to find one that challenges me, they all seem to think their role is basically as human spawners weaving their spawning role with dumb little sorry lines that inspire or make you feel nothing, so if you want Zeus in a campaign have it be adversarial Zeus that actively tires to kill everyone.

In regards to campaigns, there's nothing better than than an autonomically persistent campaign, which is to say a battlefield that evolves with or without player presence/intervention, though I take issue with it being persistent over weekends over being persistent, all the time, period. Just my two cents.

Ps. I don't want to be a rebel operating fighter jets out of a swamp, nothing Immersive about that. #antistasisucks


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@X0RThat one right there is GOLD in my book :7:. I am all the way in for ZEUS versus players. I like to play also persistent campaigns just from time to time, but they can sometimes turn into a boring thing and... well it kind of loses my interest. 

But the best is night time operations. I love when missions start either at dawn or at night. I also like scenery... damn if a map has 0 beauty or hasn`t got any nice spots to spawn some units... then that map is dull. Perfect example for me is a map that has war torn places, beautiful landscape, poor villages, eastern EU old factories etc...

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2 hours ago, X0R said:

a battlefield that evolves with or without player presence/intervention, though I take issue with it being persistent over weekends over being persistent, all the time, period. Just my two cents.

The VG Arma 3 Mission Framework has this feature.  BLUFOR and OPFOR bots within visual spawn range will fight in 3D models that can be participated in, etc. -- but when there is no one within the visual spawn bubble, the fight continues, but in a digital sense (on paper) with units still moving, shooting, taking and losing ground (and units) until someone once again comes within visual spawn range, to where it switches back from a digital conflict to a fully modeled 3D conflict.

This is very similar to the way our Falcon BMS dynamic campaign functions, and we just need to poke at @=VG= ciro until he gets this finalized and released for active play on VG Arma 3 Servers.  It's 98% complete, last bug that needed to be squashed was a simple SQL database function, but I'm sure if we light a fire under his butt, he will hurry up and get this finished up for public testing here.


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Most important to me is a good mission story and 'movie-realistic' risks. Not the classic 'we need to capture this point from the rebels' or 'oh no! Enemies want to cap this base. You must defend!.' Give me something with betrayal, intrigue and surprises.

Something like driving to a mission point but the road is suddenly blocked by a million sheep, and as you drive either left of right to avoid them you'll get ambushed by the enemy because that was their plan. Now you're crunching how they knew about it, and story guides you into a traitor who will become a kill target later. A bit of Cluedo mixed in with the shooting.

Have a war criminal somewhere who needs to be captured but then when you're in the room with him he just starts laughing and goes 'allahu akbar' before blowing himself up, so survival depends on who understood what was happening and either killed him before he could push or ran out to cover.

Have a VIP enemy warlord who has to be taken out because he's been ethnic cleansing some hutu's , but you need to sever their radio comms first because if you kill him and his buddies are alerted, they'll send a barrage your way to destroy evidence etc...

Have a night mission where you need to infiltrate an enemy camp to rescue hostages, but your breach point needs to be cleared of guards. You gotta kill them simultaneously so they can't raise alarm, but once they're dead you're on the clock because in 10 minutes their superior will do his name calls on radio and notice something's amiss.

Missions that really require logical thinking, terrain strategy and well-timed cooperative action. One that may take you 3 hours but feels like you were playing in a movie.

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On 11/11/2020 at 6:17 PM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

IRL weapons such as RH packs feature, M-16's, A-4's, AK's, Glocks, Colts, Barrettas... all that.  Same with vehicles -- Humvee's and BMP's, Longbows and Cows and Little Birds....
 (basically, no future-puke shit)

My 2 cents :hi: 

THIS!!! I despise the futuristic vanilla Arma 3, I love Arma 2 assets wayyyy more. I would also love a nice desert town, like Fallujah with little bird CAS and a blackhawk for transport. Or a convoy that you need to take through a town with little bird support above. This with all the Dynamic systems X0R mentioned would br so fun!!

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Some week ago I was thinking about a scenario, but was nothing defined. I'll try write it at my best. 

Considered we have a maximum of circa 20 players on the server, two squads composed by seven men each would be the active force while the remaining 6 people could have different roles as undercover soldier/soldiers, medics, marksmen.

We are looking for an alleged traffiker of arms and our intel reports 4 possible refuges where we could find him and his best men as form or protection. We might encounter heavy resistance on the road from suspect's affiliates, so we must be careful. Our objective is to find our suspect with real evidence of his traffiking, as we know he collected his latest container of arms ready to make a sale.
Alpha and Bravo squad are going to actively research, clear and suppress any resistance with attention in avoiding enemy casualties if the situation is not particularly dangerous, as they might gather precious informations from them.
Undercover men must be careful in not to blow their cover, as they will be taken as temporary hostages until the arms sale will be finished. No one knows what's their fate after, so it's important to rescue them.  

This is my idea of a random game, you guys can twist it and make any changes since i myself have no idea if something like this could be possible with little or zero work on arma 3 configuration. 

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On 11/14/2020 at 3:43 AM, =VG= BLuDKLoT said:

I wish we had an A3 domination server like our old one. I still have it for OA if you can migrate it somehow that would be epic. 

https://github.com/Xeno69/Domination , for Arma 3 by the same guy who made the original for OA.


@=VG= .Blizzard.  I know you're going for 'milsim'-esque gameplay, but i find it's useful to let your imagination run wild beyond what's reasonable at times, like my <functional> adaptation of SUPERHOT for Arma 3 attached, because that was a fly ass game, and sometimes you just wanna chill.


And How about this for an awesome bit of little known functionality, map chaining, where you can have different objectives take place on different maps seamlessly, by transferring clients between multiple dedicated server instances, we do it in the A3 community I play with and there's nothing like having people playing together and coordinating objectives on different maps entirely, to achieve a common goal, think PR capture points for instance, but where each CP is an entire island or map, now that's how wars are fought.

It was the mighty killzonekid's final parting gift, http://killzonekid.com/farewell-my-arma-friends/ ,the technique is actually explained in depth in the link, don't mind the page title. *He still works at BI, he just doesn't share his toys with us anymore*


The simplest use case for this would be to signify the passage of time, on completion of all objectives on winter Chernarus for instance, you could do 'A Few Months Later...' summer Chernarus..


EDIT: I got a pm that Linked Url Went Down,so linked below is a mod based off KK's linked post above.

Server Transfer System ,steamworkshop link to mod is down,but if you scroll down in the page, you'll find the armaholic link.

I'll leave the original link intact, in case it goes backup again, however unlikely that may be.


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On 11/11/2020 at 10:56 AM, =VG= .Blizzard. said:

Lovely Sem. I might want it for my next Op/ Campaign. I am currently using Drongo`s pop for spawning tasks and some random bots since is easier to just click and drop some modules, but it sucks because it lags my pc.

DAC for the win, brother!  The only bot spawning script you should ever use.  Highly polished around ten years of development.

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