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=VG= .Blizzard.

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= .Blizzard.

  1. Glad to see you are back! We cant wait either! Hope i ll have some time to spare in the near future to chat with you. Anyway glad you are back. again!
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VETERANS-GAMING! Hope i ll witness it grow even bigger! More players, more fun ! My honest gratitude to all the guys that keep this community alive ! Keep it VG
  3. Sandstorm if you want to play with another guy poke me on teamspeak or pm me on steam and i can join you. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047909711/ Anyway hope you ll find this website (some call it home) a good place to chat with friendly people.
  4. The only thing i hate so much is the bot accuracy. It is now very difficult to survive around 2 or 3 bots that are charging at you. I suggest leaving it as it was before the change. Some players have already complained about this. Even if the medic bag is in the hands of the guy close to your position, you wont survive for more than 4s ,at max, if you are being shot at already.
  5. Ahhhh well if you want to i can take at in your squad... I thought you held some space for somebody else.
  6. Damn i have nothing but flood here :((. No snowdrop flowers for me until march/april i guess.
  7. "Soy Giani El Matador the unofficial son of senor Pablo"
  8. Do a barrel roll . Take care and stay safe !
  9. Here echo buddy look at the top of the post
  10. Unable to push a stuck btr nor a Puma out of a small ditch . Bots geting shot 5 times by a 50. 10/10 REALITY !!
  12. For those who don t know already, my left clavicle is broken and i also had a head concussion... I played some games in this state, a bit, but the doctors told me to stop using my other hand at all and also because my brain needs some pause after the hit... Good thing, it is getting better, i can use my left hand but i still need to wait couple more weeks to be fully recovered, as for the head they can t seem to figure why i m always feeling dizzy... I hope i ll be back as soon as possible !:)

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      HOO is that a baby tiger in you hand in the pic of you under a tank surrounded by hooded men hahaha xx

    3. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Thank you all for the kind words :biggrin:!!......m8 that s ARKAN a hero of the ARKAN TIGER corp/also known for theft and genocides !:P

    4. =VG= .Blizzard.

      =VG= .Blizzard.

      Well i stoped smoking cigars, the pipe is better and much fun;)

  13. Cool vids especialy Mat`s. That guy makes some funny and interesting vids about army stuff ! Keep , i really find this very interesting and helpful for my future university projects.
  14. Tested all the maps and they are great. A good challenge for casual players but i find them easy for those who seek a challenge, since some of the bots will spawn far away from the first 2 flags and just sit there waiting in plain sight to be killed. Some of the maps would make a good choice for an event (akhm...sebeneh region defence or operation compton or temelin but with less assets or other assets than apcs for the player team ). I would like them introduced into the game not also as coop but also as deployment maps .
  15. Yo guys have the same issue, any way it could be fixed ?
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