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Well I think most people will say UFO's are real. So after establishing that, really anything is possible and these guys that tell us this stuff are established, well credentialed professionals and although they try to make their money with it, they're telling us stuff that most people into this subject already know about or have heard before. However, the fake alien invasion sounded like a great way to usher in the new world order and that just freaked me out. 

 alice in wonderland GIF

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I was going to say that someone with that background could make some easy cash with lies... I don't believe in "Alien UFOs" but I definitley don't think we're "Alone", whether that be inteligent life or some micro life on another planet yet to be discovered. I think it's boring to livie life without SOME speculation, have some fun!

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I watch all the alien and UFO stuff, and even if some of it really is fake, or very speculative, I still believe that 'they are out there' (or maybe already here) - and I also believe that humans will fuck with other humans, so there's that, too... (not instead of - could be both)  The truth is out there!!

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Thought I would like to share this.
I think it is safe to conclude that light is universal through out the universe. Other humanoids in the universe would use light similar to way we do in that they look at the universe in the spectrum of light. Sure there are other ways but to keep things simple let just use visible light.
The closest alien planet to our solar system is Proxima b, which lies just 4.2 light-years from Earth. For argument sake, lets say there are aliens there.
Now, why would an race of people so far ahead of us technologically want to come here? The only reason I can think of is if we were to become a treat. Roswell happened, what was it, 1949? When did we discover and deploy nuclear weapons? Around 5  years earlier? Does it seem coincidental that Roswell happened right about the time the light of our discovery reached our closest inhabitable planet? 

Gets me thinking!


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Aliens have been here since the dawn of man. Every ancient people in the world attribute their beginnings to visitors from space. There are references and depictions of this since the ancient Sumerians. Maya being the most notable apart from native people creationist stories. It's incredibly fascinating! 

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7 hours ago, Skiddles said:

Thought I would like to share this.
I think it is safe to conclude that light is universal through out the universe. Other humanoids in the universe would use light similar to way we do in that they look at the universe in the spectrum of light. Sure there are other ways but to keep things simple let just use visible light.
The closest alien planet to our solar system is Proxima b, which lies just 4.2 light-years from Earth. For argument sake, lets say there are aliens there.
Now, why would an race of people so far ahead of us technologically want to come here? The only reason I can think of is if we were to become a treat. Roswell happened, what was it, 1949? When did we discover and deploy nuclear weapons? Around 5  years earlier? Does it seem coincidental that Roswell happened right about the time the light of our discovery reached our closest inhabitable planet? 

Gets me thinking!


You think they can travel to us that fast? must have been the Mellennium Falcon! 

jokes aside, that is rather interesting

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I am somewhat skeptical of ancient depictions especially those that are interpreted as aliens at the controls of their space craft. I mean would you allow a species barely able to make fire inside your state of the art space craft? 

The book "Chariots of the Gods" covered a heap of so called "proof" and was later found to be mostly fiction. A case of only telling one part of a story which is sad because I found the book a fascinating read. 

Before I say more, I will say that I do believe we are not alone in the universe and that we have been visited on more than one occasion. For me, Roswell and the resulting cover up, and hush is all the proof I need. 

More concerning to me is what is being said today and equally so, what is not being said. The only thing I am 100% sure of is that the powers to be will use and abuse what ever they know to control public opinion and profit from it. I agree with the suggestion that in coming years there will be an admission about Roswell and along with that admission will come fear mongering. "Aliens are coming, Aliens are coming!!! and they will kill us all!", and like sheep, most of the population will fall into their game. Hell, if they wanted to wipe out life on this planet for resources surely they would have done it long ago. 

The idea of aliens captivates my mind and forces me to consider infinite possibilities.  I'd like to think they are he already, watching, learning and stepping in at the right time with just enough of a push to keep us from blowing ourselves up. I can not subscribe to the idea that an alien race so far ahead of us would be here to do us harm. Why would they? If they wanted that, they would have done it already. I think a more advance race would have more advanced ideals. Would have long forgotten the idea of some higher power governing everything. Worked out things we don't even understand yet. Hell, we are so bloody stupid that we are only now beginning to work out our capitalistic nature is killing nature! We pollute the very essence of life, our water!

These are the sorts of thing I hope our alien visitors will help us with. Not solve our problems but guide us through them. Give us enough help so we learn to help ourselves. I think it is what we as humans would do if we were so advanced. I can't imagine humanity becoming so evolved to travel space and not learn to do the right thing! Why would I think aliens wouldn't.

Okay, I've been rambling. I know not everyone thinks like I do and don't expect anyone too. I just wish we would as a race could be a little more open minded and think in the positive while understanding the people who control us do everything for a reason and never want you to know what it is. 

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