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Everything posted by RQyksopp

  1. Gaz, being the kind soul he is, have already helped me with that. Thanks anyway :)
  2. Will be my first mission. Put me where I'm needed. Rifleman or machinegunner sounds fine.
  3. I'm often found playing on the Insurgency server, and today I spent half my day playing as optfor. I found this change very exciting and fun. I feel normal coop is easy and becomes booring fast. AI are predictable, you know where they are and theres no tension or feeling when engaging an AI. Being able to play as optfor increases the realism. - bluefor can easily get flanked and surrounded w/o proper communication. - Using the element of surprise as optfor to your advantage, hit and run. It's highly effective - CAS use really shines now. bluefor is ambushed and locked down, cant properly locate the target. Call in CAS in the area. - bluefor can nolonger walk in the open/sniping on a hill w/o worrying about being shot. - The need for tactics and strategy for the bluefort increases dramatically. Before the whole squad could run down the mountain slide and run straight into the city/village. Its a slaughterhouse if they try that now. As for future changes bluefor vs optfor should be unbalanced gear wise. I agree to remove the grenade launcher. It wrecks everything and everyone. Scoped weapons for bluefor should stay. Would rather remove the TWS weapons(thermal) Scoped weapons for optfor, there is really no need. A steady hand and a enfield/FN FAL could do the same thing as a SVD Change the armor value on bluefor, a optfor dies from a single enfield round. bluefor gets knocked out after 1-2 hits and killed by 2-3 more. Being optfor should be restricted to members.
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