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Everything posted by Iffn

  1. Hey PanamanianDevil, Me, Bludklot, Chaz, Bones, Poffader, Calv, PITN, ASP, jackless89 and gamr748 should have it but I think I'm the only one who flies regularly. Poffadder bought it on Saturday and we flew for a few hours yesterday, training to use GBUs and Mavericks in combination with the TGP and we panned to do an other flight during the week or on the weekend. I never realy stopped flying since the beta and gotten back into it a few month ago. I now feel pretty comfortable using guns, the TGP, laser guided bombs, Mavericks and the basic cockpit system as the editor to create basic training missions. My computer can run the game maxed out at a resolution of 1680x1050 pixels and I have TrackIR 5 and a Saitek X52 Pro joystick with a nice profile to play the sim. I don't know in which timezone you live and how busy you are but I remember getting up at 6am (GMT+1) on a Saturday to fly with Chaz and Bones a few times. Apart from that, I would gladly join you for a flight from time to time. If you are new to the game, I can probably show you how to use certain systems and if you are already an expert, I should still be able to give you some fire support. Cheers, Iffn Btw, don't bother buying it on Steam, it's 10$ more expencive than on there site, no Steam forums and Steam ingame might crash your game.
  2. PITN said: -Name the last PC developed FPS other than Arma. How about Natural Selection 2, currently in beta? A brilliant FPS/RTS hybrid in an alien infested space station by the developers of the Natural Selection mod for Half Life 1. It looks amazing, has an awesome gameplay, features 2 complex, interesting and very different factions and comes with modding tools which allow you to build your own game. I Bought it yesterday, played a round with Outlanders and one online and it's absolutely awesome! (Gameplay trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjPywj1TODo ) Tribes Ascend was already mentioned and Red Orchestra is a WW2 FPS Appart from those 3, only Wolfenstein, Portal 2, CS:GO, Brink, Section 8: Prejudice and Borderlands come to my mind which are also released on console... PC games aren't as populair as they were but that's a good thing since PC games don't get dumbed down to the casual n00b-level as seen in console games at the moment.
  3. PITN, since you whrote quite a long post about multiple subjects, I feel like you deserve a long reply !winks About the PC gaming market: It's true that many companies start to make the new instalments of there classic PC franchise for console but there are also a lot of developers still making there games exclusivly for the PC. Overall, 2011 was an great year for the PC. Hardcore gamers started playing DCS: A-10c, Tribes Ascend and Il2 Cliffs of Dover, Indie companies released Minecraft, Terraria and Magicka while more casual games like Anno 2070, Total War: Shogun 2 and the whole HoN, LoL, DotA2 series got released for PC only. EA and Activision are 2 companies no longer needed in the PC market while services like Steam show that the PC gaming market is far from being dead. About Piracy: In terms of piracy, both sides need to be blaimed Basicly, gamers get there games the easiest way they can find. If they can eather just download it by torrent or wait 3 more month until the game can be ordered from an other country, a significant ammount of gamers will just pirate it. Meanwhile, if they eighter first have to download a slow torrent and then have to crack it using their rocket scientist know how or just buy and directly download a self-repairing game with community support over Steam, pretty much no one with a bit of cache on there credit card will pirate the game. Publishers need to make the game easily accessible to the gamers while gamers have to be honest and not pirate a game they could just buy. As far as I know, the only technical way to make piracy impossible is to have a constant connection to a server in order to play which is difficult to set up. About finding a new hobby: Leaving behind a long loved hobby is always difficult and depressing but it's required in order to find new and interesting things to do. I wish you the best of luck and be sure to know that you are always welcome to come back to play a few rounds of ArmA with us! Cheers, Iffn
  4. I hope this is enough information. !coffee All tests taken with Steam, X-Fire, TS3... disabled Zurich, the next posssible connection (=reference) Gloucester, England: New York, New York: Chicago, Illinois: Dallas, Texas: (Tested both providers, large difference in terms of download speed) I actually want switch to a 100mbit/s connection since the monthly fees aren't too much higher... Sadly, there is no central point between Australia, America, Europe and Russia...
  5. great to hear that! gool luck oni
  6. the game looks interesting, a mixture of panzers and total war don't have it though...
  7. Iffn

    ESA backs SOPA

    This happens if an other country doesn't follow the us law: http://torrentfreak.com/us-threatened-to-blacklist-spain-for-not-implementing-site-blocking-law-120105/ And I thought Obama was finally able to restore the relationships between the US and the rest of the world... Btw, I think Germany already has a similar law for some years now and I heard sites were sued for multiple thousend dollars because of the picture a forum member used as avatar.
  8. Nintendo, Electronic Arts and Sony Electronics have all pulled their support: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-largest-game-companies-in-the-world-have-dropped-their-support-for-a-bill-the-internet-hates-2011-12 News: businessinsider.com , I'll add the IP later on More news on reddit if you http://www.reddit.com/r/sopa as posted: reddit.com
  9. Agree, I don't think it has anything to do with you guys, I think these accusations were just made in the heat of battle
  10. @Tortia: We swam from North Rock to the carrier but I died during the whole thing and someone asked if they could use my body as a boat... I'm not even sure if it was on a VG server, the first time I remember meeting Blud was on Kashan Desert and he promoted his server by playing with us. I guess it worked... This is an other one of the early pr moments I remember when someone was afraid of driving a tank into a lake on Kashan Desert: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-files/public/1323290974_7_FT19810_bf2_2009-10-13_16-59-00-96.bmp
  11. Found Ingo and Solar after downloading prsp when it came out (10-22-2009) I think Ingo, MajorDestruction/MajorDisaster and me played on multiple prsp servers including the official brithish army one. As far as I remember, Ingo wanted to play on the VG one because the bot's didn't steal all the choppers on Muttrah. About a week later, Blud had to go on vacation and gave Ingo and me admin rights and I haven't left since... Earliest picture I've got from playing with VG-members: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-files/public/1323205033_7_FT19810_bf2_2009-10-05_22-51-52-34.bmp
  12. I bought it as a patch today and it is what it's supposed to be: a better looking version of DCS: Black Shark. The only problem I found was that there are no training missions yet like the ones in A-10c Warthog. But I was still able to remember some of my old knowlege on how to fly the Black Shark and made this video:
  13. They bought f-18c.com, so the next one is probably gona be a Hornet simulator. Source: http://www.cleared-to-engage.com/2011/03/30/dcs-f-18c-on-the-horizon/
  14. Eagle Dynamics and the Fighter Collection announced on the 2nd of November that they released DCS: Black Shark 2 to the press http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/news/dcs_black_shark_2_press_release/ Here are the trailers: Black Shark 2 is compatiple with DCS: A-10c and can be bought for $19.99 if you already have the original or for $39.99.
  15. i thought it got released today but after the preorder, my origin told me that i have to wait until the 28th (ffs)
  16. These are just tech demos of 1 man teams testing stuff and not finished games. I'm just trying to give some inspirations on what game we could make.
  17. The main point about Unity 3D is that you don't have to be a skilled game developer to make a game due to the good documentation. I think it would be best if we start a new VG-Game forum section would be created in a few days to add more detailed information about what skill you should have to help or what games are possible. It would be possible to make our own flight simulator ourself like these guys did:
  18. Why to make a =VG= Game: I think most of us already played arround with the idea of making a mod or a game with the people in the VG-community and there have already been a few modding attempts in Project Reality and ArmA 2. Yesterday, I talked with BLuDKLoT about the whole thing and told him that it would be better to use an real game engine and create a new game from scratch rather than to modify an existing game. This has a few reasons. The first one is that most new games that come out like Battlefield 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 or RAGE don't support modding at all and most experienced modders start there own games on a existing engine. This is because, after the project ended, they own the game and can sell it without needing to ask the original developer while mods basicly belong to the company who made the original game. An other reason is that since you start from scratch, you can add everything without any restrictions while mods will force you to use the basics of the unchangeable game in the background. What is Unity 3D: I looked arround the internet for engines that allow you to make your own game for a few years now and I beleve that Unity 3D is the best choise you can make right now. Unity 3D itself is a 3D game engine that allows you to make any game you want for PC, Mac, your Webbrowser, iPhone, iPad, Wii, XBox 360 and Play Station 3. The best thing about the engine is that you are able to download the basic version FOR FREE without any time limitations if you http://unity3d.com/unity/download/. Only the advanced version requires you to buy the game (Prizes: https://store.unity3d.com/shop/) If you think that making a game is beyond your capabilites, you are probably wrong. The video below is a quick tutorial how the game works and only coding with the javascripts might be a bit difficult at the beginning. Please submit your thoughts and game ideas in below: Other references: http://unity3d.com/ The official Unity 3D site. http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/Unity%20Basics.html http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/index.html Official references http://www.unity3dstudent.com/category/modules/essential-skills/ A great tutorial series that shows you all you need to know to make a game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsUPlyZdi1A Easy to follow tutorial on how to make a fps-game. http://unity3d.com/gallery/live-demos/index.html#bootcamp 3rd Person shooter demo, can be played in your browser. http://www.youtube.com/user/piratesofnewhorizons#p/u/10/ai7ihjtVgvc Pirates of the Horizons, a Unity 3D indie game currently in development which I follow since about a year.
  19. Iffn

    PR Manual

    The Project Reality manual is in .pdf format. http://www.realitymod.com/manual/pr_manual.pdf to open it. You should be able to open the file in your web browser. If you aren't able to open it, download and install Adobe Reader, which you can find if you http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/.
  20. Iffn

    Carrier Command

    Seen this game before. Just bare in mind that this game will not have multiplayer at the release, but they might add it with a later patch. (video below @ 19:10) A more detailed look at the gameplay:
  21. Iffn


    outlanders, wasn't that one of the worst mmo's ever?
  22. Tried it, found a mine with tons of iron and cole, made myself iron tools and armor and crashed. Save is now unusable. I think the furnaces cause crash problems and the crafting table drops bugged items when you close the menue with items still in it. Can't wait untill they add npc's in october.
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