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=VG= Inch

VG Clan Member
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About =VG= Inch

  • Birthday 01/19/1998

Contact Methods

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    Hacked, deleted it.
  • Twitter
    @inch_P2 (basically my shitpost here)
  • YouTube
    Ryan R. R. (or Koromaru_VC alternatively)
  • Instagram
    Hacked, can't delete it.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Interests
    Military stuffs (Firearms, Vehicles etc), History, Video Games, Anime :P

    And some of IR things...
  • Occupation
    College Student

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68159 profile views

=VG= Inch's Achievements

Master Sergeant

Master Sergeant (7/18)



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  1. Hey guys, just to note. A new blog coming out soon! I'm still gathering the images atm, but it'll be done soon. Same goes for the vacation photos. There's like a lot of files, so hard to pick the good ones, since all of them are great!



    - Inch

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