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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Blog Comments posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. 9 minutes ago, Hakan GÖKMEN said:

    Did you try the code, Sam? 
    I hope I didn't do anything wrong by getting those who follow this thread excited.
    Since I saw that the 3rd encoder works faster than the first code, I added it here. It's a bit slow compared to hardware interrupts, but I think it's good enough to get the job done.

    I'd be happy if someone tried the code and got the same result.

    (It's "Sem" or "Semler" or "SemlerPDX", not Sam ;) - lol, no worries)

    I've not had a chance to try this out, might be some weeks before I'm able to tinker with hardware again.  When I do, I will try out your sketch and report back here.  All my gear is put up, and not very convenient to pull out a at this time.  I had a look over the code, and seems like it will work fine (obviously, it's working for you, so there's that).

    Take care and thanks again!!

  2. 2 hours ago, Hakan GÖKMEN said:

    Hi everybody. I updated code and tested it on falcon bms.  Third encoder runnig fast on pro micro like first and second encoder now . Everythings is fine. No need for 2 ARduino promicros or micros anymore. 

    I used Pcint pins for qnh knobs.

    Well done!! Congratulations! 🍻

    Any chance you could share your code for 3 encoders on 1 Pro Micro board?  Pastebin is a great place to share code, or you could just use a code-block to paste it here.  Might help the next person who happens upon this blog post and these comments.


    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Kaymon said:

    Hello again Sem. I wanted to update you and THANK YOU again for the original post on this project. I decided to take the direction of your above comment about using 2 USB ports as an option.

    I used 2 Arduino Micros' and 4 encoders  to get the 3 needed rotational axes for HDG, CRS and ALT plus an extra I will use for another function; plus 4 buttons. I used your original 2 axes sketch and changed the joystick ID like you said.

    This works flawlessly. This sure makes IFR flying and intercepting radials much more realistic than it is using a mouse or dedicated single button to turn these dials.

    Sem, Your a HERO in my book!  Thank you again for posting this project.


    unnamed (1).jpg


    unnamed (2).jpg

    Absolutely amazing!  Very well done!  Love the enclosure, it's quite sleek 🍻 

    • Thanks 1
  4. Apparently there is a means to use PCINT as INT pins - if I am not overreading into this too quickly and missing something.  I'll admit I was just skimming around, rabbit hole led me to this page.  I don't have the time to dedicate to finding a solution here, but maybe this will help you in your pursuit of a solution for yourself.  Please do feel free to post up if you figure it out, not only for me but others who may come later with a similar goal.  :hi:



  5. 55 minutes ago, Kaymon said:

    ... I know your code is good...

    Regarding this statement:  my code is good for a 2x Rotary Encoder setup.

    I want to be perfectly clear that I have NEVER tested a three encoder setup, I don't have any boards larger than an Arduino Uno, and that example sketch for what should work (code-wise) for a 3 rotary encoder setup contains very important notes about the fact that any board trying to use a 3-encoder setup would require a total of 6 "interrupt" pins, and that I have never owned one.

    Therefore, please don't just assume it will work eventually, and plan for the fact that it may not be possible given the requirement for 6 individual and separate interrupt pins.  As I noted in my previous reply, it would seem that there are only INT0, INT1, INT2, INT3, and IN6 on your board... (5 total "interrupt" pins) ... even though there are other pins with "INT" labels, these match the previous pins "INT0" and "INT1", and as such may not be able to function as extra interrupt pins but to be used instead of the other "INT0" and "INT1" pins perhaps. Again, I am not familiar with this gear, only pulling from a mildly intermediate level of Arduino knowledge spanning less than a few years.

    Best knowledge and easiest way to get direct answers is on the Arduino Discord (link in my previous reply), and to a much lesser extent, the Arduino Forums.

  6. 3 hours ago, Kaymon said:

    Ok Sem, I have moved the 3rd rotary encoder (Z rotation) A and B pin leads from pins 9 & 10 to pins 18 & 19 ( pins A0 & A1 according to the pin-out I have), and edited the code accordingly. 

    We are getting the same results as we did with the pins connected to pins 9 & 10.

    I performed an in sim flight test to be sure and the results are the same.  The X & Y rotations are working properly as are all 3 bottoms. 

    What I am seeing with the Z rotation is that no matter if the encoder knob is turned clockwise (+) or counterclockwise (-)  the QNH values rise for the most part intermittently. 

    If the knob is turned 1 click the value will sometimes rise 1 number and will do this for some 5 to 6 clicks then even though the knob is being rotated clockwise the numbers will drop about 4 to  6 numbers  and then continue to climb 

    adding numbers.  If the knob is rotated counterclockwise the numbers continue to climb until the numbers jump randomly 4 to 5 numbers increase. There is also no noticeable warp-speed jumps as with the properly working X & Y axes knobs.

    In short 94% of the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation of the Z rotation is resulting in a  increase in the numbers in the QNH window.  About 4 % of the rotations in either direction result in number increase jumps of roughly 4 to 6 digits and finally

    some 2% of rotation clicks in either direction will increase numbers one number per click but only increasing and sometimes decreasing except in random 4 to 5 jumps that do not reoccur in any pattern.

    Here is a link to The Leonardo Pin-outs that I have been referencing : to find unlabled pin numbers like 15 18 and 19



    Wait... you didn't actually try the pins I had recommended... you used A0/A1 (as shown on your pinout, Digital pins 18 & 19.  I had meant for you to try what is labeled above as "SCL" and "SDA" - see the image below.  I may not have had enough coffee because these are clearly labeled as INT0 and INT1 (and there can only be one component using INT0 and INT1, either at those pins circled OR at those lower down at digital pins 2 & 3).

    Again, I don't own a Leonardo, not sure if different manufacturers have different pins and pinouts - all I know is that rotary encoders (in my sketch) require 2 interrupt pins as noted in my sketches:


    I am completely unsure how/why there are pins with the same number listed here -- see physical pins "18 & 19" circled above, and also lower down physical pins labeled 18 & 19 at (digital) pins 2 & 3.  Paint me confused, maybe you should pop over to the Arduino Discord and just ask... https://discord.me/arduino

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Kaymon said:

    A quick update: As the results from pin changes from 9 & 10 to pins 18 & 19 were unchanged I proceeded to try the same test with pins 12 and 13 ending with the same results.  therefor pins 9-10, 18-19 and 12-13 are producing the same results.

    Well, it would seem that truly the only Arduino capable of handling this sketch + 3x rotary encoders would be the Arduino Mega (on pins 2 & 3, 18, 19, 20, and 21).  As noted in my sketches beyond the default 2x Rotary Encoders which this project was originally designed for, a board will need two INT (interrupt) pins per rotary encoder, at least as written.  Wish I could help more!


    Best wishes and good luck!

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Kaymon said:

    Yes Thank you Sem for the rapid response. The sketch I am using was downloaded from the link I have quoted above. I am thankful for the link and your work on it. 

    Can you try changing the pins for the 3rd rotary encoder from 9 & 10 to pins 18 & 19 for a test?  Again, I don't have a Leonardo, so I'm taking shots in the dark that perhaps these need to be the same kind of interrupt pins as the rest...  can't hurt to try.  You'd need to adjust the code in your sketch as well as the pins, to correspond, of course - at line 31 and lines 41 & 42

    Try that and let me know if that gets the 3rd encoder working correctly on Leonardo :hi: 

  9. 3 hours ago, Kaymon said:

    Hello and Good day to everyone .

    i Found this post while searching for ways to add HSI knobs and a QNH knob to my devices to control Falcon BMS.

    I was very excited to see that the method employed Arduino hardware as I have recently begun to learn some basic coding in hopes of making devices for my desktop cockpit.

    I purchased a Leonardo board and some rotary encoders ( the ones mounted on PCBs with resistors ) I did a test run first  with the 2 encoder sketch and it worked flawlessly. I tested it in BMS 4.36 U3 and It was perfect.

    Next I set up for a test using the sketch titled "Modified HSI Knobs Sketch for Falcon BMS / DCS / FSX  with additional 3rd Rotary encoder (Z Axis) and this is where my issue came to light.

    With this setup all 3 push buttons are working as are the X and Y axes but the Z axis is behaving differently. With the Z axis knob It will not warp speed jump as do the X and Y axes and will only move in the positive direction (adding numbers)

    no matter which direction the knob is turned. This encoder for the Y axis is connected to leonardo Pins 9,10 and 7.  I have swapped out encoders an have the same result. I have swapped the CLK (A) and DT (B) wires and that changed just the direction but likewise  all of the outputs are descending no matter whether the knob is turned clockwise or counter clockwise.  The test in BMS was the same HDG and CRS inputs are functioning  but the ALT (QNH) knob only adds and will not dial down.

    Before I started this project I, updated the Arduino IDE to 1.819 on my window 7 64 desktop Pc.  Downloaded and installed the listed Encoder and joystick library s and read all of the linked posts and information in the above post.  i have also recopied the code to be certain I did not use the wrong sketch or compromise it in some way. I would like to eventually include the 3 way toggle switch but I cant continue until I get the Z axis up and stable.

    Here are my questions:

    With the info I have provided does anyone have any ideas what I can check next?  or what should be changed ? What am I missing here? 

     I saw something about Paypal at the donation page but it is not a link I can click. Can I donate through paypal? 

     Thank you for this post and all the work to share this with people. This is very exciting to me.


    Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You



    I would first need to review the code you are using.  I realize you got it from *my* sources here, but there could be an earlier version floating around, and I'd need to eliminate such variables to troubleshoot your issue.  Can you please link to the exact code you are using, or use a code block in a reply here to paste it that way?  Once I can get eyes on what you're using, I can begin asking other important questions.  I don't own a Leonardo, so there's only so much I can try to replicate.  :coffee:


    • Thanks 1
  10. v1.41 Update has been released for BMS 4.36.1 (U1)

    All new JTAC and other radio commands have been added for the latest update of BMS 4.36 (U1).  This new BMS update changed the layouts of a few common radio menu pages, and so all users flying in 4.36.1 will need this update for AVCS4 BMS for old and new radio commands to function.  User Save File will be carried over, including all user settings or custom QCC commands. changes.

    This update has added commands, all users will need to download this new version... a simple "live update" patch won't be enough this time:

    Public Release AVCS4 BMS v1.41 Changelog Aug-9-2022
       This is a Major Profile Update, and requires downloading and importing the latest AVCS4 BMS Radios (v1.41) profile for VoiceAttack:
    New Commands:
     -JTAC Radio Menu Page command "JTAC Say Again"
     -Combat Management 1 Page commands "Weapons Free AA/AG"
     -Combat Management 2 Page commands added "Go Shooter/Cover" formerly on Combat Management 1 page
     -Minimum VoiceAttack program version requirement updated to 1.10.3
     -New JTAC Radio Commands introduced in BMS 4.36.0 will now function properly for users of non-QWERTY style keyboards
     -Former "Weapons Free" command will function same as "Weapons Free AA"
     -Added two ways to call the new Weapons Free for AA/Ground: "Air Weapons Free" or "Weapons Free Air", format accepted for either
     -NOTE: New "Say Again" and "Check In/Out" commands under JTAC Menu must be preceeded by the word "JTAC"

    Download: (Click Here)



  11. Latest Changelog:

    Public Release AVCS4 BMS v1.40.4 Changelog April-24-2022
       This is a simple Live Update patch fix, no new profile download is required - the following fix applies to this update:
    New Commands:
     -Added new JTAC Menu under "Y" command lists, say "Open the Command Reference" for updated lists
     -Many new radio commands listed in CommRef, report any bugs or issues please!
     -Updated order and position of lists, all new commands supported
     -Some previous phrasings retained for additional recognition options
     -Removed duplicate phrases in data 1 config

    Updated Command Reference Pic for BMS 4.36 (patch update coming this afternoon for VoiceAttack profile)

  12. 14 minutes ago, Gekko71 said:

    I can make a few of the core commands  work - like the version number etc, but nothing else.

    I'm wondering if you have fully trained your Windows Speech Recognition Profile (completely through the session, at least three times!)

    I don't want to assume, but WSR can have issues with strong regional English accents, a friend from Australia finally got good recognition only after running through the training session around a dozen times.

    You shouldn't have any problems issuing any AVCS CORE commands as these should be included into AVCS4 BMS through profile options - one command that exists only in CORE (but can be issued from AVCS4 BMS) is the "Display VoiceAttack program version" which displays the current VoiceAttack program version number in a pop-up window.  If commands such as this do not work, there is a problem of some sort - if they do work, then there is no issue.

  13. 6 hours ago, Gekko71 said:

    I keep saying the magic words but nothing happens, can't get into the editor. Out of all the core commands I can make the show program version work :( 

    I would need some further information to help you troubleshoot your issue.

    Are you running the latest version(s) of AVCS profiles?   AVCS CORE v1.11 and AVCS4 BMS v1.40

    Are both profiles initialized? (a voice prompt will say, "Systems are initialized", or some variation of that)

    If so, you should have no problems issuing the command, "Create a New Voice Command", as instructed in that VG Wiki link above.  Are other commands recognized successfully?  Have you been using this voice control profile for some time, or are you brand new to these profiles and/or VoiceAttack?

  14. 13 hours ago, Gekko71 said:

    How can I add new voice comand  to the existing ones?  Like bogey dope for vector to nearest threat?

    Check out this guide in the (WIP) VG Wiki page for AVCS4 BMS Radios - happy to say that it's pretty easy using the Quick Command Creator I developed for AVCS CORE:
    https://veterans-gaming.com/wiki/vg-labs-projects/avcs-wiki/avcs4-bms-manual/#Alternate Phrase Commands

  15. Quote


    v1.11 Major Profile Update (public release)

    Please download and import this updated final version!  Link below and updated in the main post above!  AVCS CORE v1.11 will also import a new 'AVCS4 USER PROFILE TEMPLATE (v1.0)' - this template has not been changed from before.  If you had AVCS CORE v1.0 and that template profile already, you can delete this duplicate 'AVCS4 USER PROFILE TEMPLATE (v1.0)

    *Follow instructions during update to import previous version Save Files and to uninstall and delete the previous AVCS CORE v1.0 profile and config files

    I had hoped that AVCS CORE v1.0 would be the final version, but I had not anticipated issues with Joystick POV directional buttons in the Push-To-Talk system, and I had not included a handy way to delete saved PTT buttons or keys.  With this update, I'm happy to announce that AVCS CORE is now feature stable and (as far as I know) 100% bug free!  I keep throwing every curveball and edge case I can think up at it, even including the update or new version profile import process, and everything just works.  I don't have anything more to add, and there is nothing left to take away.

    As the 'hub' profile for my AVCS4 BMS Radios profile, and others I plan to release in time, it has always been my goal to have AVCS CORE as an unchanging stable framework that I can use as a platform to support end-game profiles indefinitely.  Eventually, I plan to return to AVCS CORE to create a separate version packed with well designed and themed user interfaces for all options and menus which presently use simple VoiceAttack 'Get user input' actions, and while still supporting the original v1 simple 'get user input' interface version(s) which will remain free for all users.  The artwork and GUI coding will take some time, and I have many other projects on my plate, so I don't expect to be working on AVCS CORE again until late 2022 or even later.

    I use AVCS CORE every day myself, with the included AVCS Template profile as my 'main' Windows voice control system, and am very glad to have this project version wrapped up for now.

    Thank you all again for all the support and for the coffees!  Cheers! :coffee:

    Public Release AVCS CORE v1.11 Changelog Oct-1-2021
    	-Updated minimum required version of VoiceAttack to 1.8.9
    	-Created new system in Push-To-Talk Mode for Joystick POV (4-way directionals only)
    	-Created Delete system in PTT Mode to allow removal of any PTT entry already set
    	-Fixed PTT Buttons Display List not retrieving correct keyboard key from keycode # (showing 'square' symbol instead)
    	-Fixed CORE Config #2 (TTS file) error near 'AlreadyOn' phrase, CRLF (NewLine) missing, merging the variables into one




    Please download updated final version!  Link below and updated in the main post above!  You don't have to remove the old 0.92 beta profile, but it is recommended to not use both at the same time or variables may get messed up.  Thanks to everyone for helping to finish up final testing and for your patience this year as I've been so busy with this website!

    I cannot believe I'm finally here!  I've been working on this vision of a project for over a year and a half, and came up with the idea after the first "day one patch" due to a typo in one of my public voice command profiles.  I dreamed of a profile hub that could help manage any game profile I release, as well as work like a template for VoiceAttack profile builders to use for their own projects, including AVCS CORE functions and methods in an included Template Profile.

    Several interesting voice control systems are used by me in various games, so it only made sense to flesh those out and place them in a central profile, then release game profiles which include AVCS CORE profile commands into themselves.  If I update a command system inside AVCS CORE, users only have to download that one profile, and likewise, I don't have to place those systems into each game profile and update each profile when a common command system is changed.  Additionally, since I place so many of my operational variables in flat text files, it is very easy to edit or update exactly how the hard set systems in the profile operate, and allowing 'patch' updates through these configuration files without forcing a new profile to be downloaded and imported.  And of course, through AVCS CORE, I can notify users of major profile updates requiring a new download, with the added bonus of special initialization logic to detect a new profile version and offer to import the previous save file containing user profile settings, or even delete the previous version configuration and/or save files.

    With this final public release of AVCS CORE, I can even add new voice commands through patch updates between major profile updates if needed, to further minimize the need to force new profile download and imports for minor changes.  So long as AVCS CORE command systems do not change, it should be very easy to support additions to games through game updates, or even modify and add to existing commands with new alternate phrasings to help maintain my goal of conceptual command use, "any way you say it".

    Huge thanks to everyone who helped out with comments, feedback, bug reports, and testing - there is no way I could have come this far without all the support and I just can't thank everyone enough!  Special thanks for the coffees!  I'm looking forward to using this framework in the coming months and years to release AVCS4 game profiles for plenty of titles, the end of this one project makes possible so many more!:coffee: 

    Here's a copy of the latest changelog entry:

    Public Release AVCS CORE v1.0 Changelog May-11-2021
    New Commands:
     -"Open the Command Reference" (or variations - open up-to-date command reference page online, or last updated reference file locally if offline)
     -"Set a Computer Name" (or variations - set a 'Computer' Assistant name for AVCS PTT mode, say before any command to wake listening temporarily)
     -"Set a Push to Talk Button" (or variations - set up to 6 total keyboard, mouse, or joystick buttons through automated script - just press when asked)
     -Improved PTT (Push to Talk) Mode with voice controlled automated key/button detection during "Set" command
     -Added PTT Modes (chosen during "Set" command) for game/QCC commands only (default), or toggle VoiceAttack Global Listening Mode
     -Added PTT Mode 'Wake' by 'Computer' Assistant Name - set a name to say before any existing command to temporarily wake Global Listening Mode
     -Added Profile Misc. Commands to QCC, allows new commands or macros to be added via Live Update Patch Fix to CORE or AVCS4 profiles between major updates if needed
     -Added requirement to Include AVCS CORE Profile Commands through any used AVCS4 Profile Options, instructions provided during first-time init
     -Added optional File Explorer GUI to select item for QCC Advanced Commands 'Play a Sound File' and 'Open File Shortcut or Program' actions
     -Added option to Save File Options Menu to import save file (config settings, QCC commands, or all) from existing Profiles (for any game) or from file path entered
     -Fixed When setting Preferred, found duplicates of a non-AVCS profile (created unique list for AVCS and non-AVCS profile list choices)
     -Fixed QCC commands set in CORE persisted into next profile, should have been 'wiped' and unavailable in different AVCS profile
     -Fixed International Decimals - All Decimal Variables finally compatible for international users via cultural identification fix during init
     -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle
     -Fixed many more minor issues throughout, from options menus to get-input pop-up boxes including direct profile name choice instead of shortname ID and version number ID

    Any problems or new bugs, or brilliant ideas, feel free to drop some feedback!  Cheers! :drinks: 

  17. FINAL RELEASE TO v1.40

    Please download updated final version of AVCS4 BMS (v1.40) and AVCS CORE (v1.0)!  Link below and updated in the main post above!  You don't have to remove the old 1.3.92 beta profile, but it is recommended to not use both at the same time or variables may get messed up.  Thanks to everyone for helping to finish up final testing and for your patience this year as I've been so busy with this website!

    As I wrote in my post about the final public AVCS CORE v1.0 release, I cannot believe I'm finally here!  I've been working on this vision of a project for over a year and a half, and came up with the idea after the first "day one patch" due to a typo in one of my public voice command profiles.  I dreamed of a profile hub that could help manage any game profile I release, as well as work like a template for VoiceAttack profile builders to use for their own projects, including AVCS CORE functions and methods in an included Template Profile.

    Two of the largest setbacks for the AVCS4 BMS Voice Controlled Radios project had been my misunderstanding of how to deal with international decimal separators, and the extremely unintuitive Push to Talk Button setup procedure.  With this final public release of AVCS4 BMS v1.40, I have at last overcome these issues, and the new Push to Talk Mode features are completely automated, voice controlled, and completely customizable including the classic default mode which only gates game commands behind the PTT key(s), and now an option to toggle Global Listening Mode with the use of the PTT button(s) (up to six keyboard, mouse, or controller buttons).  As an added feature, users can set a 'Computer' Assistant name that works like holding the PTT button(s) for a brief period, waking Global Listening long enough to issue commands.

    I'm also happy to announce that users can just say, "Open the Command Reference", to view the latest updated command reference on the VG website, or the most recent command reference on file (if offline).

    With this final public release including the AVCS CORE (v1.0) profile, I can even add new voice commands through patch updates between major profile updates if needed, to further minimize the need to force new profile download and imports for minor changes.  So long as AVCS CORE command systems do not change, it should be very easy to support additions to games through game updates, or even modify and add to existing commands with new alternate phrasings to help maintain my goal of conceptual command use, "any way you say it".

    Huge thanks to everyone who helped out with comments, feedback, bug reports, and testing - there is no way I could have come this far without all the support and I just can't thank everyone enough!  Special thanks for the coffees:coffee:  I still have plans to build upon this framework, and find a way to create game profile specific themed GUI elements, but for pure functionality, I'll be using the VoiceAttack get-user input boxes until then.

    Here's a copy of the latest changelog entry:

    Public Release AVCS4 BMS v1.40 Changelog May-11-2021
       This is a Major Profile Update, and requires downloading and importing the latest AVCS4 BMS Radios (v1.40) and AVCS CORE (v1.0) profiles:
    New Commands:
     -"Open the Command Reference" (or variations - open up-to-date command reference page online, or last updated reference file locally if offline)
     -"Set a Computer Name" (or variations - set a 'Computer' Assistant name for AVCS PTT mode, say before any command to wake listening temporarily)
     -"Set a Push to Talk Button" (or variations - set up to 6 total keyboard, mouse, or joystick buttons through automated script - just press when asked)
     -Improved PTT (Push to Talk) Mode with voice controlled automated key/button detection during "Set" command
     -Added PTT Modes (chosen during "Set" command) for game/QCC commands only (default), or toggle VoiceAttack Global Listening Mode
     -Added PTT Mode 'Wake' by 'Computer' Assistant Name - set a name to say before any existing command to temporarily wake Global Listening Mode
     -Added Profile Misc. Commands to QCC, allows new commands or macros to be added via Live Update Patch Fix to CORE or AVCS4 profiles between major updates if needed
     -Added requirement to Include AVCS CORE Profile Commands through AVCS4 BMS Profile Options, instructions provided during first-time init
     -Fixed International Decimals - All Decimal Variables finally compatible for international users via cultural identification fix during init
     -Fixed Issue where user was asked to set Keyboard type more than once during first few profile uses, even when already saved to file and loaded properly

    Any problems or new bugs, or brilliant ideas, feel free to drop some feedback!  Cheers! :drinks: 

  18. 10 minutes ago, Hakan GÖKMEN said:

    How can i see project code? 

    Link is broken. Can u re share 

    It's the image that used to be part of the 'spoiler tag' which is broken.  If you click the caret to its left it will still reveal - also the link directly above these is valid, goes to my pastebin where this code is still displayed:

    Original: https://pastebin.com/drUnCfKN

    Alternate (3 rotary encoders + 3-way toggle switch): https://pastebin.com/sJQEAA8a

  19. On 4/18/2021 at 2:44 AM, Windblow said:

    I made it, first try today and it seems to work as intended

    Thanks a lot for sharing  your work and sketch. I need now to make a nice box and maybe try to add a third one for the altimeter




    Somehow missed this reply until just now...

    That's very awesome, man!! Well done!  From the outside, some of this stuff seems very hard to get into, but literally just diving in and playing around with the bits and some tutorials / videos is the best way!

    (Stuff is cheap as hell, too - if something fried, it's like losing a lunch, not a monthly rent payment like our computer parts ;) )


    • Like 1
    • Upvote 1
  20. 9 hours ago, Windblow said:

    I just discover this interesting project Semler. I need to relearn some basics  with Arduino, but it seems to be accessible for me.

    I'm gonna redo this at some point, when I can create a small frame for the rotary encoders with a single bundle of wires coming out, and going to another small unit inline on the cord to hold the Arduino.  This will keep the profile of the on-screen unit as small as it can be.  Running the cord out at a "T" intersection like that using a magnetic adapter can cause it to disconnect if the keyboard gets pushed into it, so I'll be revisiting this project sometime this year.

  21. Quote

    v0.92b Major Profile Update (beta)

    I have fixed the issue with international decimal separators, and everything should work well now for all users.  Initialization optimization has been a large focus of this update, especially when using CORE alongside AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios.  Users will need to download this new version of the profile to take advantage of the updates and fixes listed below.

    Thanks for your patience during the beta test rounds here, again, the end goal for AVCS CORE is to be a stable un-changing profile that can handle profile management for any new AVCS4 game profile I create in the future without needing updates itself, and I think we're well on our way to that.  Cheers!

    Please be sure to download the AVCS4 Falcon BMS v1.3.92b Profile (if used), this updated changed the AVCS CORE function commands inside AVCS4 BMS, too...


    BETA Release AVCS CORE v0.92 Changelog Dec-6-2020
    	-This is a major profile update, users of v0.91b must download the new v0.92 beta test profile
    		-(AVCS CORE profile version 0.91b will be retired in 60 days)
     -Improved AVCS_CORE profile initialization optimized again for decreased load time - most noticeable on first use
     -Fixed All Decimal Variables now compatible for international users via cultural invariant token "DECINV"
     -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle


  22. Quote

    v1.3.92b Major Profile Update (beta)

    Since the Beta Test for AVCS CORE has progressed, and changed the way it runs, AVCS4 BMS must be updated as well.  This will not be the norm, I don't expect many AVCS CORE updates, it is a fixed set of functions.  You can download and import both the new versions of AVCS CORE and AVCS4 Falcon BMS at the same time - just switch to the AVCS CORE 0.92 profile first to trigger the new version setup.

    Update notes:
    There were many issues with the radio commands beginning with a wildcard, to a degree that I'm not sure why there were not more reports of commands not working.  I have fixed all of these, as well as the problem with international decimal separators.  Another large focus of the .92 beta updates is initialization optimization, and I am hoping that load time is now on par with v1.2 from before the AVCS CORE integration.  Feedback on this is greatly appreciated, my goal is to ensure load time is as fast as possible across a majority of CPU's and builds.

    Thanks for your patience during the beta test rounds here, again, the end goal for AVCS CORE is to be a stable un-changing profile that can handle profile management for any new AVCS4 game profile I create in the future without needing updates itself, and I think we're well on our way to that.  Cheers!

    Please be sure to download the AVCS CORE v0.92b Profile (required), this updated changed the entire initialization methods in AVCS CORE function commands and AVCS4 BMS, too!

    BETA Release AVCS4 BMS v1.3.92 Changelog Dec-6-2020
       This is a Major Profile Update, and requires downloading and importing the latest AVCS4 BMS Radios (v1.3.92b) and AVCS CORE (v0.92b) profiles:
     -Improved AVCS_CORE and AVCS4 BMS profile initialization optimized again for decreased load time - most noticeable on first use
      -(AVCS4 BMS profile initialization should be even much faster now!)
     -Fixed infinite loop on Minor Version Rollback toggle and version display errors following toggle
     -Fixed International Decimals - All Decimal Variables now compatible for international users via cultural invariant token "DECINV"
     -Fixed All Wildcard Commands fixed to allow both Wildcard and non-Wildcard recognition ("anything that ends with" or "just the raw command")
     -Fixed Audio Feedback Mode not playing sound when commands recognized
     -Fixed Audio Feedback Mode on/off text entry in VA Event Log 'not set'


  23. Any users with extremely long time between keypresses or commands may have this problem -- the way international decimal separators are handled is not working as desired, and is causing a 0.05 second pause to be interpreted as a 5 second pause.  I will address this in an upcoming major profile update for this beta, within a week or two, but for anyone who wants to push through, I have a simple hotfix that can *mostly* fix it for the time being, but it is not perfect:

    On 9/3/2020 at 4:00 PM, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Okay, this is a big issue... the time between keys should be default 50 milliseconds (0.05) and not 5 seconds.  It is regarding the way my systems are handling international decimal separators, and will be resolved in an upcoming beta version.  For now, as posted in the Discord channel, anyone with this same issue will need to import this custom version of the init_MAIN command into the AVCS4 BMS v1.3.91 beta if they don't want to wait for the next version.

    This issue may pop up with other decimals in the profile, but I can't think of any as crucial and game-breaking as having 5 seconds between every key that AVCS4 BMS presses.  Follow instructions carefully to overwrite the default init_MAIN command, and restart VoiceAttack to enact the change.   This is a hotfix and not a fully functional update so should only be used if someone has this same problem of very long time between keypresses by AVCS4 BMS v1.3.91 beta



    NOTE - AVCS4 BMS v1.3.91 beta --
    If anyone is experiencing extremely long time between keypresses/commands, and your country uses "," for decimals instead of "." as we do in USA, this is a hotfix until I get the next beta test version released:

    Step 1:  Open AVCS4 BMS Profile (the edit profile button, where you see all my commands)
    Step 2: Press the button on the lower left labeled "IMPORT COMMANDS"
    Step 3: Point it to this profile here called "DO NOT IMPORT THIS"
    *it's labeled that so as to not be imported as a profile, only import it's command!
    Step 4. When AVCS4 BMS Tells you this will overwrite any existing commands labeled in RED, allow it and proceed


    Download: DO NOT IMPORT THIS - Follow instructions in Discord-Profile.vap


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