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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


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Everything posted by Minrah

  1. yeah im not sure whats going on with all these crashes i hope im not doing anything on my end that making this happen
  2. Server down again at this time
  3. thats odd, I would have thought that would configure it so it could, wouldnt you want to have more of an armament going in combat? thanks for the info brain
  4. alright guys I got another question for you, for the load out ive notice for awhile now and not really questioned it I just figured it was just how it was. Why is it that you can only load 3 mavericks on the outer pylons and not the ones with the fuel bags go (pylons 4 and 6) I see that the MK20s do it and the MK82s but not mavericks? or GBU 39's which I think would totally fit, same with the GBU 39 and 54's.
  5. millennium falcon hyper drive is off again, either lando calrissian wants me to look bad in front of princess leia, or that hyper drive took to many shots from the storm troopers (aka the server is down) hehe
  6. ill try to get a hold of brain for that
  7. keymapping seems good all I had to do was change back into window mode for the external display and good to go!
  8. ok I did the update, in the installation it said not to copy over ur config file so some of you might get upset of having to redo ur config. im guess they want you to do that so that things dont bug out? I dont mind remapping the keys and such if its going to mess up the sim I would much rather take the time to go through everything again.
  9. awesome!!! sounds really cool you able to get it updated by this weekend?
  10. hey guys I was thinking and I know this is a long shot but i wanted to bounce this idea, when we take over a enemy field, would it be possible to make the server switch over to the US side and able to operate that field with our own craft like be able to put in f16s or 18s ect...
  11. Minrah

    AGM 84

    Seosan airbase in the 157th I was reading the manual to see how it works and its really cool, you can let those things go at around 70 miles and it just flys right into the target area there are a few modes that you can change from RBL and BOL i think RBL means range of bearing launch which if you set the target to a STRP you could just pickle it off with the BOL bearing of location you can shoot it off in a direction and the AGM 84 will search for the target in that direction and you can set the search cone from high to low, very cool stuff =)
  12. Minrah

    AGM 84

    nvm i found it on the 157th
  13. Minrah

    AGM 84

    do we have any F16 flights that can carry the AGM 84's?
  14. Minrah


    to much male bonding, hits me in the feels
  15. Minrah


    Mental health is one of the hardest things to work on, meds dont always work a I myself suffer from schizophrenia, ur not alone in ur problems. the hard thing is to say what you know is wrong and saying. for me it helped saying it alone and then worked my way up to sharing with others, I see someone once a week for my issues, things can happen to use that are really deep and messed up, talking to someone who just listens can have a huge impact
  16. added link to the first post
  17. yeah i gota resize them i guess =(
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