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Posts posted by Navynuke99

  1. Not sure if anybody is still around here flying DCS:World, but if so, the folks over at Mudspike are having a fly-in this weekend. We had a blast the last go-round, and are looking at some bigger missions to take place the next couple of days.


    The site was started and run by a trio of former moderators and writers from SimHQ, and most of us serious folks from there who'd rather fly than bitch about the state of the game have migrated over. Great bunch to fly with if anybody's interested.
  2. Anybody else playing here? I picked it up during beta, but my internet connection has gone to shit, so I can't play online for a while without lagging into next week. Commander name is Nuke Dukem if anybody wants to add me on a friends list- soon as I get this ISP thing figured out, I should be on fairly often.
  3. I don't know much about the GeForce video cards, but the SSD is fairly new, and I'm not seeing a lot of reviews yet for it. On newegg, the OCZ SSD has only three reviews, but 4 eggs total. When it comes to the solid state drives, I'm of the personal opinion that you don't want to skimp on the quality of the hardware for price. But I also believe that about video cards too.
  4. I'm still flying (learning) BMS too- and digging all the pics you've been posting up on Facebook. There's already a developer's note out about some of the visual issues- but I've also had my video card acting funny the last few weeks anyway, so it may be time to upgrade to an R9. I think that a lot of it also has to do with waiting for EDGE, whenever that's going to happen.
  5. So as I write this, I'm downloading the MiG-21 module from Leatherneck. I'll try to get some screenshots up as soon as I start learning this beast! Dammit, and my fiancee is wanting me to do wedding planning right now. Doesn't she understand there are Capitalist pigs in A-10's and Hueys that need to be stopped for Mother Russia?
  6. Nice shots there Terremer! Which server were you on? I'm in the process of switching/ upgrading ISP's since I currently can't get a low enough ping time to connect to any servers, but I'll be up as soon as that's all done!

    And counting the days until DCS: F/A-18C comes out.
  7. I'm interested, and probably available for at least one night a week after July 4th. I'll have to install the newest update and the Balkan map, and make sure that my WH profile is still good, but after that, I'm definitely interested. As for trying out the F/A-18, I'd be willing to give that a whirl as well- at least, until DCS: Hornet comes out.
  8. So I've seen some videos of VG folks flying DCS: World on Youtube, but I'm curious. Who's flying what, and on what servers?

    I'm usually in a MiG-29 or SU-27 getting shot down BVR by F-15's spamming with AMRAAMs, but I'm also slowly learning the A-10C, and I'm getting more creative in the ways I crash the Ka-50. I'm usually on the following servers:

    -Virtual 104th
    - Eno's Firehouse
    -Hollo Pointe
    -Anywhere else unlocked flying a variety of birds.

    How about the rest of you guys? Where are you all normally doing your flying these days?
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