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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Status Replies posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Spoiler


    Welcome to New-Belgrade "Block 63" brother!

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      Bro that vid is crazy, I have the bmw in white (2016) and had that gsxr, lol I'm totally gangster!  

  2. Will be going inactive until summer since my 2nd semester is starting

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

       I just started my last semester. Good luck. 

  3. Happy Birthday BLuDKLoT!!

    WIshing you many happy returns of the day.

    Stay safe and be well!!

  4. sup bro hey I still get that error 200 when trying to upload pics I take with my phone any ideas?

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      ya it's pretty fucking stupid I can't upload pics to this website I'm so over it 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. sup bro hey I still get that error 200 when trying to upload pics I take with my phone any ideas?

  6. sup bro hey I still get that error 200 when trying to upload pics I take with my phone any ideas?

  7. sup bro hey I still get that error 200 when trying to upload pics I take with my phone any ideas?

  8. sup bro hey I still get that error 200 when trying to upload pics I take with my phone any ideas?

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      i didnt upload from phone. I took with phone, emailed to self, uploaded from pc, got the error. I'll try again stand by. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. sup bro hey I still get that error 200 when trying to upload pics I take with my phone any ideas?

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      I think we need a new pic plugin bro I'll post on the IPS forum unless you want to lemme know. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Im pretty sure I said dont burn it down what's going on?

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      Thanks man could've waited tho site was up so relax, lol, thanks tho for getting it done, much appreciated, and vegas was fun thanks! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. So I tried mining bitcoin last night with my new monster gaming rig and I could only take it for like 3 hours. The amount of heat that comes from my pc while it's mining is like being in a sauna. Even with floor fans and open windows, AC on, it's still way too hot! They said I could earn like 230.00 a month doing it tho, but just can't take the heat! GamerHash.com if you're interested.   

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      I was actually looking at miner rig but a good one is like 7k but it earns over 60.00 an hour. Wish I had 7k! But ya, I'm still reading about it and trying to understand it's value and worth. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. So I tried mining bitcoin last night with my new monster gaming rig and I could only take it for like 3 hours. The amount of heat that comes from my pc while it's mining is like being in a sauna. Even with floor fans and open windows, AC on, it's still way too hot! They said I could earn like 230.00 a month doing it tho, but just can't take the heat! GamerHash.com if you're interested.   

  13. Hey bro setting up new pc can you restore my ts3 priv once you get a chance please and thank you :) 

  14. Wot I been up to:

    Crafting the new VG Wiki using our database forms system, to allow any old joe with little to no editing experience to create or edit great looking Wiki pages in a very VG themed style.  All entries feature an automated Contents menu linking to any section with content, little 'edit' buttons next to any section that open the editor and jump to the part of the form containing that content, a Summary Box panel that sizes automatically with content (up to a certain min/max width), and up to 64 sections with optional inset image panel (with subtitle) which uses simple logic to stagger left/right on odd/even numbered sections.

    Once the form/system is set, I'll be able to create additional categories, and even category-specific fields such as a standardized format for the Summary Box on a per subject/topic basis.  Permissions can be set separately for who can create new pages/entries, or who can edit, so we can create a roadmap of 'stub' entries that can be filled in by users of specific group(s) that we dictate (such as Jr. Officers and higher only, etc.).

    This is also being used to learn about custom CSS and HTML, and IPS logic, as it pertains to in-page links that jump around the same page (such as the proposed 'Back to Top' button for this website, globally).  Like, I thought I knew a little about HTML and certain tags/properties like <a> and <div>, but this project has had me diving in much deeper requiring me to create my own custom <div> classes.  The little white square brackets around the in-page links like [edit] are custom CSS added before and after the parent class, and ended up looking a lot more concise than three <span>'s in a row all with their own style dictated any time they were used.

    the difference being:

    <div class="vg-wiki-edit-link"><a href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span>edit</span></a></div>

    instead of this ugly mess:

    <a target="_self" href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;">[</span> <span style="color:#dba901;margin:2px;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">edit</span> <span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;margin-right:15px;">]</span></a>


    Got some pics - first is day 1 proof of concept, then day 2, then day 3... coming right along, a lot of the work now is in the system/editor as opposed to the front end "look" of the Wiki pages:
    (*images and text, and subsection titles etc. are placeholders for visualization purposes, of course)

  15. Wot I been up to:

    Crafting the new VG Wiki using our database forms system, to allow any old joe with little to no editing experience to create or edit great looking Wiki pages in a very VG themed style.  All entries feature an automated Contents menu linking to any section with content, little 'edit' buttons next to any section that open the editor and jump to the part of the form containing that content, a Summary Box panel that sizes automatically with content (up to a certain min/max width), and up to 64 sections with optional inset image panel (with subtitle) which uses simple logic to stagger left/right on odd/even numbered sections.

    Once the form/system is set, I'll be able to create additional categories, and even category-specific fields such as a standardized format for the Summary Box on a per subject/topic basis.  Permissions can be set separately for who can create new pages/entries, or who can edit, so we can create a roadmap of 'stub' entries that can be filled in by users of specific group(s) that we dictate (such as Jr. Officers and higher only, etc.).

    This is also being used to learn about custom CSS and HTML, and IPS logic, as it pertains to in-page links that jump around the same page (such as the proposed 'Back to Top' button for this website, globally).  Like, I thought I knew a little about HTML and certain tags/properties like <a> and <div>, but this project has had me diving in much deeper requiring me to create my own custom <div> classes.  The little white square brackets around the in-page links like [edit] are custom CSS added before and after the parent class, and ended up looking a lot more concise than three <span>'s in a row all with their own style dictated any time they were used.

    the difference being:

    <div class="vg-wiki-edit-link"><a href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span>edit</span></a></div>

    instead of this ugly mess:

    <a target="_self" href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;">[</span> <span style="color:#dba901;margin:2px;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">edit</span> <span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;margin-right:15px;">]</span></a>


    Got some pics - first is day 1 proof of concept, then day 2, then day 3... coming right along, a lot of the work now is in the system/editor as opposed to the front end "look" of the Wiki pages:
    (*images and text, and subsection titles etc. are placeholders for visualization purposes, of course)

  16. Hey guys my VOIP isn't working in PR not sure why any ideas? 

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      It just started working again not sure why thanks guys. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. You guys wann hear a story? Yesterday suddenly my Heater/Gas went down and the whole House is cold. When i woke up in the morning the room was so cold that you can call me female now.  I went to the Bathroom to clean my face, DANG no Water, the waterpipes are frozen, we had some like minus 15° this night and without the warm of my heater all was to cold. The whole Day i tryied to fix the Problem but nothing worked so far. I am praying, crying, swearing, nothing helps. Now i set up a few Fan heater, this Winter is not over yet. Good Lord let t be Spring soon and please don't let my waterpipes burst. 🪔

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      omg rot that sucks man hope things get better for you that's tragic. Pray for you bro! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Working on my keyfile profile for BMS 4.35, almost finished it but I still have a few slots on the shift layer I'm sure I could take advantage of. One thing that has been useful for adjusting my key file is the Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher. Be careful before you rush ahead and use this tool it has a nasty side effect of altering several files in your BMS setup so please read this page on the BMS site BEFORE you download and install it.

    I almost thought I would need to do a complete re-install but I persevered with it and now find that this program could be very useful for new players who are having issues setting up their joysticks in BMS. Its very easy to use and set the different call backs to the various keys on your stick and throttle. I've even added a bit more functionality to my rig since using it so I am recommending this great program. Just be warned the program will alter your current setup so please back up any important files before going ahead.

    Here is the page to get the installation files and instructions.


    Also here is a copy of my current setup for the HOTAS Warthog Stick and Throttle.


    DX HOTAS Warthog (Stick, Throttle & Panel) - BMS Print Layout _Version 1_0.pdf

  19. Hey bro 4.35 is out dunno if you knew yet 

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      hey can I get those joystick files I need them after all. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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