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Everything posted by ranger_12

  1. i jope so ''soon'' Thx DEF u always do the good one
  2. still waiting for those even'ts with the t62 against each othere not against AI TED
  3. if you gonna let shilka's (well 4 of them) kick cas's ass in south and north alkedhir then remove the quads from town and just let CAS deal with the 4 shilka's adn enemy jets and fighters only. (JUST SUGGESTE) everyone hate cas in khamisya because of (lot of deadly AA) wish cas can't even dodge thier fire
  4. man! why u still using 32bit system ??? u r wasting 750Mo of ur RAM ... use windows 64x atleast
  5. Its infortunately ! well i wished i had all hes action in my record. its not a personal thing by the way. its a massive disruptive to the game. and im a player who never disrupt the gameplay at any way or reason. or i do like this kind of players
  6. if Mou think that this ''actions'' is a joke ? ok he must accept that my action is a joke too. but what ! a nasty one. bann maybe a joke too. so mou please accept our jokes mate. u started it.
  7. im here today to report this guy called '' Mou '' - this guy was messing arround crashing cas assets and driving them to fall in the sea from carrier using hes huey. - hes doing lot of bad sh***t in the server but this time its deff. - i tried to record hes action to make sure im not mistaken or its not an accident. infortunately i was too late and i only recorded last action wish is not clear hes name did't pop to my screen. but this guy is going so far... thats why i decided to report him. this is the second littlebird he drove out of the carrier in this video
  8. we don't know because its the same ''standard'' layer as yesterday. so don't know if the other layers cause crash to the client or not.
  9. Yep thats what im trying to say !
  10. Nope! vadso still crash. can sombody remove this map from maps list ftm ???
  11. i think vadso city must be removed from maps list for now. because it crash the game everytime after loading...
  12. Just to let admins know, vadso city map not playable! game crashs everytime after reload the map data.
  13. Im out of this event too. infortunately .work time.
  14. THis guy realy love to headshot players at main (RAIDEX) Dexter... so please keeep an eye on him
  15. as i said i have the profile.con. but i just can't find the username on the menu. i tried recover existing account but i can't find it.
  16. i did't delete anything power was off and had to start my coputer again then i didt find my account! thats all what happened there is that file called profile.con yes its here
  17. i for a reason can't find my old username ((ranger>>>12<<<)) on the menu to start the game as usual ! i forgot the password because its a long time now playing on ((signe me auto)) today i just can't find my username and password on the luncher and i forgot the email and the password too anyway is there a way how to recover my account ???? any help
  18. I apologize sincerely to charlie squad, can't join you because i have to go to hospital visit my cousin right in this time :((( .. emergency visit ....
  19. only Sl kit and medics and rifleman onio. XD
  20. i don't know if what im going to say is logic im not drunk by the way what if there is a way for players to signe up for assets ?! for example we have cas players (fixed) and tanks players .. trans pilots?! i mean everyone can decide what hes good at and signe up ? if there is a way of course it will be perfect. hope u understand my point.
  21. 1- i don't know why ppls vote to remove 1 man assets ??? 2- don't know why u wanna translate this game to INF game anyway by removing assets. 3- sorry for my honest words 4- CHEERS, this game is nothing without assets. 5- removing 1man assets increase team work ?? yes true. but what if ppls don't want team work ?? well lot of ppls realy don't have mics and they don't like to speak or folow orders ? i mean assets commander's orders. so why you vote then ?
  22. i wanna sing in Charlie squad if possible. Edit: Welcome! Charlie squad is now complete- Blazer
  23. no can't either ... we have to fly back to helipad
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