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About Joe_A

  • Birthday 07/23/1987

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  1. I'm sorry if it looked like I implied that I was telling you change something. Just was story telling really. I really wish I remembered who it was that I had worked with doing stuff like this. I still have much to relearn in game to be honest. But it's coming back to me. Mainly just the old maps lol.
  2. When I used to work in formations we kept it to a staggered column and moved to hasty/improvised 360s when stopped. Using these yes it was slow but deliberate movements. Each member had a sector of fire and it was alot of fun to do when everyone got it right. The SL we had then was very strict and did not allow for freelancing while in his squad. Which really made it all work in a fire fight.
  3. Mixed feeling on this lol, Have not used it in ages but it was a good go to when issues did arise.
  4. I would absolutely love to help you do these in PR.
  5. Good news indeed ! F*** Cancer !! Keep up the good fight.
  6. One thing I have found very useful in PR is setting the AR as your point man. Now in real combat situations this is not often used. But in PR given the BOTs tendency to be extremely accurate, the ability for you AR to provide suppression fire is key to survival. Once the squad is in cover the squad leader can direct a tactical engagement if the AR has not eliminated the enemy. This is a tried and true practice used in large urban environments. A little less effective in open areas due to the BOTs ablilty to see threw foliage. But concepts remain the same. There was a member of VG years ago that he would be a squad lead and I was his team lead. We would use the above mentioned tactics and as I said it was very successful. Unfortunately I do not remember that members name. He was extremely fun to play with because we would enforce tactical movements.
  7. Joey KIA/MIA ?? 

    1. Joe_A


      Hey, How you doin ? Sorry it had been so long. A lot he's happened. Over the years and to be honest I did not think of VG for a while. I have gotten back into PC Gaming and will do my best to be much more active. 

  8. Its just in PR the other mods i have arent as bad
  9. Ok so i just got PR Reinstalled and if dont take nearly as long to load maps as it did before but its really choppy ... as if my ping was like at a 1000 or sum thin but its at a normal level ....
  10. Ok so i uninstalled PR and now trying to reinstall it hopfully soon ill be back on the battlefield
  11. Thanks guys ima try that and see what happens
  12. Recently Ive noticed my computer is taking forever to load maps and I have no idea why. It will take almost 15min for one map ?? The kicker is I havent changed anything on my computer its all be the same ?? Anyone got any ideas ??
  13. I agree 120% But getting everyone on the same page is the key
  14. I feel that all VG members that are BF/PR gamers should become familiar with this. !
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