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=VG= .Blizzard.

VG Clan Member
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About =VG= .Blizzard.

  • Birthday 08/23/1999

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  • Interests
    Pr, Archery , Army,Simulators, Pipes (no not like those from Mario, i mean smoking pipes ) etc....
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=VG= .Blizzard.'s Achievements

2nd Lieutenant

2nd Lieutenant (9/18)



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  1. For those who don t know already, my left clavicle is broken and i also had a head concussion... I played some games in this state, a bit, but the doctors told me to stop using my other hand at all and also because my brain needs some pause after the hit... Good thing, it is getting better, i can use my left hand but i still need to wait couple more weeks to be fully recovered, as for the head they can t seem to figure why i m always feeling dizzy... I hope i ll be back as soon as possible !:)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      HOO is that a baby tiger in you hand in the pic of you under a tank surrounded by hooded men hahaha xx

    3. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Thank you all for the kind words :biggrin:!!......m8 that s ARKAN a hero of the ARKAN TIGER corp/also known for theft and genocides !:P

    4. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Well i stoped smoking cigars, the pipe is better and much fun;)

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