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=VG= Inch

VG Clan Member
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About =VG= Inch

  • Birthday 01/19/1998

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    Hacked, deleted it.
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    @inch_P2 (basically my shitpost here)
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    Ryan R. R. (or Koromaru_VC alternatively)
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Interests
    Military stuffs (Firearms, Vehicles etc), History, Video Games, Anime :P

    And some of IR things...
  • Occupation
    College Student

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=VG= Inch's Achievements

Master Sergeant

Master Sergeant (7/18)



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  1. Hello guys,


    It's been awhile no seeing around, missed me already? (Lol, jk- :P)


    Here i am back again lurking around forums, seems there's a lot things changed in PR, still had no clue though about what stuff happened here recently, not following that much the events lately... :(


    Anyways.. 1-2 weeks ago, i finished my final exams around Wednesday, pretty much exhausting after so much of hardworking and study basically, after making some papers one by one for each studies/class..


    So, where i am now? Currently i'm on a campus break for around 2-3 months and out from town for a vacation obviously- knowing that i need some refreshing after all that matter (there's a lot of places and destinations, one in the fam did planned for it). There's some sort of great feeling on travelling around like almost a half of an island, which takes almost half-day to reach to other town, never been bored on journey since the scenery are changing to a new one and always amazes me. The whole time, i'm always been on the driver seat and sometimes takes a turn on doing it, when tired ofc.. :D


    While being vacuuming on PR, i was playing some other games too, preferably mobile game, which is currently popular these days.. some Card-RPG genre is what i've been playing recently (others including WoT Blitz)


    I'll be back on my town probably in next Wednesday, but honestly.. not really sure if i can come back to PR soon. I still had some headset issues, currently the speaker were broken on one side, but microphone still works though. I'm also will trying to join TS as well, just hanging out with you guys- ;)


    There's a lot of things been going on here, related to game and some unfinished project of what i'm doing last year (i'm probably going to look after it for some time) :)


    Thanks for reading, i'll see you guys soon when the time comes! :drinks:


    - Inch

    1. =VG= Fastjack
    2. =VG= m823us

      =VG= m823us

      Congrats on the exam and take your well deserved time!

    3. =VG= SemlerPDX
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