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=VG= SemlerPDX

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About =VG= SemlerPDX

  • Birthday 06/02/1979

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    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Camping, hiking, shooting, and fast gaming computers
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    Scruffy looking Nerf Herder

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  1. Wot I been up to:

    Crafting the new VG Wiki using our database forms system, to allow any old joe with little to no editing experience to create or edit great looking Wiki pages in a very VG themed style.  All entries feature an automated Contents menu linking to any section with content, little 'edit' buttons next to any section that open the editor and jump to the part of the form containing that content, a Summary Box panel that sizes automatically with content (up to a certain min/max width), and up to 64 sections with optional inset image panel (with subtitle) which uses simple logic to stagger left/right on odd/even numbered sections.

    Once the form/system is set, I'll be able to create additional categories, and even category-specific fields such as a standardized format for the Summary Box on a per subject/topic basis.  Permissions can be set separately for who can create new pages/entries, or who can edit, so we can create a roadmap of 'stub' entries that can be filled in by users of specific group(s) that we dictate (such as Jr. Officers and higher only, etc.).

    This is also being used to learn about custom CSS and HTML, and IPS logic, as it pertains to in-page links that jump around the same page (such as the proposed 'Back to Top' button for this website, globally).  Like, I thought I knew a little about HTML and certain tags/properties like <a> and <div>, but this project has had me diving in much deeper requiring me to create my own custom <div> classes.  The little white square brackets around the in-page links like [edit] are custom CSS added before and after the parent class, and ended up looking a lot more concise than three <span>'s in a row all with their own style dictated any time they were used.

    the difference being:

    <div class="vg-wiki-edit-link"><a href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span>edit</span></a></div>

    instead of this ugly mess:

    <a target="_self" href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;">[</span> <span style="color:#dba901;margin:2px;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">edit</span> <span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;margin-right:15px;">]</span></a>


    Got some pics - first is day 1 proof of concept, then day 2, then day 3... coming right along, a lot of the work now is in the system/editor as opposed to the front end "look" of the Wiki pages:
    (*images and text, and subsection titles etc. are placeholders for visualization purposes, of course)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= Fastjack

      =VG= Fastjack

      So our Homepage get a own wiki in VG style? I understood this correct?

    3. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    4. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      @=VG= Fastjack Yes our "website" will get it's own Wiki in VG style - I'm thinking a link to it will sit on the top bar to the right of Calendar or something, will play around with it, but the button will go to the Categories page, and from there, there'll be sections -- Website, Servers, Games, etc. and then each will have it's sub-categories.

      It's all still wet clay, but the vision is solid:  Wiki style editing of pages with expanding elements (sections, up to 64 per entry), where each individual section can be edited easily by more people than just the original poster.  We may adopt a style of having "stubs" first created by the "VETERANS-GAMING" account, similar to the VG Official Clubs (owner), and then from there we or anyone with access can edit and fill in the content.

      Very fun, and extremely edumacational (especially for the upcoming "Back to Top" button project for this site, like this project had to come first to teach me what I need for that other one, it's all coming together!)

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