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=VG= Inch

VG Clan Member
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About =VG= Inch

  • Birthday 01/19/1998

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    Hacked, deleted it.
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    @inch_P2 (basically my shitpost here)
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    Ryan R. R. (or Koromaru_VC alternatively)
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    Hacked, can't delete it.

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Interests
    Military stuffs (Firearms, Vehicles etc), History, Video Games, Anime :P

    And some of IR things...
  • Occupation
    College Student

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=VG= Inch's Achievements

Master Sergeant

Master Sergeant (7/18)



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  1. Hello everyone, it's been a long time no see.

    I haven't said anything about my situation until today, so i think i should tell you guys about what i'm doing while off from Project Reality BF2 for a long time.


    Simply put, i was completely busy with online studies and discussion. Currently i'm trying to finish my thesis to get a degree from campus/uni. And also looking for internship most of the time, but it's very hard as you know that it is currently on pandemic state, so there's no much internship offers around atm.


    So, yeah. That was it. I'm not sure what else to say, aside from that above. It's been hot all day and no rains, very stressful and boring, staying at home. I literally can't go outside since i have to do self quarantine/isolation for the best, even though i'm already vaccinated last month (next month probably going to be second stage of vaccination), my parents told me that i shouldn't go outside for the time being, unless if i have some business to attend to. I get the idea anyways...


    Hopefully you guys understand the situation i have right now, i missed this place. I'll be back playing PR in future when things getting better. Wish me luck!








    PS: I'm still online, at Steam or Discord if you wanna contact me. Rarely in TS3.


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