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About KevinBrute

  • Birthday 11/14/1993

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  • Interests
    Video editing, semi trucks, aviation, photography, and piano.

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  1. Man, I am late to this. But this is so heavy to even read the rest of the main post. I've played with him for quite few times. Long enough to know wherever he goes, he brings fear to the enemy with his trusty AR kit. The most valuable man to have in the squad. I know I don't talk or post much, but I know Skiddles has been bringing comfort and encouragement to me whenever he joins the squad I am in, especially his voice. Man, this is just a great loss, I can't even imagine the heartache his families, friends and all of us here are bearing. Rest in peace, soldier. It has been an honor knowing and playing with you.
  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know the guy but I'm participating the event again to pay him the respect.
  3. I didn't wanna miss the event but got caught in the middle of something. And when I came back the server was full to the brim. Save me a seat next one
  4. Now this is so ironic it's actually funny. They can 1-tap headshot you from over 4km away but can't shoot for shit at close range
  5. Just noticed the bots will spray n pray at close range even with rifles. That makes CQB requires more teamwork and more muzzles covering each other. I love it!
  6. ^ This. In Al Basrah, a quad from Apartment flag just "sexually harassed" an APC that literally just arrived at Refinery.
  7. Yeah but when you're driving a Humvee and the millisecond you get to the top of the hill, the damn LAT rocket is ALREADY there saying "hi" is just ridiculous. Also, getting shot in the head with a HIP FIRING IRON SIGHT rifle from across the map is no fun.
  8. Hey VG, originally I was planning on recording and making a small video for the event. But then I thought, since I am a video editor (a rookie, actually), I may be able to create a whole cinematic series based on different perspectives. Of course, I'm gonna need footage from different pov since I can't do it all. So if you're interested just record your gameplay and share it. Hopefully, we can make something more out of it.
  9. I'll try to be there as best as I can. If you need an experienced grenadier, save me a spot!
  10. Try playing in even lower resolution like 800x600. That's what I used to play in when I still have my old laptop which was only an Intel Core i3 and the pathetic Intel HD Graphics. With the old specs, I got roughly about 20-30 fps. And the Fallujah map was always a nightmare...
  11. A combination of UAV and a mortar squad that knows what they're doing could potentially relieve a huge amount of stress for the inf squads. Especially on the maps with little to no support from armor or cas.
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