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  1. Project Reality Event Week I 24.10.2020 1900 PRT Download : Click Here ! Password : potato Install instructions : 1. Download event1.rar 2. Unpack event1.rar 3. copy/cut & paste the 3 folders (c20_1p, c20_1a & c20_1b) to your PR levels folder (default - C:Program Files (x86)/Project Reality/Project Reality BF2/Mods/pr/Levels. *4. If you participated in map testing, delete the 3 folders from your levels folder before installing the maps. Do not overwrite. *5. In order for the maps to be loaded, restart your PR if you installed them while program was running. 6. If you have any issues or find a game breaking bug on the maps, don't hesitate to let me know. Howdy folks, It's time again for some PR events. For the following next 4 saturday evenings (starting from 24th of October), we will be doing a short campaign style chain of events consiting of 3-4 maps per evening. The event is open for everyone with the limit of 20-25 player slots available. In order to join, players will have to download and install the maps that will be uploaded a week prior to the event, right after the previous event has ended. Password for the server will be given at least 30 minutes before event begins. If there's an update that breaks some of the maps or server won't be updated in time, the event will be moved to the following saturday. The following campaing will have players take a role of 3 SF units (Commandos Marine / GROM / KSK) during the invasion of Iran. If anyone has interest in leading the team, feel free to apply down below. As it's 2020 I'm forced to make sure that is't clear - all person names used in the campaign are fictional and are not in any way meant to be offensive. Some of the locations used in the campaign may be fictional or not located on the campaign map where they would be in reality. Campaign takes place in a fictional reality where current realistic political stuff doesn't apply. (sigh) 1. Situation Military coup in Iran by Mohhamed Al Bajuri. Fearing the high risk of nuclear material ending in the hands of islamic terrorist groups, a coalition taskforce, consisting of troops from France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom and United States, is deployed to Gulf of Oman and preperations are finished for the immediate invasion of Iran. 2. Missions : 2.1. Mission 1 : Prologue (map "Oil Platform" by SPFreak / ShaneJohn) German KSK unit is sent to seize control of Iranian Oil Platform in the Gulf of Oman Assets : 6 x RHIB 2.2. Mission 2 : Invasion of Ramin Polish GROM unit is sent to capture Iranian military outpost near the city of Ramin. Assets : 5 x RHIB 2 x BWP1 2 x Rosomak 1 x Logistics Truck 3 x Honker 2.3. Mission 3 : Invasion of Tang French Commandos Marine are sent to capture port town of Tang. Their first task is to establish a beachhead and capture the outpost north of the town in order for the heavy equipment to be available. Recon overflight shows that town is garrisoned by a militia force loyal to Mohammed Al Bajuri. Expect heavy enemy reinforcements from the South East. Intel suggests that enemies have radio beacons installed at the objective markers. The faster you capture them, the less enemy reinforcements you'll have to deal with. Assets : 5 x RHIB 3 x VAB 1 x panther 1 x Tigre CAS (30 minute delayed) 1 x VBCI (10 minute delayed) 2 x VAB (5 minute delay - outpost) 2 x AMX-10RC (20 minute delay - outpost) 1 x Leclerc (30 minute delay - outpost) 1 x Logistics truck (outpost) 2 x Support truck (outpost) French naval fire support (10 minute interval) 3. Rules : 3.1. Standard Veterans-Gaming server rules. 3.2. More stuff, too tired to think. Will be added.
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