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=VG= Outlanders

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Outlanders

  1. Help to unlock the new BF3 video early. 1 million likes on facebook. Oh well.
  2. Hey Jager, voting is disabled, but admin can remove him. Just report his name here, and you will never see him again.
  3. Great cockpit. How much you have paid for it?
  4. I got the same issue on Chrome and FF. No option to add attachment.
  5. This happened sometime ago on Ins server. This ship was lying in the middle of nowhere and worked as our base.
  6. Thanks for advice. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7006
  7. Poor planes. Bones. can you make video like that in DCS?
  8. Access denied, man. Can you upload it on armaholic or something?
  9. So, i was in red square, i killed a guy, he was just standing near a house, then i go upstairs to clear another house, i get back on the ground - i look in that direction and i can see how bot appear in the same place. I think 15-20 seconds passed. Same guy, same place, same machine gun in hands. Maybe it's just bug. I don't know. But they spawn really fast, faster than on Insurgency 0.75 server.
  10. Awesome. Downloading it now. Played with SayRUS for some time. Map is good, but i wished that houses were destructible. And respawn is too often. You can see how bots appear just before your eyes,
  11. Fireball, thank you for your great work.
  12. Lol, yeah. He looks familiar. But just look at my bad-ass hat.
  13. I'm here with some form of russian wildlife.
  14. =VG= Outlanders

    Mad Max

    Iffn. there's some problem with it in Arma 2. You can flip tank over a rock it will jump 5 meters high. It's ok if you drive on a road, Hope someone will create cars like that with guns, so we can play in new Interstate 76.
  15. Nice video, man. Enjoyed this game, but i don't like repeating maps in campaing.
  16. This is a great map if you like to fly and fuck shit up.
  17. Well, i'm dowloading Isla Duala now. Server still "in creating"
  18. What about adding ACE to domi server?
  19. Nice aircraft models. I got some too.
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