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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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About =VG= SemlerPDX

  • Birthday 06/02/1979

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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Camping, hiking, shooting, and fast gaming computers
  • Occupation
    Scruffy looking Nerf Herder

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  1. Windows 10 is a marketing scheme!  DirectX 12 could have been a module for the Windows 7 operating system - easily.  The company is in the business of selling operating systems, and not content to build on past successes they will constantly redesign what does not need to be redesigned.  What is worse is that it is ON PURPOSE!  Microsoft purposefully went backwards with certain functions to make sure they do not function as well as in Windows 7, for which support & updates will soon be discontinued, so that people will buy Windows 11 one day and see it as an improvement over Windows 10.  They are doing this to ensure sales when in the past their customers would not upgrade to the latest product due to familiarity or proven functionality.

    We had mice - so someone built a mouse trap and sold it to us.  It worked and everyone bought them all up.  But then Mr. Mousetrap wanted more money so they made a new one that doesn't work as well, but they get to sell it to us once again.  We don't buy it cuz it's crap, so they stop selling the first mouse trap to force one product.  Now we're stuck with a crap mouse trap and a company that won't sell us the good one anymore.  All those people defending them saying "it's better than nothing!" or "remember when we had mice everywhere?" can suck a spotted dick.
    Give me back my good mouse traps!

    Fuck You Microsoft! :Mauridia_01:

    1. WCCBadploy


      Interesting Analysis. Don't let it phase you though..

    2. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Luv it ... Sem .. so very true



      Yer mannnn it's all a scam Bill and Steve jobs ,{R In hell lolz}  there both destroying all the hard work the IEEE and W3C have put in to stabilizing  the IT world, thesis anti thesis. A or B and ya gotta pay ,and keep paying, and working out complex shit so you feel you not being ripped lolzzzz im still running XP lolzzzzz works fine like a dream there not even making malware for it now hahah  : )  the only solution is to go full, open source  LINUX  and get a bumper sticker that says 


      Fuck You Appel o Soft! i am not a number i am a man with a D%&+K and stay away from my kids creeps. : [@] 


      As a connoisseur of tiny switches, i can say.  i feeel your pain, hug. now dismantle there juke box OS hahahha and rebirth it as your own. xx 



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