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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. This helps. http://www.bfeditor.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3809 http://www.bfeditor.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13991 http://www.battlefieldsingleplayer.com/
  2. Sup guys, I have a Coop OA night scheduled for tomorrow night. There are nine slots, I hope we can fill them! If we get more we'll find another map to accommodate everyone. Hope to see you there! http://www.veterans-gaming.com/e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?1291960800.event.16
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Arma-2-Operation-Arrowhead-Pc/dp/B003JZL96M
  4. Anyone with ARMA 2 OA wanna get a game going? We need at least 6 people. Join us on TS3 if you're ready. If we're in FF5 just send a poke so we know you're in.
  5. holy crap that was awesome. Don't be such a doomster man.
  6. LamorakFCF LAN_WROTE ... I'd be willing to help out if you need any modeling done. I currently do 3D models/textures for work. All my work has been static so far so I don't know much about rigging. Can't be that hard =P. I can build just about anything tho.... Hey Lam! Sup man, thanks for the assist bro. I think we're just in the daydream phase at the moment but dang this would be cool to do. :)
  7. That was how I imagined it, just put new stuff/change stuff, within the current build of PR.
  8. Not a good idea to split forces when we're so few. How about we stay with BF2: PR and so it's decided....again. :p
  9. Look guys, this will be a BF2:PR Mod, not Arma. i don't think this will be as hard as you think. We'd be working with what they've already done but making it better. If anything new is created it may be just a few new Assets which cannot be that hard if they've done it. You're right Solar, the PR Devs are all those things you mentioned, plus some more that you left out and that I won't mention here (!@#$) but so what. CC is right, they started small too. I want to take what they made and make it better and only coop. Even if it's just one map, we can do this and there are people willing to help with the more complicated stuff. If we build it, they will come.
  10. Fastjack, it would be allot more than changing skins. Like we don't use Huey's to transport troops, we use the CH46, CH53 and they are not in the game. The Huey is a commanders tool, or specops insert method, not typical Infantry. Certain vehicles aren't used when they should be, the equipment and load outs are off a bit, AI needs improvement (like AIX) I'd need to make a list of all these things, but they are numerous. It's like I spot something I want to change every time I play. I'd like to make it more players as well, like the Dep Server 64/64. I also want to make the Cooperative aspect the dominating factor so people can see COOP isn't a training tool!
  11. I would like to make a mod of PR. But with us fixing all the things they left out, overlooked, or didn't care about. I think we could do it better intellectually, but do we have the skills to produce? I don't have any real modding experience except from the Rogue Spear days http://www.teamfcf.com/digga/ but I would learn and help the best I could. If we picked Operation Barracuda for example as the map and built the mod from there it just might work. We could open that map completely, change the skyline, assets, equip, game play, oh there is so much stuff! This would be epic, I would love to make a PR mod, better than the PR modders. It's my dream.
  12. Me, Volgar, Thumper, Drag, Iffn and Undertaker doing some flights tonight/today.
  13. No Marxists, Socialists, or Commies allowed! The Management
  14. N. Korea shoots and kills people or equipment > USA says hey man if we give you cash will you stop > He stops > He eventually needs more cash > Shoots more again > USA says hey man you can't do that, you want some more cash? > and on and on and on. Kill the commie pig already!
  15. That was so freakin incredible...oh man. truly epic vid man.
  16. Might try that first, see if it works if you're sure you installed properly.
  17. You need to reinstall man, make sure you uninstall FF via the uninstaller in the main FF folder then reboot. reinstall in this order: 1. 5.5 Installer 2. 5.5.3 Patch 3. Cockpit Pack Notes: At the end of the 5.5 install, it will ask you if you want to run the config editor, select yes. Then just click apply and exit. Also, do NOT open FF at any point during the installs. Just run them one after the other. Once you have all 3 installed, open the game and adjust your settings. If you're still having issues let me know.
  18. Cool! i haven't given A10 much love, I didnt like the flight model. It was to bouncy. I might try 3 and see if its any better but we FF5 all the time :)
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