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Everything posted by Robotfungus

  1. The distance varies from map to map, kashan has the largest distances between flags / mains etc. It was my decision to enforce this rule and i stand by it. Coop Server Rules
  2. I dont care much for your justification for camping the mec mainbase. Especially when you call my statement wrong, and then go and contradict yourself. "killing them definitely disrupts their movement! (Go figure! they're fkin' dead!) Majority of the bots spawn on Kashan spawn in the APC's that are at the main, and when we kill 'em there! This reduces the number of bots in the bunkers!" - WRONG killing the apcs at the main INCREASES the bots at the bunkers, since they cant spawn in the apcs and move naturally to the bunkers. But as i said i dont care much for your justification for camping the mec mainbase. It is the principle of the matter that counts. Such as no teamkilling, there is no excuse even when someone wronged you and you feel that its justified. Such as no locked squads, once 1 person does it then we end up with a whole bunch of 1man locked squads, the rule is there for a reason. Such as no camping main, so its ok for you and everyone else to camp the main for easy kills, then why bother making the effort to cap flags. Just fight with your team for the cap of flags, and dont go off and camp for easy kills.
  3. Ive always seen camping a mainbase to be bad gameplay, and anti-teamwork. Killing assets as they spawn is very easy and takes away the fun from other players. In this instance I was on Anti-air duty, and was wondering why i wasnt seeing any planes to shoot down, i take a look at the map and see hes built a fob overlooking the mec mainbase. This was happening while we where being overrun by infantry at north bunker and consequently lost the flag. Killing assets as they spawn disrupts the "natural flow" of bot movement, and actually increases the amount of infantry on the ground since all their assets are dead, this makes gameplay more difficult for our guys who are actually trying to capture flags and play the game properly.
  4. ssgshilling has played alot on our server and always by the rules, he gets a yes from me
  5. Not ever no way dont do this bad idea mellon sucks :) serriously YES
  6. Make sure you are using PR Mumble 1.0 All you should need to do is type in your username, the same as you ingame name, it will automatically put you in the correct channel for Server/team/squad. Usually its best to run PR mumble before loading PR, but it dosnt matter too much it usually links up ok.
  7. Nowherrmann is highly capable and trustworthy, i have played many rounds with him, 100% YES from me.
  8. Castor =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I'm pretty sure its not his Core overheating, it should shut down automaticly to prevent damage. I never said it was castor, i was asking for as much information as possible so the problem can be looked at from multiple angles.
  9. Welcome to the forums rymanb1988, we don't have many console players here, but i hope you do find someone to get some good games with. If u do have access to a PC that you can use for gaming i would recommend using that, you will find many more teamplayers in PC games than on console imo.
  10. We need as much info as possible, full system specs, make and model of everything, motherboard, memory, cpu, graphics card, motherboard, harddisks. Hardware Monitor will show all temps and voltages accross your system as well as fan speeds. This would be a good place to start checking for overheating, undervolatges indicating possible hardware failure. Run it after you boot up windows, then play a game, it will record high and low values. CPU-Z Will tell you cpu / memery specs make and model numbers, post them here. Run a defrag on your hard-disks, and also check the disks for errors. do you have more than 1 ? Open task manager, how many processes are running after starting windows ? I'm sure the other guys will have more questions.
  11. Hi TAC-1 welcome to the forums, personally i dont play Falcon 4.0. However there are some members that do play this on occasions, best thing is to our join teamspeak server and hang out there, hopefully someone with experience will turn up, and help you out.
  12. nice find Outlanders , gog.com has does indeed have alot of great games there. I signed up, got 8 free games including "beneath a steel sky" its comic book style artwork really took me back, and considering i never actually completed it, maybe i will 19 years after i first started playing it. Thanks !
  13. Here is a couple of places that i thought you might be interested in. First is Abandonia.com a site that stores many old retro games that have been abandoned (Abandonware is computer software which is no longer being sold or supported by its copyright holder) Old crusty gamers like me should be able to find many of the old titles that take us back to what was a pioneering age of computer games. Getting them to run on modern systems can be a times a little tricky, but with DOSbox and other emulators, its fairly easy. Secondly there is Desura, a download service that has many Indie games, and mods for the larger titles such as like Battlefield 2 / BF2142 / Crisis etc, i personally have used Desura to install Project Reality / Forgotten Hope 2 / Eve of destruction, all where one-click installs. Desura also supports many new games looking for alpha funding to get them off the ground. Hope you find something of interest here.
  14. Chin up and stand tall, you will pull through this tough time and and become stronger for it.
  15. Great news Headshot Congrats !! and a belated seasons greetings.
  16. I did try but was unable to register due to a broken captcha code verification.
  17. Just had an idea, i think it would be a good idea to make a post on the EOD forums informing the community that we are having this event, it could bring in some more players.
  18. Real life decided to turn up on my doorstep, i'm sorry Ted for not attending the event. I will barricade myself in and turn my phone of next time.
  19. Robotfungus


    im not a great admin i know that, but i did suggest that you guys take the 2man scimitar on fools road, but u didn't and u lost the opportunity, and all the 1mans where taken. your squad was called "sci" and the other guys squad was called "apc" i joined his squad and got him to rename it too scimitar. I was trying to get things sorted out without being too strict about it. there is more armour than can fit in 1 squad on that map so i was trying to be flexible. I'm sorry i couldn't have dealt with it better.
  20. With well over 1000 hours and nearly 3 million points, PR coop has become somewhat boring to play for me. Many of those hours where spent seeding the server, and the rest of the time was spent committing genocide against AI. Excuse me for not playing it as much as i used too. I just do not have the time or willingness to spend seeding the server. The majority of the people i played with have either moved onto other games or just disappeared. This is not a "bad" thing, its just the natural flow of life, things change, for everyone, no-one is exempt from this fact. It would be fantastic to get the server back to the good old days when it spent most of its time full, with people in teamspeak complaining about not being able to join because the server was full. This i believe to be a very unrealistic goal. Overall the PR community has declined, yes we could hold out hope for the long prophesied V1.0 and pray to the PR gods that salvation will soon come, this is also a mistake because it does not address the problem we have right now. All we can do as individuals is do our best according to our own limits, if that means seeding an empty server for hours then so be it, on the flip side, if you cant be arsed to play a somewhat outdated co-op game with poor AI, and you'd rather go play another game that you enjoy more then so be it, there's nothing wrong with that either. We cant force people to do something they just don't want to do. I don't have a magic wand to wave and make everything all fluffy and wonderful again. Just a couple of suggestions: 1. ensure that all those who want admin on the PR server get admin. 2. Someone who is willing to co-ordinate with other event organisers and decide on a bi-weekly seeding event do so. (not me) Am i bored of PR coop - NO i am not I now return to my mountain top monastery to meditate and continue my vow of silence.
  21. Fun is very much a dynamic variable, like taste in music or art, everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion. Which is why the rules exist to ensure that most people can have fun in their own way. Having detailed rules for each map is just too much, for admins to enforce and players to learn. we just need to use our common sense (if any still exists on this planet) to keep things balanced. Melon you make a good point about how easy the maps are. I'd like too see someone accuse me of mainbase camping/attacking flags/chock points that are not in play. I see more clearly than ever how its making the maps too easy, ive always been very vocal with others who do camp mains, and strongly oppose such tactics. I will certainly be handing out more warns and kicks for those that disobey this rule. Hey melon can u also please remove all vehicle assets, minimap, squad leader markers, compass, and just leave kits with a pistol and 1 field dressing... now that would be challenging fun, biological machine problem solving endorphin releasing fun.
  22. If you don't want a predictable outcome then play deployment. Humans Vs relentless automata = predictable outcome every round (human win btw) Predictable bots are predictable. Completing objectives with as few casualties as possible is what pr is about, its a measure of how well the team helps each other out, covering each others moves, and when someone does get wounded/vehicle tracked, they get the repair/medic they need. I've seen whole squads wiped out due to a lack of fire co-ordination and the bots overran them because everyone was reloading at the same time. Pr is about teamwork/squadwork. In coop a unit can rehearse their tactics to a fine well oiled machine. I see nothing wrong with completing a map quickly, just DONT CAMP MAINBASE, and PLEASE attack the flags in the correct order, best times when whole team works as one entity forming a frontline that rolls over the enemy clearing everything and not letting any flags get recapped. Just because one can respawn on their squad leader, doesn't mean they have to play this like vanilla, infact i've just realised how much i dislike the squad leader respawn, it encourages lax gameplay. And yes i have played waaaay too much coop, i will endeavour to erase all map knowledge from the floppy disks in my head.
  23. The Ai is VERY easy to kill once one has learnt their behaviour, spawn locations, pathing routes. I used to lead inf squads ages ago, but now i'll only do it with certain people, because im a moody arse, who likes to do things my way and cant stand explaining to new players over and over how to request a kit, rtfm and then i will gladly help. Nowadays I try to mix up gameplay, tho when i see that apc unmanned i just cannot help myself. I will hold fire and let inf engage if requested, otherwise i will kill everything that i can, which makes me an armour whore. Next round i will grab a logistics truck and spend the whole round dropping crates and repairs for very few points to try and balance it out. I would say set the bots to max difficulty, but that would make the server harder too seed and fill. As mentioned in the other thread, each map has its own exploitable weaknesses, and opinions differ as too their negative/positive effect on fun for other players. Some people want to have a long(ish) round and takes things slower. Some (like me) like to complete all objectives in the most efficient manner, which actually involves being slow and methodical (take it slow to be fast) not leaving any stone unturned, therefore completing the map quickly. Its down to the players and admins on the server at the time to discuss and come to a consensus as to how they want to play that round, and let everyone have an equal opportunity at some action. Communication is key (something that i still suck at) Another thing to consider is the fact that when there are experienced players on the server, rounds will and do go very quickly. If you want more of a challenge and longer rounds, play deployment, i do and i love it, there is nothing more exciting in pr than playing against humans hell bent on killing you in a variety of cruel ways, and then t-bagging your face afterwards. End of drooling rant.
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