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  1. dang i think thats 3PM here where im at, I have something to do at 4 to 5 pm, i'll see if i can join, Mic-less and all.
  2. is there a way to modify the bot pathfinding? also thanks for a great job.
  3. Might be hard to find a spot, guess i'll be there when its not full.
  4. so i did a what a man that skimmed through warning signs do and followed the instructions to delete (yes, i've deleted it too from the trash bin, idk why) the levels before updating and it brought about this error. I was looking for the old test_airfield and test_bootcamp files but it might cause more error as those are from an older version of the game. Can someone send me those two map files? They are located at \Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels folder Thank you for your time and I am sorry for the inconvenience that this have brought to everyone.
  5. i read the last word as CAREFULLY, dunno the first one.
  6. Do you mean the inverted controls checkbox or changing and inverting/switching the default pitch control? I just switch the pitch up/down controls.
  7. any tips on how to edit map factions? i kinda wanna dig on it and mess with my pr and probably break it.
  8. I recommend Nexpo but his channel explores more on the darker side of things.
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