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Everything posted by WarGhost

  1. I have been experiencing flags missing when opening a map in the game PR Coop since a long time ago, neutral flags are there but not others (bad for squad leaders). And then i have been told that i should clear shaders, so i did but it takes one or two rounds and the problem is back again. I'm posting this because i finaly found how to solve this by editing Project Reality folder security in windows and give all acces rights to all users found for that folder and sub folders (i'm the only one using my PC). I also edited the shorcut to run the game with administrave rights (Elevation). I have tested in many maps and rounds before i do this and after i did, and the result is impressive: No missing flags anymore and i dont need to clear the shaders cash anymore. Seems like the game just could not clear it's cashs every round start. I would like to hear if i'm doing right or not.
  2. I have experienced a succes hit when the target is facing your AA (flares in the back, target nose in the front, gess who's closer to hit) but this also make it prety ready to shoot you.
  3. You may check these: https://www.flexjobs.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwy7vlBRACEiwAZvdx9rVojDL-LB_0Cng0qjuSetxkIxdfFlnrBmwBBVzXDApNcW55WUJ-2RoC6OoQAvD_BwE https://www.lifemngt.com/online-jobs-home/?gclid=CjwKCAjwy7vlBRACEiwAZvdx9tGQpbJsI9fz9SYO4eo0t6lRYMXGdxr-_GW7XcCN9JqK9oQvmlP4hxoC3AsQAvD_BwE https://www.indeed.com/q-Work-At-Home-jobs.html https://www.thebalancecareers.com/global-work-at-home-jobs-3542823 https://www.xerox.com/en-us/jobs/work-from-home https://www.thesimpledollar.com/10-work-from-home-jobs/ https://www.meleciaathome.com/2015/05/30-global-work-from-home-jobs-us-canada-india-uk-philippines-etc/ https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/best-companies-working-from-home/ https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/306578 Wish you the best , take care.
  4. I'm just curious about something happend 2 or 3 days ago, we were playing kashan desert as tank squad and one of the squad members was refusing to fall back with his tank when ordered by squad leader and he said there is no rules against refusing such an order. The flag caps were in correct order, it's just that the squad leader want to regroup before pushing with the tanks and the guy was already in the midle way to the flag. Was the guys right about this? This does not distube me since i always follow orders but like i said i'm just curious about it.
  5. I totaly disasemble my pc and even power supply and graphic card heatsink every year for big cleaning, my pc never ever crashed, i also do a software cleaning almost every two weeks. After the first install with all updates and drivers up and all cleaned, i did a system backup using AOMEI Backuper (free software) so if something goes wrong with the software side, i just backup my files to another drive and use backuper tool to resotre the system in a blink of an eye (15 mins), i'm not fan of restore point windows feature, the backuper tool is literaly doing a complete disk image, i don't like doubts. PS: I have to admit that windows 10 is the strongest version of Windows i have experienced. It seems to fight against any attempt to crash it (except if there is a hardware issue).
  6. This can sound crazy but i had same problem with mumble on win10 updated, i mean mic work but not in mumble. Then i reinstalled win10 avoiding any updates for windows but got all updates for drivers and then the magic happend, everything was working just fine. My mumble was also working with previous install of win10 just before the update, i think it was october update (the big one). I'm not telling you what to do here, i'm just telling what i was going through, it's up to you. But you can also try to disable all others audio devices that you are not using and keep only logitech one, this may help with mumble.
  7. Lool Binary, that's all you (I like the ticket number hehe).
  8. When star vg will be released ? I loved sg1 too but as all series we never get to the very end of story.
  9. Somebody has to make a patern for this kind of request.
  10. For the rules: Switching kit without squad leader permission is for me a steeling if someone else had it before and he's waiting to respawn after death, also having a kit selected but not using it is not a good deal and can disturb the squad.
  11. Yeah, i was there in same squad and 0100011000101 got his kit stolen many times, it was frustating.
  12. Are you lauching the game from some docking tool that is not allowed to acces to internet ?
  13. Well the password is "salt" not "SALT", besides the game sais "You do not have a map whitch is currently on server rotation" whitch i did copy in right folder (i checked 3 times). Loool i forget to restart the game, that's why maps did not work. sorry my bad.
  14. Aaahhh the old days, i'm missing those pixels we could see when playing games with almost only midi sound
  15. I just found this video and i want to share it with windows 10 users who intend to sync their phones with the OS especialy after they got the latest update from microsoft (october 2018): I'm not saying it's right, i'm not sayint it's wrong, i'do'nt use win10. I'm just sharing it, juge it by yourself.
  16. Another solution for ranger_12 (that i use sometimes) if he dont want to use dual boot and keep his win10 HD "clean" is: - unplug win10 HD - put a cheap HD in the PC - install win7 in cheap HD - plug back win10 HD now you can go to bios and set HD top priority to the one you want to use. This is just an alternative solution to keep both HDs independant and "clean" if you want to avoid dual boot or virtual machine. (If for some reason you need to do this to install linux, be aware that linux will affect your win10 HD even after separate installation, but win7 will not).
  17. Is it possible to track crashs in local coop server ? if so, is there any local log file we can send you after the crash ? cz i know when you run a map in local, the game behaves like a server.
  18. Yeah Double can use stark industries (Iron man) tech to do it. LoooL Xenalite.
  19. First: I'm just curious to know if VG is doing or participating on moding PR BF3, will VG go through it later ? Second: Why VG did not pick up Crysis 1 Engine and do PR moding ? it has an easy free mapping tool and the effects (physics) are amazing and the engine can import files from a lot of 3D modeling softwares. Just asking for curiosity.
  20. All our games load stays on 15% for longer time, this is normal but not that long (9 minutes), mine take about few seconds, for others may be 2 mins and still normal, but 9 mins is too much. For some reason you PC is taking too long to extract the game level files. ............................................................................................................................................................. My issue is in this site and just happend (not before this day), i just clicked on reply area (text rectangle) and averything before the "dots line" get pasted here and i did not even copy or quote anything, the only think i did is "click in reply text area". i tryed to do "paste" in an empty text file to see if my pc have something in clipboard memory but nothing comes. this is not right subject in this post but it just happend here so i though i could be better to post it right here. Now let's get to the game bugs: - Seen in bamyam VG coop map: The A10 front wheel look strange when it's moving in runway, the rotation axis is not in a center of the wheel. - Seen in bamyam VG coop map: I was top gunner of a tank, me and Ranger12 were in same tank, he was squadleader, we went to the final flag (enemy aireport base), we were killing enemies (he was looking west and i was looking east) and the magic happend: he and me and even the tank just get deleted from the scene (something like entity remove), we had "dead" message on screen, it was not shot effect, no shot sound, it just happend in a blink of an eye. Even the tank was not there cz if it was, we could hear it blowing but nothing (a silent death). - Chaada map is broken (seems like more than one layo is running in same time), more than one flag in one cap zone. - Sometimes the game say "dead" when you are killed but still revivable, was'nt it saying "wonded" when you still revivable and "dead" when you are not ? - Seen yesterday in VG coop (dont remember the map, sorry): i was trying to operate MG asset but not possible, trying to operate a mortar, not possible when next to me was someone using another mortar (both builded next to friendly FOB). thank you guys, i'll report more if i found some.
  21. Keep making jokes when you are in pain, is what i do, jokes have something magic and healthy. And come back to battle, we need a squadleader there.
  22. In Coop. (seen on VG server, did not check other servers). Some people including me can not see some of the flags when opening a map (I would'nt play as squad leader in this case). Sometimes i can see only uncaped flags but not the others (caped or neutral) and sometimes i see only caped flags but not the others (uncaped or neutral). As it was recomanded to me, i cleared shader and logo cache, cleared server favorites and server history (may not be necessary for two last ones) but did not work for a long time, just for one round and then the problem came back next map. I supose (but not sure) this can be a bug to fix. Thank you.
  23. I'm not playing that game but can realy this work ? both pcs same acct on steam You are saying you'r using the same account in two PCs i do'nt think so. Not sure how this game accounts work but try with two different accounts, one for each PC. Hope this help.
  24. I'm 51 years old, I begin to do coding since 1986, i created 120 different games by myself at the time 1990 (foxpro, vbasic, a little c++ for game source coding), I did game mapping, edited and created levels scripts, i do repare computers hardware since 1990, i do electronics since 1986, i teach pcs hardware. But: since ranger had troubles with his connexion, i don't have faith on my knowledge anymore. just currius: how is it going with your connexion ranger (since new installation).
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