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=VG= Melon Muncher

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= Melon Muncher

  1. DATE: 4/8/2017, 2000 ZULU or 8PM GMT DOWNLOAD Extract files to Projectreality/mods/PR/levels Password: test Alright guys, It's time for Melon to school you on why he's amazing What we have coming Friday the 4th of August is an opportunity to test some of the new or hopefully improved coop maps. Maps are not yet final and these images only provide a basic idea of the maps, they can be added, changed or removed at any time. (When the maps are available to download they will be final) Now, to clarify what this is, it is a test event! Provided everything goes well they will be included in a future PR update. This means I will have zero tolerance for any shit talking. I need good, honest feedback and bug reports related to coop. A few frequently comments I do not want to hear and why: Why do we have bot assets/one man tanks? These maps are designed for both local play and coop on all servers, not just ours. Forest maps suck, the bots shoot me through trees? You suck, I can't fix that Can you change the faction? No This map sucks! Not helpful, will kick you from wherever you tell me this. I just told you something/heard someone else tell you and feel the need to repeat it. Don't, I will not be forgiving As usual, the only time I can run the event is like 4am for me, so I will stress this again in case you forget, I will not tolerate much. Unless it's a critical issue or you think it's very decent feedback, save it for the forum and check if anyone else has mentioned it. The poll is for Khamisyah, it will be either 2 a-10 or 2 f-15, I don't really care so it's up to you guys to vote There's a few maps, so there's a good chance we won't play them all. you will be able to check them out offline though and let me know your thoughts. KNOWN ISSUES: No spawn point on Sahel Std French mainbase. Sbeneh Alt crashing on spawn Blocked spawn on Silent Eagle
  2. I try to use some more tactical formations but normally end up using the MMYAP (make me yell at people) approach below
  3. No thanks to me, I didn't do anything. But a huge thanks to TED for taking the time to make these events though. Anyone who has done anything with the BF2 editor will know the stress and frustration it entails. hopefully you don't wake up too many times during the night after dreams of GPOs. It's amazing how many maps you pumped out and how much everyone enjoyed them. You'll never be 100% happy with the way they play though, trust me. Next time have the events on a day that isn't Sunday at 4am and I promise I'll be there.
  4. Bump Just a reminder that the event will be this weekend
  5. Can I get an update? or more detailed description on when it crashes?
  6. Can I get some clarification on "Mortars not working" and "Bot spawn places"? The rest I can fix now except mumble
  7. REVENT DATE : SATURDAY the 11th of MARCH 6pm PRT/GMT So let's get this out of the way, my final event for a while. It's aulmination of all 3 events plus a few extra maps. I have tested all maps ticket counts and bleeds and as far as I can tell non are going to end in 5 minutes. There will be no signups, just typical coop fashion join or create a squad on the day. The rules are the same as the last, if you don't remember, here's a recap: Rules are standard =VG= coop rules but the commander has final say in squad movements and attacks, obstructive squad leaders will be resigned. Expect zero tolerance to rule breakage and bending during the event Entry is simple, download the files (LINK). Check the forums on the day for server password. Join the server. Have fun. The files for event 3 and the revent are both included in the same file, it is a large download for this reason (12 maps) In addition there will be changes to the coop gameplay: FOBs, foxholes and razorwire will need to be shovelled Squad leader spawn-point is removed Ticket count will matter 2 minute wait between each kit request. Squadless kick is in effect +Map specific changes THE MAPS IN ORDER OF ROTATION!!! RAMIEL US Army vs ARF US ASSETS500 Tickets 2x Stryker APC 1x HMMWV 50 cal 2x UH-60 Blackhawks 1x Logistics Truck ARF ASSETS ??? US Forces are to proceed to extraction point, capturing checkpoints along the way. ARF will be on the defensive, unable to recapture any lost flags. Infantry cannot change the state of the flag, only land assets and only while manned. Care must be taken to keep the assets alive Iron Ridge Militia Rebels Vs USA MILITIA Assets 150 tickets 1x MI8 transport helicopter 2x Ammunition Technicals USA Assets ??? Militia forces will spawn inside the city, rallypoints will last 3 minutes before disappearing. After that the only way into the city is via MI8 helicopter leaving the farm in the SE corner of the map. US Forces will attack only as infantry, but after capping the first line of defence will gain heavier assets. Militia needs to bleed US tickets before losing all of their own. BEIRUT ISRAELI DEFENCE FORCE Vs MIDDLE EAST COALITION IDF Assets300 tickets 2x Merkava MBT 2x UH-60L 2x Logistics Truck 2x HMMWV 50 cal MEC Assets ??? IDF Forces will assault objective A from the carrier via helicopters and the docks via land assets. MEC engineers have destroyed the bridge at point A so logistics trucks will need to deploy CSBs (close support bridges) to cross Infantry is expected to defend the fragile logistic trucks as this arduous task is completed. All points marked B are available for capture after A, followed by C then round completion at point D. UH60 will only be able to drop ammunition boxes, so no FOBs can be built across the river until the bridge is repaired MUTTRAH CITY FRENCH FORCES Vs PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY CF Assets 300 tickets 3x Panther Transport 1x NH-90 Transport 6x RHIB PLA Assets ??? Standard AAS Khamisiyah US Army Vs Syrian Rebels US Assets150 tickets 4x MH6 transport helicopters (spawn delay) SR Assets ??? US Forces will spawn at the airfield and prepare for assualt, there are eight bunkers to capture in any order. Both CQB and long range fighting ASSUALT ON GROZNY CANADIAN FORCES Vs MILITIA REBELS CF Assets 300 tickets 2x LAVIII APCs 3x armed G WAGON 2x Support Truck 1x Logistics Truck Mil Assets ??? CF forces have to extract their commander and get him to the airport safely The commander must spawn on the rallypoint at flag A and must not leave until all flags leading to his location are captured. loss of flag A will result in a game loss If the commander is lost the game is counted as a loss. CF forces spawning at the main are to capture flags leading to the commander, resources may bypass the flags and assist the commander and flag A from round start but commander will not be able to leave until all flags to his position are captured. Once secure the commander must remain with the main force on the front lines and be present at every flag capture G wagons are non-respawning OPERATION BARRACUDA FRANCE Vs CHINA FR ASSETS300 Tickets 2x Panther transport Helicopters (5 minute delay) 1x NH90 transport Helicopter (5 minute delay) 1x Tigre attack Helicopter (10 minute delay) 4x assualt boats (5 minute delay) CH ASSETS ??? Standard AAS BAMYAN British Forces Vs Taliban BAF Assets 400 tickets 3x Warrior APC 1x Logistics Truck 1x Panther Taliban Assets ??? UK Forces are to proceed to extraction point, capturing checkpoints along the way.Taliban will be on the defensive.Infantry cannot change the state of the flag, only land assets and only while manned. Extreme care must be taken to keep the assets alive APCs are confined to the area withing 30m of the road on the route, no camping in the hills Trans has been removed and replaced by 1 logi and 1 Panther XIANGSHAN US Army Vs North Vietnamese Army US Assets 400 tickets 3x UH-1D transport helicopters 1x UH-1C Attack Helicopter 2x M113 ACAV Nva Assets ??? US Forces are to proceed to the town of Xiangshan (A) and captureOnce captured US are to secure the surrounding rice fields (B)After capturing all the surrounds move on and secure the main NVA town (C) All assets are spawn delay to allow prep time LASHKAR VALLEY Great Britain Vs Taliban GB ASSETS 300 Tickets 1x CH-47 Chinook (non-respawning) TALIBAN ASSETS ??? Blufor forces begin on the defensive, with all flags captured. Tabilban will assualt each flag in order, flags cannot be retaken. The only supplies come from the chinook or permanant supplies located at the FOB and final defensive. FOBs must be constructed or lose any chance of forward spawn points. Once the GB base is lost the chinook loses it's resupply and repair point. DRAGON FLY NL FORCES Vs RUSSIAN FORCES NL Assets 300 tickets 2x Fennek 1x Logistics RU Assets ??? Standard AAS KARBALA INSURGENTS Vs MIDDLE EAST COALITION INS Assets 300 tickets Ammunition Technicals MG Technicals AT Technical MEC Assets ??? INS forces are required to hold the city. Points marked with A are the outer perimeter. Points marked with B are the inner. C point is the final standpoint. Once an outer perimeter flag is capped MEC will attack the following inner perimeter flag. Example; North west flag A is captured, MEC will attack north west flag B Ins forces will spawn randomly throughout the city, only rallypoints are able to be deployed, FOBs are disabled. DOWNLOAD : LINK ALT: Link Install Instructions:1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc. OVERWRITE ALL OF THE OLD EVENT MAPS! 4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event
  8. Hey guys, there will definately be a rerun of the events. I'm a bit dissapointed about the tickets, really not sure what happened there. Even beirut ended too quickly. I've got some more events in the works but maybe I'll add a fixed karbala, bamyan and iron ridge to the next event with a few new ones.
  9. Here we go, commander Melon reporting for Karbala!!! So the aim is simple, defend the flags and bleed the enemy tickets. For those confused how this map works or misunderstand I'm going to explain in more detail. There are 9 flags in total, the main HQ which will bleed all our tickets if the enemy captures it, and 8 surrounding flags. The 8 surrounding flags are grouped into 4 quadrants, and inner and an outer flag, NW, NE, SE and SW. The flags marked A are the primary flags, the bots will attack these four flags first until capturing one. After capturing they will move on the next flag in the quadrant and continue to attack the rest of the flags marked A. Example; The bots capture the NW outer flag, they will then begin attacking the NW inner flag and once captured move onto the HQ. COMMANDER TIME!!!! Basic info about the map, we have two 50 cal techies, three ammo techies and an SPG techie. The 50 cals spawn at the mosque with the repair station SPG spawns at the HQ Ammo techies are scattered. We also have a bunch of pickup kits, (snipers, AA, IED and MG) on the roof of the HQ SPG and 50 cals are to be used only by QRF, whichever squad wants to run them let me know (needs to be 8 man squad). At the start of the map there are two spawns, one on the HQ (left spawn point) and the other will spawn you randomly in the city. The HQ spawn will disappear after 5 minutes. At round start I only want the QRF squad to spawn at the HQ. The rest of the infantry is to spawn on the random spawn and move to the nearest outer flag (marked A), do not regroup with your squad at this point just defend that nearest flag. I will assign the 50 cal techies to run transport, slowly regrouping squads together but still leaving flags defended. Hopefully I can get a squad on each flag, but may have to assign a techie team from the QRF to defend one of the less assaulted flags IF we lose one of the outer flags I will begin defending heavily on the next inner flag. Remember to keep all squad leaders updated and let me know if you're being overrun. I will be running one of the ammo techies and dropping commander rallies between squad coordination. As for the event I have some news, I do have to work the day, so there's a very good chance I'm going to be running off early hopefully late enough to see karbala through but who knows. I still need a commander and warrior operators for Bamyan please. I don't care if you think you're shit, any commander is better than no commander. PLAYERS CAN NOW CHOOSE MORE THAN 2 SLOTS NOW TOO!!!!! Prior to the event I was going to run infantry maps again, but instead I'm going to run Khamisiyah from the last event. if you don't have it you can download just khamisiyah HERE
  10. Alright, a few major things! THE DATE HAS CHANGED, the event will now be held on FRIDAY THE 10th this is due to PRT falling on the same day and losing quite a few player to it. THE DOWNLOAD IS UP!!! check the first post On karbala there are only insurgent pickup kits, no US weapons. (time constraints) On Bamyan, the convoy has had some major gameplay changes to make apc play more fun and hopefully keep them in a supporting role instead of hidden away. APCs will respawn after 10 minutes, so there will always be apcs available. There is a vehicle depot at the start point, so apcs can repair and rearm but no logistics. Once an apc is tracked it's pretty much a lost asset. Combat engineers can no longer repair the warriors Heres a few screens from the test session, karbala and building the bridge on beirut
  11. Let'sget some excitement happening again. Signups are open, I hope we get some commanders for all maps, COs will get a full brief to make some useful battleplans. Remember it's 2 slots per person atm more later if they're not filled. Make sure if you signup you will be attending or give enough time prior so we can change. ATM I have, made a new navmesh for bamyan and iron ridge so bots are working well. Made some nice night settings for karbala, complete with streetlights. I've also destroyed the bridge on beirut. only things left to do is some minor work, making pickup kits for karbala, militia helicopter and pilot kit and the helicopters for beirut. Then it's some quick private testing and we're golden. Melon
  12. EVENT DATE : FRIDAY the 10th of FEBRUARY 9pm PRT/GMT I know what you're thinking, Melon, why are you are you doing this so soon. Because I'm going on holidays in a week and I want to run this event when I get back, otherwise it's going to be 5+ weeks wait. So, here it is. after a successful first event and hoping for an even more successful second round of Melon's bot shooting you in the head the second you look out a window extravaganza!!! The rules are the same as the last, if you don't remember, here's a recap: Rules are standard =VG= coop rules but the commander has final say in squad movements and attacks, obstructive squad leaders will be resigned. Expect zero tolerance to rule breakage and bending during the event In addition there will be changes to the coop gameplay: FOBs, foxholes and razorwire will need to be shovelled Squad leader spawn-point is removed Ticket count will matter 2 minute wait between each kit request. Squadless kick is in effect +Map specific changes Signups are open, please choose no more than two positions until the final three days when more may be acquired. Infantry squads will not need to signup for the event, nor will squad members, but leaders may organise their own squad for the event. Entry is simple, download the files (link). Check the forums on the day for server password. Join the server. Have fun. Iron Ridge Militia Rebels Vs USA MILITIA Assets 150 tickets 1x MI8 transport helicopter 2x Ammunition Technicals USA Assets ??? Militia forces will spawn inside the city, rallypoints will last 3 minutes before disappearing. After that the only way into the city is via MI8 helicopter leaving the farm in the SE corner of the map. US Forces will attack only as infantry, but after capping the first line of defence will gain heavier assets. Militia needs to bleed US tickets before losing all of their own. Commander : TEDFPilot : SYDNEY BEIRUT ISRAELI DEFENCE FORCE Vs MIDDLE EAST COALITION IDF Assets 300 tickets 2x Merkava MBT 2x UH-60L 2x Logistics Truck 2x HMMWV 50 cal MEC Assets ??? IDF Forces will assault objective A from the carrier via helicopters and the docks via land assets. MEC engineers have destroyed the bridge at point A so logistics trucks will need to deploy CSBs (close support bridges) to cross Infantry is expected to defend the fragile logistic trucks as this arduous task is completed. All points marked B are available for capture after A, followed by C then round completion at point D. UH60 will only be able to drop ammunition boxes, so no FOBs can be built across the river until the bridge is repaired Commander : TEDFPilot #1 : 22.12Pilot #2 : SLEDGEHAMMERTANK #1 Driver/Commander : KEEDTANK #1 Gunner : SYDNEYTANK #2 Driver/Commander : DOUBLE13TANK #2 Gunner : SPARTANISH KARBALA INSURGENTS Vs MIDDLE EAST COALITION INS Assets 300 tickets Ammunition Technicals MG Technicals AT Technical MEC Assets ??? INS forces are required to hold the city. Points marked with A are the outer perimeter. Points marked with B are the inner. C point is the final standpoint. Once an outer perimeter flag is capped MEC will attack the following inner perimeter flag. Example; North west flag A is captured, MEC will attack north west flag B Ins forces will spawn randomly throughout the city, only rallypoints are able to be deployed, FOBs are disabled. Commander : MELON BAMYAN British Forces Vs Taliban BAF Assets 400 tickets 3x Warrior APC 1x Lynx Transport Helicopter Taliban Assets ??? UK Forces are to proceed to extraction point, capturing checkpoints along the way.Taliban will be on the defensive.Infantry cannot change the state of the flag, only land assets and only while manned. Extreme care must be taken to keep the assets aliveLoss of a Warrior will cost UK forces 30 tickets. APCs are confined to the area withing 30m of the road on the route, no camping in the hills Commander : BLAZERRRRR!!!!Pilot #1 : KEEDWarrior #1 Driver/Commander : SPARTANISHWarrior #1 Gunner : SLEDGEHAMMERWarrior #2 Driver/Commander : Warrior #2 Gunner : JERSANSWarrior #3 Driver/Commander : TEDFWarrior #3 Gunner : Sydney DOWNLOAD: LINK Install Instructions: 1) Download the file 2)locate your PR levels directory, (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels) 3) Extract the downloaded zip file into pr\levels using winzip, winrar, 7zip etc. 4) Run PR 5) Create a local coop game and check that the event maps, (Bamyan Event, Beirut Event, Iron Ridge Event and Karbala Event) are in your maplist 6)If they are you're good to go for the event
  13. Anyone is free to make an event. I'll certainly help as much as I can, though if it requires modding expect me to either say it's impossible or I'm too lazy. Thread locked
  14. Sorry forgot the password, should be up Thanks for the kind words, planning another in 2-3 weeks
  15. T-12 HOURS Until start FINAL PRE-EVENT POST I know this has been said before, but I want it to be abundantly clear; THERE IS A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR THE EVENT, YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SERVER IF YOU ARE BREAKING RULES FOR THE DURATION OF THE EVENT, IF NOT LONGER!!! With that out of the way, anybody who is not on the signup list may be removed at any time to make room for those in the signup list. Infantry squads are not signup positions, only vehicle operators and commanders are safe. Those in TS3 remember it is an open channel to all those present, spamming or excessive shit spewing will get you kicked from TS. Mumble spam or music will get you booted from the game. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT spam a million bug reports or complaints are me, I will have no patience for the usual whining. I have had no requests for install assistance so I assume you all managed it successfully. I am on TS for 2-3 hours after this post, come find me if you need it, after that I will not help anybody. If the server crashes the event will restart at the map it crashed on. If it's a map issue the next map will be run. SERVER PASSWORD : TEDSUX
  16. Friday 13 at 11am for recon in Hawaii 1pm East coast us 4pm west coast 9pm Uk 10pm west europe 11pm east europe 7am east Aust on 14th
  17. Okay, so lots of interest delovoping including PR pubbies, which is good! I want to make it clear any rule breakage will be treated with zero tolerance, expect a heavy handed approach toward deliberate griefing. We still need some more commanders, lashkar could very well use one with his CO rallypoints. To give some insight on gameplay, I've made a 2 minute delay between kit requests, as well as limiting rifleman to 1 per squad. Both to stop rifleman ammo spam. FOBs, Razorwire, and sandbags need to be shoveled
  18. The bot's on blufor don't spawn because it's designed for human team. The helis spawn times are weird and I'm not gonna go into detail, they spawn sometime around 7 minutes into the game. and I can't seem to get a sooner spawn without too quick respawn. I didn't have time to look for a fix. Yep just play it safe on Ramiel, bots shouldn't be spawning right next to vehicles so no insta RPG. a well formed defensive circle should deal with most threats. Rematch? Depends on how fast you lose. If the event runs well I don't see any reason not to run it again, though I have some cool ideas for other maps if they do run well and it's a sucess.
  19. please run windowed mode. see if there's an error message. Also what maps, or is it all?
  20. Download is up, install instructions on the bottom of the first post. I down't want a million people joining TS asking for help an hour before the event starts so if you have issues make sure to ask well beforehand. The maps might sort of work in local, and some might not, either way they are designed for human team vs bot team so any bots on BLUFOR will have issues
  21. New rule guys, 2 positions max. let some others have a go if they want. If the slots aren't filled then I'll open them for you. @=VG= TEDF @Rotblut @SerEvergreen please choose the two you fave, you guys have first pick
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