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Why We Fight?


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I was watching a documentary, in-game ofc, 'why we fight', and got to wondering why WE fight, bots, for thousands of hours on maps we know inside out.


    I play PRBF2 COOP because I've developed a pathological aversion to competitive multiplayer games, multiplayer only games and the generic recycled shit that most games are today, and PRCOOP put simply  is the only multiplayer game in a genre i'm interested in along with Arma 3, World In Conflict MWMod & DCS that I play anymore that ticks all the boxes (Moddable, AI, Offline SP/Campaign/COOP & Moderated MP Servers with JIP GameModes), confining myself to single player games otherwise (Kerbal Space Program, MSFX, MSF2020, Mud/Snow Runner, Kingdom Come Deliverance ,pretty much anything by ZACHTRONICS,.....), hence my affinity to GOG instead of STEAM/EPIC when possible. I also gave up on battlefield when EA gave up on BOTS & gave up on COD when it became COD. In a nutshell, not a lot of alternatives & chill folks on this particular server with this particular community, kinda made PR, MORE OF a PLACE i goto every other day, just to chill usually, where I occasionally listen to an audio book, play ksp in another window  or vibe to music while in game, usually flying around doing a bunch of other stuff irl that I'd otherwise do while multitasking anyway #afk30sec, which admittedly is why i fly a lot, it's something i can do while doing other things. Some people frequent a bar or café, i frequent this P L A C E called Project Reality, could almost be a brick & mortar thing, eh?  


So yeah that's why I'm here, It's why I've stuck with PR for 9 years now, it's why I 'fight', WHY DO YOU? 

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PR is the only thing that makes me forget all the bad things happening around me. its my escape from reality. ironic it may seems I try to escape reality in a Project Reality.....

Some people drink.. some people smoke.. some people take drugs.. for me? this is my addiction  this is my happy place..... I  found many genuine people here. people you'd never expect existed. a wacky but friendly bunch of  weirdos (Me included) that feeling that your not just playing with people your playing with friends that makes things worth it. things that puts a smile on your face.  And that experience is hard to find in a game.

sadly I cant play with you guys so I go for the next best thing listening to everyone talking about the game on TeamSpeak. silently observing, reading about random post, funny screen shots that people share on discord.  

I miss playing PR...

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I play PR to win Charlies Point or Tad Sae 😛 Add Omaha Beach to that!

Yeah but you're right X0R, we play because of the players who are alongside us generally. It takes a bit of getting used to the comms in PR but it becomes THE reason why so many get hooked. Communication is essential in PR and a team doesn't do too well without it. I think eventually we'll make the transition to SQUAD but currently it isn't happening, we have the server but its not populated at all, so why is that?

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3 hours ago, Connor said:

Lets be honest here X0R, you come to PR for one reason: Connorsponner01

You know it brother.


44 minutes ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

I think eventually we'll make the transition to SQUAD but currently it isn't happening, we have the server but its not populated at all, so why is that?

For me, the Sound design & VFX in squad is second to none(at least for a tactical shooter) but like all good looking games, it's online only, has garbage flight model, has bad netcode - obscene rubber banding & ridiculous ping where time & time again i found my self having 2x-3x as much ping in game as i had to a server on server browser, limited scale in that it doesn't feel like a warzone - at best a skirmish & mostly a rapid ttk arena shooter where the lowest ping shooter wins, limited choice of assets & limited gear customization,etc... All in all, I can't find a single compelling reason to play SQUAD over PR let alone over ARMA3, and, to make a game like squad work, you need a large group of people to play with, not 10 or 20 but more like 40 or 50 because it's only pvp & the VG server has at its peak a few dozen people at most, where in PR or ARMA3 I've had loads of fun, even just doing PvPvE with a handfull of people using AI balanced teams. SQUAD atm is a mass market fps that'll flop the moment it looses a fraction of it's audience  as it can only be enjoyed in high pop servers with geographically equidistant players, unless you're the one with low ping.

And yea....

2 minutes ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

Because of the lack of coop. 

^that about sums it up. Having AI in a video game signifies more than just Single Player as it might be suggestive off, It allows you to play as you please, when you please, however you so please, that is the kind of freedom that greatly appeals to a person like myself, and lacking in SQUAD atm.

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In another life, a long time ago I used to play in a clan in Battlefield:Vietnam. I was quite good, and so was my clan. Since I always had to play against other humans I felt obliged to always play at my best, and never let go. Always trying to give the best performance. Needless to say my life started revolving around giving the best performance in some shitty online game, and it didnt serve me well. Because gaming grew to stress me out that way.


On the other hand I always digged games that had a survival theme to them, or some sort of seriousness. Like you walk for 10 minutes and you get shot if you dont pay attention. I played a lot of STALKER in my time in single player but always missed the experience of playing with other guys on multiplayer again.


Fast forward a decade, I started looking to play in some tactical shooter, and decided to try out PR, which  I had heard about for so long. Tried out Multiplayer and I liked it, but I had the same old feeling of stress, that I know. Like I have to perform really good. Every minute of the hour long games was stressfull, and I was looking for something to relax me. So I tried COOP to calm me down, since you are playing only against bots. And it did calm me down, by a lot.

I also found a really fucking great community in it. Grown men that dont give a fuck about competitiveness and just wanna have a good time. Felt welcomed and decided to stay and learn the game. Never went away again, because I found a community so cool, I never wanna trade it away for anything.

Nowadays I play PR in COOP with some youtube music mix running in the background, and it actually calms me down after a long stressfull day (not everytime though).  Thats also one of the reasons why I solo so much, just playing the game with some music running in the background.

Anyways I use this game as a mean to calm me down nowadays, and it is fine. I can just talk with "random" people I have known for years about shit that is happening in game, and most f them appear to be as autistic as I am. Thats ok.


tl;dr  was stressed out by competetive online gaming, came for relaxing times, stayed for the community



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On 2/20/2021 at 6:00 AM, =VG= Fastjack said:

Because of the lack of coop. 

Ah, yes!


How can i forget something like Insurgency Coop in PR? That's my reason why i'm playing Coop.

Been waiting for a long time, since the first time saw the blog post regarding it though-



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On 2/21/2021 at 3:27 AM, =VG= Inch said:

Ah, yes!


How can i forget something like Insurgency Coop in PR? That's my reason why i'm playing Coop.

Been waiting for a long time, since the first time saw the blog post regarding it though-



I know, you all waiting so long ...

That's my fault Inch. I lost motivation on this for a while because of the LACK of support from the guys, where i thought, they would help me but it turned complete other direction. There exist one big problem with PR. We can have only ONE Coopmode and not 2 different coopmodes in PR. The gpm_coop has only the AAS4 features but not the insurgency gamemechanics. The WHOLE gpm_coopmode have to be reworked. 

The gpm_coop python gamemode have to be rewritten so that the pythonlogic checking the maps GameplayObjects.con (GPO) for captureable flags or ammocaches. 

Like this: 

Python checks for flags and ammocaches.

If there are ammocaches in the GPO, python refuses the AAS4 gamemechanics.

Are there captureable flags and no ammocaches in the GPO, the python ignoring the insurgency mechanics.


Someone told me its only a matter of copy/paste and re-organsation.

I asked many times for help ..... I stopped asking for it. Falling on my knees and begging till they bleed was never my thing when i wanted something.

End of story is :

Aslong, nothing happens on this side, the second PR server will be always password locked and exclusive only for =VG=.

That was never my plan but i cannot change this, sadlywise.

But i made progress and currently busy with integrating the civilian mechanic but for this i have to make a complete new layout for the meinsinsurgents faction.


I like =VG= , Project Reality and modding so that's the reason : Why I Fight.



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12 hours ago, =VG= Fastjack said:

Aslong, nothing happens on this side, the second PR server will be always password locked and exclusive only for =VG=.

Hi @=VG= Fastjack, if your Insurgency Maps are playable could you perhaps create an Event on the VG Army Club so the community could show up at a given time? I can't always be on the server 24/7 but I would make time if I knew there was going to be an event for Insurgency in the weekend, I just need some notice. This should be an easy thing to do now with the events calendar - "Group Operations".

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